My latest truck has NO name on it ,just fleet number on door ( ex tesco 50 mph axor ) so I think it’s very un- fair of you to claim that stobards and there drivers discriminate against the fair ■■■ .
Try and keep up dozy mate, he didn’t claim that ‘they discriminate against the fair ■■■’ he asked if they discriminated against the gay community.
And by the way, I don’t normally pick people up on their spelling as I think it is patronizing, but it’s not stobards it’s Stobarts, and the only reason I am picking YOU up is because… YOU ZB WORK FOR THEM!!..Jeeez
Oh dear oh dear ,the haulage side is actually named esl ,not stobarts ,you know that if you worked for them ,no need too apologise ,your far from being in a minority of not knowing w.t.f your on about when talking about ESL
Bugger all wrong with the old Princess or the Land Crab before it, so long a the B series engine was under the bonnet, used to drive both as taxis on Sat and Sun nights in a previous life, the old 'uns were happy as can be cos of all the room and the comfy ride, plus i drove steady and knocked on or saw 'em to the door etc, the lazy useless fat taxi drivers who screeched up in a filthy Cortina and blasted the horn couldn’t fathom why i did so well on tips and they got sod all, why tell 'em the thick sods?
My latest truck has NO name on it ,just fleet number on door ( ex tesco 50 mph axor ) so I think it’s very un- fair of you to claim that stobards and there drivers discriminate against the fair ■■■ .
Try and keep up dozy mate, he didn’t claim that ‘they discriminate against the fair ■■■’ he asked if they discriminated against the gay community.
And by the way, I don’t normally pick people up on their spelling as I think it is patronizing, but it’s not stobards it’s Stobarts, and the only reason I am picking YOU up is because… YOU ZB WORK FOR THEM!!..Jeeez
Oh dear oh dear ,the haulage side is actually named esl ,not stobarts ,you know that if you worked for them ,no need too apologise ,your far from being in a minority of not knowing w.t.f your on about when talking about ESL
Oh dozy mate youv’e done it again , you really should engage brain before posting, I don’t give a ■■■■ if it’s the haulage side, storage side, or bloody seaside IT AINT STOBARDS!!!
I do however appreciate the irony of being told I don’t know wtf I’m on about by you of all people, So thanks for that at least. and thanks for giving me the option not to apologise
My latest truck has NO name on it ,just fleet number on door ( ex tesco 50 mph axor ) so I think it’s very un- fair of you to claim that stobards and there drivers discriminate against the fair ■■■ .
would being made to drive an ex Tosco 50mph axor not be classed as discrimination?
They don’t discriminate against gays. Apparently they have got two very strange cross dressers on the walking floors. Complete fruit bats allegedly. Wear make up and all that ■■■■.
They don’t discriminate against gays. Apparently they have got two very strange cross dressers on the walking floors. Complete fruit bats allegedly. Wear make up and all that [zb].
They don’t discriminate against gays. Apparently they have got two very strange cross dressers on the walking floors. Complete fruit bats allegedly. Wear make up and all that [zb].
They don’t discriminate against gays. Apparently they have got two very strange cross dressers on the walking floors. Complete fruit bats allegedly. Wear make up and all that [zb].
Can I just stress here that I am NOT talking from any experience of any kind in this field …That’s that out of the way.