The industry has dumbed and deskilled itself down, aided and abetted by the training industry.
So much of the haulage sector requires no more than a car driver’s capability because so much work is now basically chauffering, select D press the loud pedal and steer, any fule can do it and thats why an increasing minority of fule’s are doing it, it’s reversing the things where they come unstuck.
There are still jobs out there that require a bit of nous, and arguably provide some job satisfaction, not all drivers want to be a bloody brain dead robot attending a steering wheel, this rush to dumb and deskill the job has ripped the heart out of the people still doing it.
Companies, often old ones who should know better, increasingly want robotic clones not lorry drivers with all their faults and different attitudes and strengths.
Little wonder so many of the remaining old school out there are disillusioned and buggering off soon as.
You get handed the keys to your new lorry, it requires no more skill than a car to drive, it will now have automatic braking and active cruise (to help prevent tailgating), it will almost certainly have an auto gearbox of some sort…because they’ve gradually dumbed the job down to lowest common denominator point, so instead of training up the idiots who can’t, you penalise demoralise and do your best to take away the remaining bit of pride your dwindling old school had. (by the way thats not a dig at younger or newer drivers, because old school is an attitude not directly related to age)
Where once upon a time an old hand would take a youngster under their wing (a bloke called Dennis Cowell, decent stick took me under his wing when i first started), and the transport manager (remember when they ran the show instead of sat behind a bloody screen watching the results of in cab spyware?) if he had any sense would try and pair the unofficial trainer and trainee up on various jobs, well that don’t happen any more.
They don’t want the old school ways, Christ some companies even program out the auto gearbox manual override, and many new lorries default back to auto after about 20 seconds should the driver have the audacity to use his eyes and brain reading the road ahead and know better than the bloody machine what sodding gear he might need at what exact moment to maintain smooth progress.
My problem is i can’t understand why anyone would this so called progress is a good thing, one could be forgiven for thinking it was dastardly long term plot from some foreign secret service designed to destroy Britain from within, its not just haulage thats seen this, Britain has been systematically de-industrialised from the 70’s but it really got going in the 80’s, and the honed through generations industrial skills have gone with it, other countries have benefitted.
This will take many years, possibly decades, to repair, University degrees in golf course management social and media studies are not going to rebuild our country.
My other problem is that the latest lorries are no better than what went before (80’s 90’s best years IMHO) for all the electronics they are now stuffed with, ridiculously complicated and far more likely to cost an arm and leg to fix, and so many companies bought into these complcated dealer only machines when the fad for foreign is best (image, looks the part apparently) took off, well now look where we are, the top 5 foreign makers have the industry by the ■■■■■■■■, only the maker’s appointed dealer has a hope in hell of fixing it when any one of a thousand faults crops up, it will have a very limited life so the modern operators are now stuck on the 5 year replacement treadmill they willingly climbed onto.
Well now the talk for our future is about driverless lorries, thats going to work well in the increasingly overpopulated country we live in (sarc), lorries won’t be negotiating anything other than the open road themselves for generations let alone decades, but if you have drivers of the future who only actually drive occasionally when the bloody computers can’t cope, then they won’t have any feel for the lorry and skills will be lost further still.
Do we stop scraping when we reach the bottom of the barrel i wonder.