Is the TNUK site "going down the tubes"?

^^^^ multiple accounts with false names is the future of Zuckerberg baiting my friend. Freeeeeeeeedom.

This site went down the tubes a couple of years ago when over zealous moderation coupled with weakness & political correction took over. The inability & lack of wisdom displayed regarding multiple ID’s, obvious trolling etc was obvious to all.

Add in a changing social media culture and (sadly) a diminishing collection of older & experienced drivers, this is what you get. Endless boring threads regarding sat nav, gloves, boots, best route to Birmingham etc, certainly don’t help either.

Truck driving, even whilst I as a newish driver (7yrs) have been doing it has changed a lot. Constant surveillance, reams of paperwork & arse covering, grasses,etc have made the job pretty miserable (not to mention pay & conditions), so it’s sad that this site that used to offer a bit of shelter in a climate of turd HAS gone down the tubes.

I get the fact that driver contribution is a large, if not the main part of this forum, however poor decision making regarding moderation fundamentally altered the trajectory of this place. Lorry steerers are in the main a humorous & hardy bunch, and put up with a lot of crap day to day in their job. Ruining this site whilst cowering to the owners in fear of losing funds, and riding the PC donkey along a beach of bullshine is quite frankly an embarrassment & an insult to many drivers, myself included.

This site went down the tubes a couple of years ago when over zealous moderation coupled with weakness & political correction took over. The inability & lack of wisdom displayed regarding multiple ID’s, obvious trolling etc was obvious to all.

Add in a changing social media culture and (sadly) a diminishing collection of older & experienced drivers, this is what you get. Endless boring threads regarding sat nav, gloves, boots, best route to Birmingham etc, certainly don’t help either.

Truck driving, even whilst I as a newish driver (7yrs) have been doing it has changed a lot. Constant surveillance, reams of paperwork & arse covering, grasses,etc have made the job pretty miserable (not to mention pay & conditions), so it’s sad that this site that used to offer a bit of shelter in a climate of turd HAS gone down the tubes.

I get the fact that driver contribution is a large, if not the main part of this forum, however poor decision making regarding moderation fundamentally altered the trajectory of this place. Lorry steerers are in the main a humorous & hardy bunch, and put up with a lot of crap day to day in their job. Ruining this site whilst cowering to the owners in fear of losing funds, and riding the PC donkey along a beach of bullshine is quite frankly an embarrassment & an insult to many drivers, myself included.

I haven’t been on the TN site as much lately but I will say that this post just about sums the matter up, well done “eagerbeaver” 10 out of 10 mate ! :wink: Cheers Bewick


This site went down the tubes a couple of years ago when over zealous moderation coupled with weakness & political correction took over. The inability & lack of wisdom displayed regarding multiple ID’s, obvious trolling etc was obvious to all.

Add in a changing social media culture and (sadly) a diminishing collection of older & experienced drivers, this is what you get. Endless boring threads regarding sat nav, gloves, boots, best route to Birmingham etc, certainly don’t help either.

Truck driving, even whilst I as a newish driver (7yrs) have been doing it has changed a lot. Constant surveillance, reams of paperwork & arse covering, grasses,etc have made the job pretty miserable (not to mention pay & conditions), so it’s sad that this site that used to offer a bit of shelter in a climate of turd HAS gone down the tubes.

I get the fact that driver contribution is a large, if not the main part of this forum, however poor decision making regarding moderation fundamentally altered the trajectory of this place. Lorry steerers are in the main a humorous & hardy bunch, and put up with a lot of crap day to day in their job. Ruining this site whilst cowering to the owners in fear of losing funds, and riding the PC donkey along a beach of bullshine is quite frankly an embarrassment & an insult to many drivers, myself included.

I haven’t been on the TN site as much lately but I will say that this post just about sums the matter up, well done “eagerbeaver” 10 out of 10 mate ! :wink: Cheers Bewick

You are welcome Brother/Grandad.

Delete as applicable :wink: :laughing: I have spent some enjoyable time on this site in the past reading about older drivers exploits, and fondly remember spotting Ford Transconti’s, Marathon’s, F10’s etc as a kid sat in my Dads F7 and wondering what being a lorry driver was all about. Fast forward 40 years and I find it’s rubbish.

I suspect that it used to be quite good/lucrative though. Much respect to ALL the hairy eared mob on here and I hope this covid crap hasn’t affected you guys.