Is the TNUK site "going down the tubes"?


pete smith:

Just posing the question which may not be welcomed in some quarters i.e. The Mods hut ! but it does seem to be extremely quiet from times I recall that the site was literally “bouncing” with craic and comment ! many others will no doubt disagree and have an opposite opinion to mine ! Cheers Bewick.PS Bullys here we come ! :unamused: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Hi Dennis,
I agree it has gone very quiet to what it used to be, I suppose with some members sadly passing away and others having told their stories etc they have nothing more to contribute. The vintage rally scene has been a non starter for over a year now so I suppose that has has an effect as well.
Why has this thread been ‘hidden away’, I know it is a feedback forum but I would have thought more people would have seen it in the Old Timers forum and commented giving feedback to Dennis’s question or don’t the Mods/site owners want any feedback?

Hi Pete,

Colingl has answered your post just above but I’d like to chuck in another 2p worth on your “hidden away” comment…

Some people (no slight intended!) don’t seem to realise that this site has an index page here:

Trucknet UK (Notice the word “index.”)

If a member logs in and lands on that page, they can see the titles and descriptions of the various forums, then choose which forum (subject matter) they wish to read/contribute to.

Those who habitually inhabit the Old Time forum (and there’s nothing wrong in that!) must realise that it is one of many forums, and not a free-for-all or ‘anything goes’ forum.
That forum does what it says on the tin… it’s for Old Time stuff.

An example of what we’re trying to convey here is contained in Dennis’s OP in which he expressed what he thought our reaction to his post would be, as well as where he thought it would end up. Of course, Dennis is entitled to his view, but he was incorrect on that occasion.

The Mod/Admin Team will continue to look at the big picture (the index page :wink: ) and move posts to where they think they belong, so I guess that what I’m saying (in the nicest possible way of course) is that the management reserves the right to manage. :laughing: :laughing: :smiley:

Hi Dave,
Thank you for the reply, my initial thought as it was the Old Timers thread that was being questioned then that would be the best place to leave Dennis’s question but Coling’s and your reply both explain your reason and it makes sense, Thanks for your reply



pete smith:

Just posing the question which may not be welcomed in some quarters i.e. The Mods hut ! but it does seem to be extremely quiet from times I recall that the site was literally “bouncing” with craic and comment ! many others will no doubt disagree and have an opposite opinion to mine ! Cheers Bewick.PS Bullys here we come ! :unamused: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Hi Dennis,
I agree it has gone very quiet to what it used to be, I suppose with some members sadly passing away and others having told their stories etc they have nothing more to contribute. The vintage rally scene has been a non starter for over a year now so I suppose that has has an effect as well.
Why has this thread been ‘hidden away’, I know it is a feedback forum but I would have thought more people would have seen it in the Old Timers forum and commented giving feedback to Dennis’s question or don’t the Mods/site owners want any feedback?

Hi Pete,

Colingl has answered your post just above but I’d like to chuck in another 2p worth on your “hidden away” comment…

Some people (no slight intended!) don’t seem to realise that this site has an index page here:

Trucknet UK (Notice the word “index.”)

If a member logs in and lands on that page, they can see the titles and descriptions of the various forums, then choose which forum (subject matter) they wish to read/contribute to.

Those who habitually inhabit the Old Time forum (and there’s nothing wrong in that!) must realise that it is one of many forums, and not a free-for-all or ‘anything goes’ forum.
That forum does what it says on the tin… it’s for Old Time stuff.

An example of what we’re trying to convey here is contained in Dennis’s OP in which he expressed what he thought our reaction to his post would be, as well as where he thought it would end up. Of course, Dennis is entitled to his view, but he was incorrect on that occasion.

The Mod/Admin Team will continue to look at the big picture (the index page :wink: ) and move posts to where they think they belong, so I guess that what I’m saying (in the nicest possible way of course) is that the management reserves the right to manage. :laughing: :laughing: :smiley:

That last sentence got me thinking DieselDave, does that mean that mods can “cover up” their tracks if a certain answer doesn’t suit them? As I could swear I’ve seem some posts where one of the mods deleted their answer/post afterwards. Not sure why, but it does look suspicious to me.

I have noticed that as well PV and can quote 2 instances but we also have the option to delete our comments but it will leave a trace behind of the empty reply box!

Ta Pete Smith, it’s not just me then who noticed it, makes you wonder why one does that? Something to hide or sommat?

How does one become a mod anyway, never saw a job advert? :laughing:

Ta Pete Smith, it’s not just me then who noticed it, makes you wonder why one does that? Something to hide or sommat?

How does one become a mod anyway, never saw a job advert? :laughing:

Drop Diesel Dave or Rikki a £50! Don’t know how you become a Mod on TN as I have enough of a job being a Mod for my drivers!!

pete smith:

Ta Pete Smith, it’s not just me then who noticed it, makes you wonder why one does that? Something to hide or sommat?

How does one become a mod anyway, never saw a job advert? :laughing:

Drop Diesel Dave or Rikki a £50! Don’t know how you become a Mod on TN as I have enough of a job being a Mod for my drivers!!

50 quid?! I’m working class mate, can’t afford that :laughing:


pete smith:

Ta Pete Smith, it’s not just me then who noticed it, makes you wonder why one does that? Something to hide or sommat?

How does one become a mod anyway, never saw a job advert? :laughing:

Drop Diesel Dave or Rikki a £50! Don’t know how you become a Mod on TN as I have enough of a job being a Mod for my drivers!!

50 quid?! I’m working class mate, can’t afford that :laughing:

Behave, your wallets fatter than me!

pete smith:

Ta Pete Smith, it’s not just me then who noticed it, makes you wonder why one does that? Something to hide or sommat?

How does one become a mod anyway, never saw a job advert? :laughing:

Drop Diesel Dave or Rikki a £50! Don’t know how you become a Mod on TN as I have enough of a job being a Mod for my drivers!!

You get invited. There’s no other way. Although in a sense it is an honour to be a mod, I wouldn’t pay a farthing to be one; it’s a time-consuming and sometimes onerous task. I don’t particularly enjoy it and would relinquish it at the drop of a hat. I do it for the same reason as I get a 'flu-jab: public spiritedness. If someone wants to do it instead of me then that’s fine by me, but they’ll have to wait to be asked.

On the subject of removing posts. I have always removed any post I’ve regretted, or that have appeared too adversarial in flat print. I still do that as a mod - mainly to keep the peace - and I would expect you to do the same. What I don’t do, is to remove or censor the posts connected to them as this would take innocent editing into the realms of corruption. If I have to be a mod, the least I can do is to be a responsible one.

pete smith:


pete smith:

Ta Pete Smith, it’s not just me then who noticed it, makes you wonder why one does that? Something to hide or sommat?

How does one become a mod anyway, never saw a job advert? :laughing:

Drop Diesel Dave or Rikki a £50! Don’t know how you become a Mod on TN as I have enough of a job being a Mod for my drivers!!

50 quid?! I’m working class mate, can’t afford that :laughing:

Behave, your wallets fatter than me!

I reckon you need to pay a visit to SpecSavers mate! Your wallet is the fat one, as you keep on buying me brekkie every time! :laughing:

Is Rikki still with us? Haven’t “seen” him for a while on here…?

Is Rikki still with us? Haven’t “seen” him for a while on here…?

Rikki logs on to TN from time to time, but may choose to read, reply or to post something new just like everybody else.

The alternative is that anybody can read but not even log on if they so choose, so (personally) I wouldn’t read anything into the fact that any member might not have been “seen” for any length of time.

… How does one become a mod anyway, never saw a job advert? :laughing:

We don’t advertise a Mod vacancy.
When such a situation arises, I’ll spot it, then The Mod/Admin Team discuss who might make the grade, then a free vote is taken.

Once that’s all done, the proposed new Mod gets a PM invitation as well as some pointers about the voluntary status of Mods from me, then has the time and chance to ask questions and decide whether they’d like to take it on.

The whole process is done by invitation, and only once all the current Mod Team agree to it.

Ta for the reply Dave, I was just wondering how it worked. But as ERF-NGC said, I don’t envy the mods, must be a lot of work monitoring each post! And then to think it’s all on a voluntary basis…

With regard to The Mods well the 1960’s song by The Dooleys springs to mind " We are the Chosen Few" :cry: :unamused:

With regard to The Mods well the 1960’s song by The Dooleys springs to mind " We are the Chosen Few" :cry: :unamused:

I was thinking more along these lines than the Gooleys, sorry Dooleys!


Perhaps I can offer another possibility why things may be quietening down? There are zillions of transport-based groups on Facebook now and, by comparison with Facebook or Flickr, Lorrynet is decidedly slow and clunky.

Simply reloading a page can be anywhere from five to ten seconds, and the process of adding photos to a post is decidedly ■■■■■■■■■■■ It’s so, so much easier and quicker on Facebook, although the downside is that there is virtually no control of trolls, halfwits and photo hoovers over there.


I will go with that: it takes seconds on Facebook to do something that can take several minutes on here (especially lately with it running slow) and rightly or wrongly various pics get ‘borrowed’ between the sites anyway. The plus side of TNUK is that things stay around for a while, on Facebook pics and replies can soon get overtaken by other posts and take some finding. Also there are many groups on Facebook that are much the same so again when searching for something posted a day or two before I tend to forget exactly which group I saw it on!


Well if we had a similar number of servers as Facebook (circa 25,000 world wide) and a similar budget (they plan to spend around $15bn in 2021 on infrastructure) we might be able to compete on speed and page loading times. But until then we’ll chuck another lump of coal on the fire and hope. :laughing: :laughing:


I will go with that: it takes seconds on Facebook to do something that can take several minutes on here (especially lately with it running slow) and rightly or wrongly various pics get ‘borrowed’ between the sites anyway. The plus side of TNUK is that things stay around for a while, on Facebook pics and replies can soon get overtaken by other posts and take some finding. Also there are many groups on Facebook that are much the same so again when searching for something posted a day or two before I tend to forget exactly which group I saw it on!


Hi Pete,
You are spot on with what Chris has said above as well regarding the speed difference between FB and TN but FB can afford the biggest and best server available I would think!
Also you are correct when you mention about forgetting were you have seen/posted things, I’m getting terrible for that!

Well if we had a similar number of servers as Facebook (circa 25,000 world wide) and a similar budget (they plan to spend around $15bn in 2021 on infrastructure) we might be able to compete on speed and page loading times. But until then we’ll chuck another lump of coal on the fire and hope. :laughing: :laughing:

Chuck a few more lumps of coal on that server then our replies wouldn’t have crossed!! Welsh Steam coal is the best!

It’s way way above my pay grade all this technical “ramble” about FB/ Twitter etc which are a load of crap so I don’t visit them nor have I ever !! I would have thought that the more lethargic, steady, steam driven TNUK was more to the liking and fast enough for many of the TN Members ! What’s all the rush about ? particularly during the problems engulfing the UK at the moment ! The speed of TN is more than fast enough for me but of course some of the elderly “Whizz Kids” on the TN site are obviously not satisfied !! :unamused: :blush: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Bewick.

Another here who will never use any of the social medias mentioned above, their censorship in recent times alone doing their part in world change i want nothing to do with, they’d censor and eventually ban me for wrong think anyway, they censored quite innocent and funny cartoons taking the mickey out of the present flu farce my mrs posted on FB, try posting something questioning the US election results and see how long it lasts, they can stick their far too much influence where the sun don’t shine.

Yes the slow loading at times here can be frustrating, but this is old school transport like and fine by me, fastest doesn’t always get you to the destination you hoped for any quicker, my thumbs can’t punch keys at breakneck speed like the kids do anyway.