Is this legal

I know the law on starting before 4am says you can only work 10 hours (not including poa and break) But I’m told we have an agreement opting out of that although nothing is in writing and I’ve never agreed to it but that’s a different matter.
I finished tonight at 1630 bst and I’m scheduled to start again at Is that legal? I know I have over 9 off but going from a day ■■■■ to what I believe is technicaly a night ■■■■ so is it ok? I beleive it’s wrong as I’m going to get harldy any sleep before I start but whats the legal side?

Thanks for the help guy’s :confused:


next question?

Perfectly legal…welcome to the world of transport :smiley:

What a country ,you start work at 4am and you can only work 10 hours, no wonder were going to the dogs

Yep agree with other two.totally legal,apparently our “reps” agreed to opt out on our behalf as well without us being consulted first ,so we had to like or lump it mate.

One more thing - this 10 hour night working time rule is part of the RTWTD and at the moment (and for the last 5+ years) no authority can be bothered with it

I know the law on starting before 4am says you can only work 10 hours (not including poa and break) But I’m told we have an agreement opting out of that although nothing is in writing and I’ve never agreed to it but that’s a different matter.
I finished tonight at 1630 bst and I’m scheduled to start again at Is that legal? I know I have over 9 off but going from a day [zb] to what I believe is technicaly a night [zb] so is it ok? I beleive it’s wrong as I’m going to get harldy any sleep before I start but whats the legal side?

Thanks for the help guy’s :confused:

The rules only say you must have at least 9 hours off, they don’t say you actually have to sleep during that time.

Had a feeling this would be the case but thought someone might have some fact that I didn’t, wishfull thinking I guess :cry:


I know the law on starting before 4am says you can only work 10 hours (not including poa and break) But I’m told we have an agreement opting out of that although nothing is in writing and I’ve never agreed to it but that’s a different matter.
I finished tonight at 1630 bst and I’m scheduled to start again at Is that legal? I know I have over 9 off but going from a day [zb] to what I believe is technicaly a night [zb] so is it ok? I beleive it’s wrong as I’m going to get harldy any sleep before I start but whats the legal side?

Thanks for the help guy’s :confused:

The rules only say you must have at least 9 hours off, they don’t say you actually have to sleep during that time.

a point that we persistently tried to get over to OllieNotts a while ago, when he abandoned the truck and caught the train home due to it breaking down and him removing his card and taking a 9 hour break whilst sat at the workshop :unamused:

One more thing - this 10 hour night working time rule is part of the RTWTD and at the moment (and for the last 5+ years) no authority can be bothered with it

I’ve found this to be the case in the past too but don’t mean it’s rite :frowning:

I know the law on starting before 4am says you can only work 10 hours (not including poa and break) But I’m told we have an agreement opting out of that although nothing is in writing and I’ve never agreed to it but that’s a different matter.
I finished tonight at 1630 bst and I’m scheduled to start again at Is that legal? I know I have over 9 off but going from a day [zb] to what I believe is technicaly a night [zb] so is it ok? I beleive it’s wrong as I’m going to get harldy any sleep before I start but whats the legal side?

Thanks for the help guy’s :confused:

You don’t have to have 9 off you can say you’re tired and wouldn’t feel safe to work until you had 11 hrs off, but you’re boss wouldn’t wear it if you done it too often.

Yes it is legal :smiley: but its upto you as a driver if you want to start at a silly time or not :wink: if you feel to knacked to start at silly o’clock then the answer is simple :unamused: dont do it :wink:

Yes it is legal :smiley: but its upto you as a driver if you want to start at a silly time or not :wink: if you feel to knacked to start at silly o’clock then the answer is simple :unamused: dont do it :wink:

Agree with you totally but, I’ve not been there long and although they couldn’t sack me for causing a fuss they could “no longer need me” or give me nothing but {zb} run’s in future, done it now and back safe but only got about an hour and half sleep last night :frowning:

Agree with you totally but, I’ve not been there long and although they couldn’t sack me for causing a fuss they could “no longer need me” or give me nothing but {zb} run’s in future, done it now and back safe but only got about an hour and half sleep last night

Did you feel SAFE when doing that shift after that little sleep?

Not everyone is the same so only you know the answer to that

I think if you have a smash and the plod find you are in a ‘sleep deprived state’ they may do you for dangerous driving even if you’re within the regs.

When I was on the agencies I turned down a few shifts coz I’d been up all day on a rest day and was then offered a night. Most of the time they just said fair enough.