Is this some kind of mod censorship

This seems to come up 99% of times I try to post , if it continues I’ll stop posting , this boards loss not mine

this boards loss not mine

Oh its EVERYONES loss dozy mate

If what comes up? The privacy/cookie policy? I get that. Maybe I’m censoring myself. :unamused:

Dont let the door hit you on the way out.

what m i missing ■■?.

Some message keeps coming up when I try to post 99% of the time & now I’ve posted it in original post it’s disapeared !!! , it’s not rocket science what’s going on here , , if you don’t want me to post just don’t let it pass premod , goodbye , this isn’t the only forum


Please don’t stop posting Dozy. Reading your posts is an affirmation that no matter how bad ones life gets it’ll never be bad enough to be comparable to being you.

Probably Doze, and can you blame them …

This seems to come up 99% of times I try to post , if it continues I’ll stop posting , this boards loss not mine

Since I’m not sure what you mean by “This seems to come up” etc, I’ll have to guess what you might mean.

I’ve had a look under the bonnet, and it does seem that there’s a glitch/fault that has resulted in a couple of your topics which can’t be actioned by the Mod/Admin Team.

:bulb: I’ve reported the fault to those with the technical know-how to fix it.

99% of the times my posts are saying
General error , SQl error , incorrect string value etc etc ,
Can’t post it all as won’t let me

An SQL error occurred while fetching this page
Please contact the board administrator if this continues

Looks like theres a problem with the database,
Its not that urgent that that I am going to push the alarm button with the tech guys, will let them know tomorrow and ask them to take a look

An SQL error occurred while fetching this page
Please contact the board administrator if this continues

I feel that this part of your issue is at your end, so I’ve sent you a PM with some instructions.

Is this amount of words as I’m noticing
Not many word post work


An SQL error occurred while fetching this page
Please contact the board administrator if this continues

I feel that this part of your issue is at your end, so I’ve sent you a PM with some instructions.

Ta Dave

Does that mean you’re not going to said other forums now?

■■■■, their loss for sure :confused:

Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk

what m i missing ■■?.

a working ‘a’ key on your keyboard? :stuck_out_tongue:

Dont let the door hit you on the way out.

Strange call as I would have The Dozer over the domestic vagrant et al any day.

Doze is a real person with real world problems, plenty of them…he is only back here a wet day and he has broken TN already.

Some man for one man… :smiley:

Keep plugging Doze, You get my vote.


Dont let the door hit you on the way out.

Strange call as I would have The Dozer over the domestic vagrant et al any day.

Doze is a real person with real world problems, plenty of them…he is only back here a wet day and he has broken TN already.

Some man for one man… :smiley:

Strange call? Pretty much a standard for anyone that gets all flouncy.

Keep plugging Doze, You get my vote.

a ray of sunshine and hope lit up my world at the start of this topic…now its all gloom and doom again as it has all went back to square 1. :frowning: