Is this user allowed to spam me via PM?

Can any of the admins tell me if this user is allowed to spam me via PM? Sent this twice to me.

From: TTMS
To: Conor
Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 1:41 pm
Subject: TTMS - Total Transport Management Services

Quote message

We saw your posting on the Trucknet Site and wondered if we could help you?

Total Transport Management Services (TTMS) Ltd is a dedicated advisory and management service for the UK transport industry. We help by giving the necessary advice and support to enable you to establish and/or manage your business affairs efficiently and more importantly to help keep your wheels turning.

Membership of TTMS is free and provides a number of benefits including significant discounts from our service providers, a dedicated advice line and regular newsletters.

Current services on offer include a wide range of insurance services which include along with the rest of your normal insurance cover, strike cover, sickness/ accident and breakdown cover; fuel cards; toll cards; new and used commercial vehicle, trailer and van sourcing; many financial packages (which also cater for those with adverse credit); invoice factoring; accountancy advice and legal services.

TTMS also offer assistance to anyone who wishes to start out in the industry with our “bespoke Starter Package”. We assist in setting up your business, support you whilst applying for your Operator Licence and organise any requested services you may need. You then as a TTMS member have a team of experts to support you once on the road. For further information on this unique service we can send a brief description of what is on offer and the price for the pack.

Our TTMS members are welcome from anywhere in the UK and Ireland and if you would like help with creating the right package for you or would simply like to speak with one of our advisors please contact us by either calling 0845 053 4195, email for further information.

To become a member of TTMS, contact us today and we can arrange your membership immediately.

We look forward to welcoming you as a member of TTMS and providing you with the best possible service.

TTMS — working for the transport industry.

Yours sincerely

Anne McMillan
Operations Manager

TELEPHONE 0845 053 4195
FAX 0845 053 4196

PS A factoring agreement can often help right at the start if you get this from the correct company with the correct advice. It can also assist you in attaining your O licence and free up capital for you. Be careful though there are many rogue factors out there!!

Can any of the admins tell me if this user is allowed to spam me via PM?


The matter is being delt with at the moment Conor, can only apologise that it has happened but unfortunately the nature of the PM system means it can be abused in this way. We can deal with it when it is brought to our attention though so thank you.

I’m sure I got it as an email but IIRC, I deleted it straight away.

I’m also failrly sure it said it had something along the lines of TN’s consent or approval or something. :confused:

I didn’t delete it!

Hello marcustandy,

The following is an email sent to you by TTMS via your account on The TruckNet® UK Drivers RoundTable. If this message is spam, contains abusive or other comments you find offensive please contact the webmaster of the board at the following address:


Include this full email (particularly the headers). Please note that the reply address to this email has been set to that of TTMS.

Message sent to you follows

We saw your posting on the Trucknet Site and wondered if we could help you?

*etc etc*

When did this happen mate? I ask because they’ve been warned about it once, so an occurance AFTER that warning will earn them a ban. :imp:

If they said they had our permission THEY LIED!!!

If you have the FULL e-mail, including the headers, could you send it on to Lucy@Truck.Net please?

I have no time for idiots like this…By abusing the site and it’s members they are detracting from the real, paying advertisers who pay to keep this place afloat. We would NEVER give permission for unsolicited stuff like this to be sent out - if ANYONE sends you this sort of rubbish it is spam, so just send it straight along to me.

Apologies everyone, I’m doing my best. :blush:

My mistake, the date is posted on the copy above. It’s dated March 2nd, I received the first complaint and warned them on March 4th, so hopefully there will be no more.

If anyone does get anything from these prats dated after March 4th, please don’t hesitate to pass it on and the ban will be forthcoming.

Apologies again. I really do loathe these spammers. They just have no respect for anything. :angry:

I’m off to calm down now… :blush: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry for not including the date Lucy - it was dated 2nd March. If you still need me to forward it, I will.