Is the board the same without ROG?

I have spoken to ROG and text him many times since he was put on Pre Mod. For those that might be new around here that means that his posts have to be vetted and approved before you see them. (sorry Admins if the description is not quite accurate)

I continue to be involved here mainly because this a great place to offer help where I can to people who need it. There are other equally knowlegeable and perhaps some more knowlegeable.

Perhaps there were times when he overstepped a certain line. There must have been or he would still be here.

I have asked and begged him to come back and stop being stubborn but he always replies that he will when he is allowed back as a proper member again.

He does not ask for an apology nor makes any apologies for the help he has given countless people here (including me)

As the title asks, is this as good as it has been? The word Bland comes to mind.

I do feel qualified to step in as I have been through worse on here and still care.

Admins call ROG and get this sorted and ROG call the admins.

hope this helps solve a problem




Thanks Rob K

Very constructive ! Why not start your own board where at least you will be the most intelligent there.

No offence Rob but if you really have nothing to offer don’t bother.



Thanks Rob K

Very constructive ! Why not start your own board where at least you will be the most intelligent there.

No offence Rob but if you really have nothing to offer don’t bother.



:unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

What is WRONG with you man? You are FULLY AWARE of the other 3,981,341 threads on ROG and are also FULLY AWARE of the background to it all, so WHY T.F. are you starting YET ANOTHER THREAD on the SAME SUBJECT knowing FULL WELL that NOTHING WILL CHANGE■■? Are you always this stupid or are you just making an extra effort today?

Mods/admin please LOCK THIS THREAD (and any further threads started on the topic of ROG) and also ban LGVTrainer for 48hrs due to breaching RULE 4 [NO SPAMMING] and RULE 9 [OTHER THINGS BLATANTLY OUT OF ORDER]. Also ban anyone else starting new threads on ROG. They’re just all taking the [zb] ■■■■ now. :unamused:


Rob K

Why so passionate ? I have started a new thread mostly aimed at the parties involved (which by the way does not include you) to try to resolve an issue which I can see by your response is close to a lot of members hearts.

I respect the board rules and also the rights of the admins to enforce those rules as they see fit.

Please dont reply again as clearly my original post was not intended to cause a debate.

Finally in answer to your question, yes I am making an extra effort today although I actually started my efforts yesterday.



Rob K:

Thanks Rob K

Very constructive ! Why not start your own board where at least you will be the most intelligent there.

No offence Rob but if you really have nothing to offer don’t bother.



:unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

What is WRONG with you man? You are FULLY AWARE of the other 3,981,341 threads on ROG and are also FULLY AWARE of the background to it all, so WHY T.F. are you starting YET ANOTHER THREAD on the SAME SUBJECT knowing FULL WELL that NOTHING WILL CHANGE■■? Are you always this stupid or are you just making an extra effort today?

Mods/admin please LOCK THIS THREAD (and any further threads started on the topic of ROG) and also ban LGVTrainer for 48hrs due to breaching RULE 4 [NO SPAMMING] and RULE 9 [OTHER THINGS BLATANTLY OUT OF ORDER]. Also ban anyone else starting new threads on ROG. They’re just all taking the [zb] ■■■■ now. :unamused:


Bit harsh Rob.

Rog and John go back on this site a while, couldn’t remember exactly when so I dug an old random post out.


I would say it is stirling. It is the same set-up as that driver cpc exemption card.

Stirling have made instructors redundant and think that it is more profitable to act as a broker!

OK - truth time folks

I have had an e-mail and a nice long phone chat with John Dawson.

He is ex Qualitas (the sole founder) and Sterling - he went to Sterling when they took over Qualitas.
He is an IT expert as well as a qualified LGV instructor.

He is now a sole trader with his own rigid and drag


The site does not claim -
40 training centres
80,000 jobs available
earn 30,000 per year

I have spoken to ROG and text him many times since he was put on Pre Mod. For those that might be new around here that means that his posts have to be vetted and approved before you see them. (sorry Admins if the description is not quite accurate)

I continue to be involved here mainly because this a great place to offer help where I can to people who need it. There are other equally knowlegeable and perhaps some more knowlegeable.

Perhaps there were times when he overstepped a certain line. There must have been or he would still be here.

I have asked and begged him to come back and stop being stubborn but he always replies that he will when he is allowed back as a proper member again.

He does not ask for an apology nor makes any apologies for the help he has given countless people here (including me)

As the title asks, is this as good as it has been? The word Bland comes to mind.

I do feel qualified to step in as I have been through worse on here and still care.

Admins call ROG and get this sorted and ROG call the admins.

hope this helps solve a problem




I have moved your topic to the feedback forum and locked it.

There is an open topic here in this forum:

Please feel free to post questions or comments onto that topic, but please don’t start other topics in other forums on what is essentially the same subject because we need to keep the posts on that subject all together in one place.

The reason for keeping the posts in one place is simply to keep the forums tidy.
Please now take the opportunity to read the topic that I’ve linked.
In that topic, you’ll see everybody else’s comments and questions, but I’d suggest that it needs reading fully and with great care to avoid you asking the same questions all over again, because the answers won’t change… :wink: