Lucas Schwarts:
But… you learn to think and use your head to overcome those challenges, and not buried in a repetitive and boring day to day activity. You meet different people and build relationships, you get to know the beautiful country where you live in, you got to enjoy the colours and shades year round with the ever changing seasons as you driving passed, you are doing a REAL job, you are feeding and dressing people by transporting food and clothes, or helping housing people if you deliver bricks, by being a driver you are part of a community that understand each other more than most that I know of in other professions, and every day is different and has something new to offer in some way.I feel I should be making some snarky comment about romantic notions or philosophical twaddle…but that pretty much sums up why I do it
Good luck Lucas, hope you enjoy the ride
Sshhh !
You youngsters are in danger of dropping the moaning, griping, and generally complaining average of TNUK.
Those of us who have been here longer than you two put together are really trying hard to stop newcomers. We don’t want to be put out to grass. So just stop looking at the bright side, OK?Sent from my GT-S7275R using Tapatalk
Young■■? I’ll take the compliment, but not let the accuracy go…and as for ‘longer than you two put together’. Got in my first truck aged 3, ‘drove’ my first one age 6 (OK, so feet weren’t touching pedals, but lets not allow a technicality to get in the way… ).