Is Stobard discriminating the Gay community?


Freight Dog:
Five quid this ends up in an argument by page 3

You reckon it will even get to page 3?

Well :unamused: Who’s Stobard anyway :laughing: (not read it all cus silly) :smiley:



Freight Dog:
Five quid this ends up in an argument by page 3

You reckon it will even get to page 3?

Well :unamused: Who’s Stobard anyway :laughing: (not read it all cus silly) :smiley:

Ask dozy, he knows.

I doubt dozy knows much




Freight Dog:
Five quid this ends up in an argument by page 3

You reckon it will even get to page 3?

Well :unamused: Who’s Stobard anyway :laughing: (not read it all cus silly) :smiley:

Ask dozy, he knows.

T.o.t.c :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

Dozy wouldn’t be trusted with a walking floor.

No dozy just ain’t daft enough to run his ■■■ ragged all week ,get filthy for the ££££££ stoobards pay ,I’ve now got myself a nice little number trunking d/d down sarf ( I have got to do a tri swap once per shift though :exclamation: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: ) ,you keep up the glory boy bit ,we don’t hate you ,we don’t call you ,but we do have a good old snigger when one of your finest gives us a first hand account of his job after night out in our yard .
The gifts that keep giving was how my mate summed you lot up :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Dozy wouldn’t be trusted with a walking floor.

don’t be so sure of yourself ,it’s taken um a while too trust me after I rear ended that bird at the traffic lights ,but now and then they do let me loose in a ex- tesco 59 plate axor :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: ,it maybe not a giga - space ,but with that d/d it’s certainely a big - rig :smiley: :smiley: ,

one can only hope… anyway who is this Stobard

ring up Carlisle Eh :grimacing: their planners call 'em stobards :wink:

How can Stobrats discriminate against the gay community when they only employ gay drivers??

All of those that have appeared in their TV presentations have always gone into panic mode when approaching roundabouts and done fabulous impressions of Julian Clarey… :open_mouth:

Fatboy slimslow:

one can only hope… anyway who is this Stobard

ring up Carlisle Eh :grimacing: their planners call 'em stobards :wink:

Aye carlisle eh :wink:

seth 70:

Fatboy slimslow:

one can only hope… anyway who is this Stobard

ring up Carlisle Eh :grimacing: their planners call 'em stobards :wink:

Aye carlisle eh :wink:

lol :grimacing:


seth 70:

Fatboy slimslow:

one can only hope… anyway who is this Stobard

ring up Carlisle Eh :grimacing: their planners call 'em stobards :wink:

Aye carlisle eh :wink:

Being a Carlisle lad myself and being that Stobart (or stobbard for dozy’s benefit :unamused: ) is a ■■■■■■■■■ the correct pronunciation is not StobART but Stobart (rhyming with Robert)…eh. :smiley:

Dozy wtf does T.o.t.c. stand for■■?

No, but tinkler needs a good kick in for paying poor wages

OOOOFFFFT,first post and its anti stobarts,welcome to t/net pal you will fit in well here :wink: :laughing:

don’t be so sure of yourself ,it’s taken um a while too trust me after I rear ended that bird at the traffic lights ,

dozy you dirty old dog, at the traffic lights? :open_mouth: … could you not have waited to you got her home :laughing:

seth 70:

No, but tinkler needs a good kick in for paying poor wages

OOOOFFFFT,first post and its anti stobarts,welcome to t/net pal you will fit in well here :wink: :laughing:

Yeh but he’s had second thoughts, he’s just edited down his original. post :laughing: . He’s either changed his opinion of Tinkler or he’s suddenly got a pay raise :laughing: :laughing:


seth 70:

No, but tinkler needs a good kick in for paying poor wages

OOOOFFFFT,first post and its anti stobarts,welcome to t/net pal you will fit in well here :wink: :laughing:

Yeh but he’s had second thoughts, he’s just edited down his original. post :laughing: . He’s either changed his opinion of Tinkler or he’s suddenly got a pay raise :laughing: :laughing:

Its too late robroy,ive got it :laughing: :laughing: ,no…is a ■■■■■■■■ effort for a first post,obvious green plague driver :unamused: :wink:


seth 70:

Fatboy slimslow:

one can only hope… anyway who is this Stobard

ring up Carlisle Eh :grimacing: their planners call 'em stobards :wink:

Aye carlisle eh :wink:

Being a Carlisle lad myself and being that Stobart (or stobbard for dozy’s benefit :unamused: ) is a ■■■■■■■■■ the correct pronunciation is not StobART but Stobart (rhyming with Robert)…eh. :smiley:

Dozy wtf does T.o.t.c. stand for■■?

Having been dragged up in ■■■■■■■ I’ve got to say it does my head in how folk pronounce it. Stoooobaart? Nope its stobert. Nice short clipped vowels.

On another point. How thick is dozy?

I doubt dozy knows much

Not when it comes too this pay rise I dont ,but as your one of the golden boys I’m sure your I.t.k on it ,so I’ve 2 versions ,one no pay rise as too much damage too trucks ,or £11.50 p.h ,m/all,f/b too go , I laughed at 2 nd one I must admit .
So as your top of the food chain ,any info :question: :bulb: :question: :question: :question:


I doubt dozy knows much

Not when it comes too this pay rise I dont ,but as your one of the golden boys I’m sure your I.t.k on it ,so I’ve 2 versions ,one no pay rise as too much damage too trucks ,or £11.50 p.h ,m/all,f/b too go , I laughed at 2 nd one I must admit .
So as your top of the food chain ,any info :question: :bulb: :question: :question: :question:

I don’t work for same company as you



I doubt dozy knows much

Not when it comes too this pay rise I dont ,but as your one of the golden boys I’m sure your I.t.k on it ,so I’ve 2 versions ,one no pay rise as too much damage too trucks ,or £11.50 p.h ,m/all,f/b too go , I laughed at 2 nd one I must admit .
So as your top of the food chain ,any info :question: :bulb: :question: :question: :question:

I don’t work for same company as you

:laughing: :laughing: Classic