Isn't it quiet?

It is so peaceful, especially when you live on the East Midlands flightpath, not a bloody aeroplane in sight all day :laughing: :laughing:

Just wait until to0mrrow all them people and goods need to be moved the roads will be chaotic if it carries on much longer.

The last tiem it exploded it went on for 18 months !!!

typical of the Icelanders, they stole our fish, stole our savings and now they are trying to bury us!

Quiet here in Luton too, I’ve kind of missed the planes though.

We saw a small plane flying over the East Midlands yesterday. I know that the majority of the ash is in the higher cloud but I thought it was dispersing wider/lower; how come this plane was still flying then?

:open_mouth: Just off to Google the news for 'Light aircraft crash . . . . . . ’

We normally get a lot of military stuff round here and contrials all over the place, didn’t realise how much untill it’s all stopped. Not even got anything coming from the small airfield I live next to. Must be really strange if you live next to Heathrow or somewhere similar.

The thing is here it is a beautiful day, with the sun shining brightly in the sky, no sign of a London smog or peasouper that you would expect. When Buncefield & Flixborough went bang it was dark for a couple of days till the smoke dispersed.

Conspiracy theorists abound :stuck_out_tongue:

It is a bit odd, there was an earthquake of the coast of Indonesia a few days ago, I actually felt the building I live in sway side to side for a good minute, :open_mouth: .

Then there was the earthquake in China,and now this, it does make one wonder.

Yep and if it continues they’ll on be the ferries and we’ll be at the back of the queue! :confused:

bleedin volcano,my missus keeps telling me to get the hoover out!! :unamused: :unamused: :grimacing: