Is trucknet past it's sell by date?

When I first started coming on here it was great for advice, information, and debate. But now your not allowed an opinion, or people just want to rip hauliers who they no nothing about.

Some of the posts put on here now are either dam rite lies or just put on to cause argument. You opinions would be appriciated.


When I first started coming on here it was great for advice, information, and debate. But now your not allowed an opinion, or people just want to rip hauliers who they no nothing about.

Some of the posts put on here now are either dam rite lies or just put on to cause argument. You opinions would be appriciated.


IMO it’s in the nature of the beast T-J, that forums never turn out the way they’re intended. Some members can remain focused but most of us will digress at times. I suppose it just has to be accepted as nothing is ever perfect even if we’d like it to be.

seen this happen on a few forums in honesty, worst one was one of the car forums i was on… you would ask advice and the reply you would constantly get is its not worth doing blah blah blah…

I guess you just have to sift through the rubbish to find the genuine advice and people.

I think that TruckNet is not anyones personal club, tailored to suit any individual, It is wide ranging and by being so some parts may not suit all users, which leads to some people deciding because everyone is not exactly in line with their own thinking that’s its crap !- But like our own industry, what makes these forums vibrant is the diversity of views, because of that diversity it gets heated and some things get said that probably shouldn’t ( I include myself in that) , Past its sell by date? Not yet :wink: If you can find another website for truck drivers that extracts this much passion and reaction then please post a link :wink:
TruckNet isn’t perfect ( and never will be) - and will always be contenscious - but it keeps folks coming back and interacting - some cant help themselves despite saying how much they hate the site, they still come here and take part, The owners of TruckNet are not daft and if TruckNet was a liability they would drop it like a stone, but after nearly 10 years it is still here and flourishing

The site has raised revenue this year more than ever before,( I realise for some revenue is a nasty word, but it pays my wages and the costs of this website) increased traffic, Raised a record amount for charity- I don’t see as any of those pointers would lead to an assumption the site is dying, unless any one knows better , in which case please enlighten us

No most of its pretty good not to keen on some of the holier than thou posts or the if someone makes a mistake they deserve to die rot in hell or prison posters but then again you don’t agree with everyone you meet in life.
I have complained the moderation can be a bit erratic but to be fair as far as I know Rikki is the only one who is on the payroll so we shouldn’t knock people who do it in there spare time.

Trucknet keeps me amused when ive got 10-20 minutes waiting somewhere. Lets awe be pals eh.

Rikki is the only one who is on the payroll

that’s correct :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: But TruckNet is only a small percentage of my time within my job- far less than most might imagine

I have been visiting trucknet for a good few years. We have lost some terrific posters, although one was resurrected at Easter!
As said above, the holier than thou posts are tedious. And the constant slagging of a certain haulier bores the ■■■■ of me to be honest.
Compared to the Facebook groups, this is fantastic. Keep up the good work. (weedle out the trolls…)

I have been visiting trucknet for a good few years. We have lost some terrific posters, although one was resurrected at Easter!
As said above, three hooter than thou posts are tedious. And the constant slagging of a certain haulier bores the ■■■■ of me to be honest.
Compared to the Facebook groups, this is fantastic. Keep up the good work. (weedle out the trolls…)

Thank you my son…



Rikki is the only one who is on the payroll

that’s correct :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: But TruckNet is only a small percentage of my time within my job- far less than most might imagine

Your lack of time spent doing any admin/moderating is in fact very apparent from all the trolls and trouble-causers running amok here…

Rob K:


Rikki is the only one who is on the payroll

that’s correct :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: But TruckNet is only a small percentage of my time within my job- far less than most might imagine

Your lack of time spent doing any admin/moderating is in fact very apparent from all the trolls and trouble-causers running amok here…

Pot? Kettle?

Yes and no

problem is a few us remember it years ago when it was a lot better, with excellent posters and content and a good giggle. it has changed over the last 2/3 years but then I believe that’s what you get for advertising in a magazine for children or wannabes.

at one point I was posting throughout the day but now post half a dozen times a week. I followed rikki’s advice " if you don’t like it, don’t use it " but didn’t come in here to tell everyone my views.

trucknet is nowhere near past its use by date but quite simply the class off members has changed, then over the past 5 years the class of drivers in the industry has changed as well and not for the better.

nowadays you have people passing their test and only wanting to work for stobarts or driver supermarket trolleys, frightened in case they get their hands dirty, not wanting to learn and swallowing the health and safety ■■■■■■■■ that they are told.

something else that bothers me is following members around just to ridicule them and try and trip them up, I have it myself with a troll that just wants to stir ■■■■, I know who he is but he is so blantley crap at it it makes me laugh.

nowadays I wouldn’t want advice off 95% off the posters on here I would rather try and sort something myself or I would go on facebook and message friends on there for help.

Cos’ you never joined in on the “Knapp” bashing here thing did you? :wink:

Cos’ you never joined in on the “Knapp” bashing here thing did you? :wink:

Your right ive never joined in the " knapp " bashing. In fact I used to be friend’s with rob, the facebook stuff has been funny and some not but ive never slagged him off, rikki or the monk.

So your right.

jessicas dad:

Cos’ you never joined in on the “Knapp” bashing here thing did you? :wink:

Your right ive never joined in the " knapp " bashing. In fact I used to be friend’s with rob, the facebook stuff has been funny and some not but ive never slagged him off, rikki or the monk.

So your right.

Which monk? :laughing: