It could be dodgy

i don’t want to mention names and places for obvious reasons.
but here’s what happened.

a person i know had a drop in a foreign land, he dropped off a large item to an empty warehouse, he had to phone a guy who turned up to open up. the guy asked him if he was coming back in two days when it is full?
full of what?
you don’t need to know? said the dodgy guy.

what would you do?
phone the police/customs?
go back for it out of curiosity?
or [zb] off sharpish, and never return?

Being a lifelong coward, the last one.

Customs. I’m not doing jail time for a trailer load of drugs

go back for it and do the job he’s paid to do

Go with yer gut.

Phil I’m with Harry on this bs alarm in going off I’d go with his gut feel if he feels it’s dodgey forget it

i don’t want to mention names and places for obvious reasons.
but here’s what happened.

a person i know had a drop in a foreign land, he dropped off a large item to an empty warehouse, he had to phone a guy who turned up to open up. the guy asked him if he was coming back in two days when it is full?
full of what?
you don’t need to know? said the dodgy guy.

what would you do?
phone the police/customs?
go back for it out of curiosity?
or [zb] off sharpish, and never return?

go back in one day as opposed to 2 and nick whatever they were going to fill it with
BTW are you still reading the beano phil or have you now progressed to dandy

go back for it and do the job he’s paid to do

he phoned the boss, and told him there is no way he will be going back for it.
he expected a load of abuse.
the boss just said, “no problem, we’ll just send someone else”. :open_mouth:

Go back for it, find the drugs and sell them before you go over any borders then deliver whatever else was inside. (if you’re more ■■■■■■■■ than I, obviously).


i don’t want to mention names and places for obvious reasons.
but here’s what happened.

a person i know had a drop in a foreign land, he dropped off a large item to an empty warehouse, he had to phone a guy who turned up to open up. the guy asked him if he was coming back in two days when it is full?
full of what?
you don’t need to know? said the dodgy guy.

go back in one day as opposed to 2 and nick whatever they were going to fill it with

Let me guess it’s an empty 45 ft container and the delivery warehouse is somewhere in zb Russia. :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: It’s probably too late to back out now but you’re going to need some better weapons and a lot more of them than the British Army’s got. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

never mind saying someone you know phil, spill the beans as you tipped in barcelona last week :laughing: :laughing:

hes a

I would give it a wide berth

Do you know? I don’t think Toby is as random as he once was, maybe his head injury is getting better :open_mouth:

I pick up 25 ton of white powder on a dailly basis from dodgy foriegn warehouses, then take it to dodgy foriegn factories where the workers regularly have said white powder on their faces or have to wear masks whilst working with the said powder!!!

Wheel Nut:
Do you know? I don’t think Toby is as random as he once was, maybe his head injury is getting better :open_mouth:

Malc, Phil is far more spaced out than Toby :laughing:

by the way, it’s not me, i’ve jumped ship for now.