It looks silly




As regards a way it can be dealt with, are you asking us to remove your post if its already been answered ?

Makes sense

Ok i’m sure me and the team will try to oblige.

Thank you team - it is working well :smiley:

Not working so well at the moment as many of my posts are appearing hours after the question has been answered





As regards a way it can be dealt with, are you asking us to remove your post if its already been answered ?

Makes sense

Ok i’m sure me and the team will try to oblige.

Thank you team - it is working well :smiley:

Not working so well at the moment as many of my posts are appearing hours after the question has been answered

that will probably be because some of us are at work for a large part of the day :wink:

Rob K:
Are you still on pre-mod Rog? :open_mouth: I thought that was dead and buried a long time ago? Personally I think you’ve made a lot of excellent posts over the past few weeks at least and see no reason why you should still be on pre-mod. :confused: Can admin sort that out or is there some other reason that us mere members are not aware of? :confused:

What do you care…? Seeing as you are probably the one whinging about posts.

Good album. Thanks. :wink:






As regards a way it can be dealt with, are you asking us to remove your post if its already been answered ?

Makes sense

Ok i’m sure me and the team will try to oblige.

Thank you team - it is working well :smiley:

Not working so well at the moment as many of my posts are appearing hours after the question has been answered

Request to go back to deleting any of your posts that have not been approved before the question is answered noted. Thank you.

Sometimes it takes many hours for a premod post to be approved and then it appears in time order of when it was compiled and posted by the member on premod

With such a long time delay another member has posted with the same answer which then appears under the answer already given by the person on premod

It does seem to make the second poster look a little silly

Is there a way that this can be dealt with?

Sometimes it takes many hours for a premod post to be approved and then it appears in time order of when it was compiled and posted by the member on premod

With such a long time delay another member has posted with the same answer which then appears under the answer already given by the person on premod

It does seem to make the second poster look a little silly

Is there a way that this can be dealt with?

Not sure exactly what you mean by looking a little silly. Its never stopped you from replicating an answer in a thread before so i’m not sure why you’re worried about it now.
As regards a way it can be dealt with, are you asking us to remove your post if its already been answered ?

As regards a way it can be dealt with, are you asking us to remove your post if its already been answered ?

Makes sense

I actually disagree with the OP the posts are put where they would if a person was not on mod. If you are replying to the previous post that is the best place for it to be. The Mod have like real jobs so they cant be here all the time to check posts from people on pre mod. There is a reason the person was put on premod in the first place eventually if they follow the rules they will come off mod. Rather than suggest the forum change the way pre mods are done suggest to the individuals that they follow the rules and get off premod to make everything flow right again. :bulb:


As regards a way it can be dealt with, are you asking us to remove your post if its already been answered ?

Makes sense

Ok i’m sure me and the team will try to oblige.



As regards a way it can be dealt with, are you asking us to remove your post if its already been answered ?

Makes sense

Ok i’m sure me and the team will try to oblige.

Gonna make it time consuming though as it would mean reading through a whole thread to check!!

Are you still on pre-mod Rog? :open_mouth: I thought that was dead and buried a long time ago? Personally I think you’ve made a lot of excellent posts over the past few weeks at least and see no reason why you should still be on pre-mod. :confused: Can admin sort that out or is there some other reason that us mere members are not aware of? :confused:

Rob K:
Are you still on pre-mod Rog?


Rob K:
is there some other reason that us mere members are not aware of?

This member is not aware of any SPECIFIC reason for it either now nor in the past




As regards a way it can be dealt with, are you asking us to remove your post if its already been answered ?

Makes sense

Ok i’m sure me and the team will try to oblige.

Gonna make it time consuming though as it would mean reading through a whole thread to check!!

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: they will just ignore and delete your post without putting thm up simple :laughing: :laughing:

The team deal with pre mod posts as quick as they can, all members on pre mod are made aware of why it has happened, some may decide to ignore, pretend not to understand the reasons, just disregard it, but we do not take the action for no reason.

as far as Rob’s comments particlulary about Rog, any sanctions taken are private between members and the admin team,

I will piont out this that a number this week have been taken off pre mod, a number more will be reviewed early next week

Some will remain permantly on pre mod and two people are on permanent read only status

In over 10 years of running this forum only 2 people have had their ability to access this website removed via their ISP blocking them from using it.

Last week this website had over 23,000 unique users , and less than 20 are pre modded as a percentage thats a tiny proportion of people who use this website. most accept the rules and never even come close to atracting the teams attention… the few who decide to ignore the rules are dealt with equally.

One final point, every time something kicks off on here people post that they are leaving- never to return,
most do, but even when popular members leave and dont return the community still grows.
In Feb last year we had
just over 128.000 visits
and 1.5 million page views
In Feb this year
we had close to 200,000 visits
and 2 million page views

One person or even a few doesnt make this community work and if the intentijon is simply to raise a stir, disrupt or troll then we are more than happy to ensure that the huge majority of users are not disrupted.

We have backed of and been more lenient than in the past, however some have seen that as a opportunity , while for most members we now allow more, for those who do troll we come down a lot harder

The team deal with pre mod posts as quick as they can, all members on pre mod are made aware of why it has happened, some may decide to ignore, pretend not to understand the reasons, just disregard it, but we do not take the action for no reason.

as far as Rob’s comments particlulary about Rog, any sanctions taken are private between members and the admin team,

I will piont out this that a number this week have been taken off pre mod, a number more will be reviewed early next week

Some will remain permantly on pre mod and two people are on permanent read only status

In over 10 years of running this forum only 2 people have had their ability to access this website removed via their ISP blocking them from using it.

Last week this website had over 23,000 unique users , and less than 20 are pre modded as a percentage thats a tiny proportion of people who use this website. most accept the rules and never even come close to atracting the teams attention… the few who decide to ignore the rules are dealt with equally.

One final point, every time something kicks off on here people post that they are leaving- never to return,
most do, but even when popular members leave and dont return the community still grows.
In Feb last year we had
just over 128.000 visits
and 1.5 million page views
In Feb this year
we had close to 200,000 visits
and 2 million page views

One person or even a few doesnt make this community work and if the intentijon is simply to raise a stir, disrupt or troll then we are more than happy to ensure that the huge majority of users are not disrupted.

We have backed of and been more lenient than in the past, however some have seen that as a opportunity , while for most members we now allow more, for those who do troll we come down a lot harder

YAWN. Did you set up the PR machine specially for that Rikki?

I personally think putting Rog on pre-mod was a bit harsh. There’s a lot of stuff he posts I don’t agree with but he’s been part of the furniture on this site for a very long time and he was/is entitled to his opinion as much as the next person. We all know he was put on pre-mod for posting factually incorrect info on tacho law on a far too frequent basis, but wouldn’t it have better a better solution to just prevent him from posting in the tacho/wtd forum as that was where the bulk of it took place?

I mean FFS, Carryfast posts more BS than Rog has ever done :open_mouth: but yet he remains free to post at will :unamused:

PS. if you’re going to reply with the usual “you agreed to the rules” record followed by “it’s a private matter between admin and the member” then save your breath please… :bulb:

Nope Rob, if you read I answered the question, and gave further info
not PR mate just facts

Rob K:

The team deal with pre mod posts as quick as they can, all members on pre mod are made aware of why it has happened, some may decide to ignore, pretend not to understand the reasons, just disregard it, but we do not take the action for no reason.

as far as Rob’s comments particlulary about Rog, any sanctions taken are private between members and the admin team,

I will piont out this that a number this week have been taken off pre mod, a number more will be reviewed early next week

Some will remain permantly on pre mod and two people are on permanent read only status

In over 10 years of running this forum only 2 people have had their ability to access this website removed via their ISP blocking them from using it.

Last week this website had over 23,000 unique users , and less than 20 are pre modded as a percentage thats a tiny proportion of people who use this website. most accept the rules and never even come close to atracting the teams attention… the few who decide to ignore the rules are dealt with equally.

One final point, every time something kicks off on here people post that they are leaving- never to return,
most do, but even when popular members leave and dont return the community still grows.
In Feb last year we had
just over 128.000 visits
and 1.5 million page views
In Feb this year
we had close to 200,000 visits
and 2 million page views

One person or even a few doesnt make this community work and if the intentijon is simply to raise a stir, disrupt or troll then we are more than happy to ensure that the huge majority of users are not disrupted.

We have backed of and been more lenient than in the past, however some have seen that as a opportunity , while for most members we now allow more, for those who do troll we come down a lot harder

YAWN. Did you set up the PR machine specially for that Rikki?

I personally think putting Rog on pre-mod was a bit harsh. There’s a lot of stuff he posts I don’t agree with but he’s been part of the furniture on this site for a very long time and he was/is entitled to his opinion as much as the next person. We all know he was put on pre-mod for posting factually incorrect info on tacho law on a far too frequent basis, but wouldn’t it have better a better solution to just prevent him from posting in the tacho/wtd forum as that was where the bulk of it took place?

I mean FFS, Carryfast posts more BS than Rog has ever done :open_mouth: but yet he remains free to post at will :unamused: :

Said by someone,who seems to be one of the lot,who’s contribution to road safety,seems to go along the lines of let’s remove all road signs because some idiots ignore them. :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: … 0&start=90

I mean FFS, Carryfast posts more BS than Rog has ever done but yet he remains free to post at will