Is there a grace period for removing vehicles early? (Removed 3 days before was off road)

Hi, so since I started adding and removing vehicles on the Operator Licences 2 years ago, I have been adding and removing them at the start of the week they are going on and off the road, as that’s how I was always told to do it. But last week I took a vehicle off on Monday 3rd June but it didn’t go off the road until the 6th. My new manager pulled me for it. So, I’m wanting to know if there is a grace period for removing vehicles early (the o’licence disk is still in the vehicle window) or if I have been misinformed? And if I am misinformed, what would be the repercussions if the vehicle was pulled over?

Why would you remove a vehicle from the licence for a short period of VOR? No advantage whatsoever. If it is to substitute another vehicle then that doesn’t help you, as the company still owns the VOR vehicle, and unless you have spare margin, you’d now be exceeding your margin and vehicle can be seized.

I get a list of vehicles going on the road and vehicles coming off the road each week, but I don’t know specifically what day they are changing over, it used to be over the weekend and start of the week.

I am not removing a vehicle for a short period, it’s vehicles that are VOR for good, usually have been sold. The vehicles going off road are kept elsewhere and are out of scope, that’s not the issue. I removed a vehicle that was being sold but removed it 3 days before it actually went off the road, the new vehicle went on the road the same day that came off. The o’licence gateway doesn’t allow you to exceed the margin.

If it’s gone for good then you’ve probably gotten away with it.

If by gateway you mean the VOL portal, that’s not the issue, its the “being in possession” issue from one of the TCs Written Decisions.

What kind of place do you work for that needs such removal of vehicles so regularly?