I agree with you both, it’s madness, why does everybody have to be in front, we’re not Italian FFS, if it takes 15mins to gradually catch somebody up to the point where you’re so close you need to go around them then it stands to reason that it’ll take that same 15mins to pass them & get in front, 15mins to get 25 meters further up the road, WTF is the point of that? It used to be that the older drivers were just not used to speed limiters, now there are probably more drivers who have never driven a lorry without a limiter so that doesn’t apply anymore.
I know some of you will knock off the cruise or back off to allow the clown holding everybody up to pass you, forget for a moment that the clown behind him will then do the same, and think about that, yes the driver being ‘passed’ is being polite & considerate to other road users, but it’s not his job to make sure the overtaker can complete his manouver, the ‘overtaker’ is just being a bully if he expects that, or a total ■■■■ if he does it in the hope that he can pass you when you catch something up, in my book that is cutting you up, not exactly professional is it, it ■■■■■■ lorry drivers off, it ■■■■■■ car drivers off & it leads to overtaking bans, so thanks lads, ■■■■■ 
It ain’t just over here that it happens either, before limiters many German 2 lane autobahn s had the same problems, the limit was 80kmh & strictly enforced so if someone overtook somebody doing the limit the fear of prosecution led to them doing it at 1 or 2 kms over the limit, this as you know takes forever so to prevent the trucks holding everyone else up the outside lane become a no go zone.
In the USA many of the big fleets limit their trucks to 62/3/4/5mph, you see them sitting beside each other for miles on end, it drives everyone up the wall. A while back I was poodling along at 65mph & one of these tried to pass me, after 10mins of him sitting alongside my trailer wheels he got on the CB mouthing off that I should slow down so that he could pass, I told him bollox, if he didn’t have enough truck to pass me then he should stay where he belongs, behind me, more abuse followed, I offered him the chance to mouth off face to face in the next rest area, which he declined, I then knocked my cruise down 1mph until he got his trailer alongside me, instead of a thank you I got some more of his ranting so I [zb]ed him about for the next 5mins or so, going 1mph faster, 1mph slower, until I got bored with that & put my foot down leaving him standing, just wanted to show him what a proper truck could do! There were no queues behind him or I wouldn’t have done it, but the whole thing is ridiculous, why do they have to be in front? Just what do they get from it? I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t have to stand further back from the urinals because of an overtake, I just don’t get it