Is there a christmas do this year?

I know that I have been away alot this year but have I missed anything? Are there any plans for a christmas do this year?

Are there any plans for a christmas do this year?

:unamused: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :unamused: :question:



Not as such!! :blush:

Our finances are such that the USA competition has earmarked any spare cash… :open_mouth:

However a NEW YEAR bash towards the end of January may happen… if we get enough interest form the members… :bulb: :bulb: :wink:

Great, that sounds better actually january is such a naff month all the parties over and just dark night’s and bad weather to look forward to are you looking at Cannock again? Yes please! :wink:
It’s going to be a long two months till the competition draw! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Sounds good to me folks.

Before x-mas is always a mad rush, after it everything goes quiet. A party at the end of Jan’ gives the organiser some time to get things sorted and us time to sort things out to make a W/E of it. :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

January do? I’m in!

What about that interview Allikat? But it would be good to see you. :laughing:


What, pray tell, did I miss out on?

You posted that you had a job interview coming up, Alli. :grimacing: