Is this board run on someone's DSL modem from home?

Seriously it has to be the most annoying BB on the entire internet…

About every half dozen posts it freezes, only way to do anything is task manager and kill the browser process, restart and read another half dozen and round we go again…

It ONLY happens on here, no other sites or boards, and I use plenty, it’s been constant ever since I signed up.

I’m beginning to get thoroughly browned off with it!

We are not showing any server issues our end. occasionaly I find some of the ads are a bit slow to load but the site has not locked up on me.
With 1000’s of visitors every day I would imagine if it was happening to everyone we would have been flooded with queries by now.

Perhaps it’s a virgin media issue, I’d put nothing past them, and a search shows there’s been issues before.

Might try a different browser too, thanks for checking your server anyhow.

No problem, we will take a closer look, but yes Virgin Media do give us issues at times, although not heard of this one before

Having switched from Internet Exploder to Firefox.
Severe delays still occur much of the time, however the browser remains functional, and pages load (eventually).

I have, however managed to identify that SEVERE delays occur when, and ONLY when, the “plusnet” advert appears on the bottom right.

Either something anti-competitive is going on, or else being a cheap provider they also use a cheap adserver…

Site is useable with firefox though, if very annoying to do so when that ad appears.

Perhaps it’s a virgin media issue, I’d put nothing past them, and a search shows there’s been issues before.

Hi BB,

I’m sorry to hear of this. :frowning:

I’ve had issues with VM too, and it got that bad (after listening to endless nonsense excuses and denials) that I had to ask to be put through to somebody that could deal with a request to terminate a contract.

Mine got fixed pretty sharpish after that and hasn’t given me any trouble since. :smiley:

Good luck!!

Having switched from Internet Exploder to Firefox.
Severe delays still occur much of the time, however the browser remains functional, and pages load (eventually).

I have, however managed to identify that SEVERE delays occur when, and ONLY when, the “plusnet” advert appears on the bottom right.

Either something anti-competitive is going on, or else being a cheap provider they also use a cheap adserver…

Site is useable with firefox though, if very annoying to do so when that ad appears.

Shhhh, don’t tell the boss…

Try an ad blocker :wink: … lock-plus/