is it true

Aren’t Warberer’s what became of Willi Betz? Or did they just fill the shoes? Never see a Betz truck in the UK any more, see ■■■■■■■ loads of Warberer’s 4x2s though!

Aren’t Warberer’s what became of Willi Betz? Or did they just fill the shoes? Never see a Betz truck in the UK any more, see [zb] loads of Warberer’s 4x2s though!

Nope, nothing to do with each other. Waberers have always been in the UK in high numbers though obviously increasing year on year.



i,ve been cheking a financial web site and read that waberers transport is going to bid for eddie stobart. is this true.

I doubt it, at least not all of it because Norbert Dingledangle owns 30% of Eddie. And Nobby doesn’t like selling at all.

Besides, isn’t Waberers buying Eddie kind of like the goldfish trying to eat the cat?

ahem… Norbert doesnt

Shareholders holding over 3% of shares
Invesco Asset Management 35.91%M&G Investment Management 13.42
Directors 9.45%
AW Jenkinson 4.83%
Aviva Investors 3.62%
Legal & General Investment Management 3.41
Laxey Partners 3.38%
William Stobart 3.23%

Who’s to say that Invesco Asset Management are not a nominee company for Nobbies?




i,ve been cheking a financial web site and read that waberers transport is going to bid for eddie stobart. is this true.

I doubt it, at least not all of it because Norbert Dingledangle owns 30% of Eddie. And Nobby doesn’t like selling at all.

Besides, isn’t Waberers buying Eddie kind of like the goldfish trying to eat the cat?

ahem… Norbert doesnt

Shareholders holding over 3% of shares
Invesco Asset Management 35.91%M&G Investment Management 13.42
Directors 9.45%
AW Jenkinson 4.83%
Aviva Investors 3.62%
Legal & General Investment Management 3.41
Laxey Partners 3.38%
William Stobart 3.23%

Who’s to say that Invesco Asset Management are not a nominee company for Nobbies?

Conspiracy theory working overtime!

Invesco are one of the biggest investment companies out there, they would not act as nominees for anyone.

I didn’t know Jenkinson owned more of stobarts than William himself !

Are warberers the blue and yellow ones with the t mobile logo on? If so I’ve been seeing more and more of them recently

Yes. The reason, you can see more and more year by year, they are cheap. Their drivers earn about £500 a month(!!) and spend 6, sometimes 8 weeks on the road. They are the only one company I know who employs anybody just days after they received their licence.

But invesco rhymes with tesco…

Is it true, don`t know.

Who cares, don`t know.

I didn’t know Jenkinson owned more of stobarts than William himself !

it was all to do with the biomass part of the business, alan jenkinson is not a stupid man, i think he drove a hard bargin when stobarts wanted to get in on the biomass market, and being good friends with william helped aswell :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Here in the south of France I see more Waberers trucks than any other company.


I didn’t know Jenkinson owned more of stobarts than William himself !

it was all to do with the biomass part of the business, alan jenkinson is not a stupid man, i think he drove a hard bargin when stobarts wanted to get in on the biomass market, and being good friends with william helped aswell :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

No, Jenks just couldn’t be bothered running any more of his own trucks so got Eddie in to cope with any new expansion. Alan Jenkinson is absolutely minted.

Invesco Asset Management are an investment company from bermuda so I doubt nobbies owns them tbh

I doubt it, at least not all of it because Norbert Dingledangle owns 30% of Eddie. And Nobby doesn’t like selling at all.
Besides, isn’t Waberers buying Eddie kind of like the goldfish trying to eat the cat?
ahem… Norbert doesnt

Shareholders holding over 3% of shares
Invesco Asset Management 35.91%M&G Investment Management 13.42
Directors 9.45%
AW Jenkinson 4.83%
Aviva Investors 3.62%
Legal & General Investment Management 3.41
Laxey Partners 3.38%
William Stobart 3.23%
Who’s to say that Invesco Asset Management are not a nominee company for Nobbies?
Conspiracy theory working overtime!

Invesco are one of the biggest investment companies out there, they would not act as nominees for anyone.

Here’s a possible reason for why Invesco find themselves stuck with so much of the stock then…

It is possible for third parties to control a block of stock without actually owning the shares. One such way is to be the buyer of traditional (not traded) Call options which the holder of the stock has to pledge as “cover” to the option buyer. The buyer has the right to excercise at any time, and buy outright the number of shares contracted in the options. A company could therefore build a secret stake of say, 9% which they need not declare, and then accumulate another 42% on the sly in OPTIONS of which any “shareholder register search” would only reveal the name of the company that is keeping the shares “in house” - rather than who actually controls them. Invesco, in an attempt to side-step a £17m loss from buying up the unsold ESL shares in this example, might “write” or “lay” Traditional Options to a willing buyer with a strike price set at the original issue price - ie that which breaks them even. Hey Presto, the £17m loss on paper has been made to disappear, with the fact that an unknown third party buyer of the options (I’m suggesting ND have got their hand in here!) actually controls that block, or a large part of that block of stock - all invisible on share registers. It would take a deep accounts audit to reveal all the owners of traditional options around the world. As in the credit crunch, the tail has been wagging the dog for some time, as the use of under-the-counter derivatives (not reportable) means a lot of profits and losses are not where they should be, or indeed seem to be.

Invesco Asset Management are an investment company from bermuda so I doubt nobbies owns them tbh

Being a nominee for client-held stocks and shares has nothing to do with a client also owning part of the financial firm, or indeed their subsidery nominee firm.
If you have a million quid and want to make it disappear, then the easiest way to do it is to put it in the name of an offshore nominee. If the secret rich merely had bank accounts in Jersey in their own name, the taxman would eventually catch up with them, contrary to popular belief. The rich themselves often refer to such monies as “all ■■■■■■■” which we’re supposed to think means “Invested in illiquid assets” but in actual fact means “buried in a third partie’s pocket so we don’t pay tax on it”. There is very little charge from the nominee company to keep everyone’s assets “on book” like this, and small investors do it to when making short term investments in particular. You will even be advised to “use our nominees” if you’ve just bought some shares…

I think “Bermuda” counts as offshore. :unamused:
Nobbies do not own Ivesco, and they do not need to. Neither side has to declare that they have a relationship. :open_mouth:
EVERY investment company has it’s “nominee” company, which may or may not be a subsidary firm. This is a bit like the firm of wages accountants that manage umbrella schemes. :wink:


Fatboy slimslow:

i,ve been cheking a financial web site and read that waberers transport is going to bid for eddie stobbart. is this true.

HUNGAROCAMION :sunglasses: yes it’s true! :open_mouth: William hates living with the Cheshire set! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

No, the Hungarocamion is gone and this one has been made from a different, small Hungarian company.

yes, I used to work for them in 1983! :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

The last time i was in ALL 4 TRUCKS in Marck near Calais. i counted 240 Waberer trucks.They work for a lot of blue chip companies, plus you do not see many parked up by Vostapo.
I always found the Hungarian drivers and equipment good with well maintained trucks,if we needed help on the mid east runs the Hungarocamion drivers always stopped,they also had very good breakdown wreckers.

The Norbert thing came from my Staff Trainer, who said that around the same time as Norberts bought out Salvessen, he also bailed out Eddie by buying a 25-30% stake. This does to a certain extent fall under the “RDC waiting room” level of reliablity, but I didn’t expect the trainer to be feeding me a pack of bull when he was inducting me and telling me about the companies history!

The last time i was in ALL 4 TRUCKS in Marck near Calais. i counted 240 Waberer trucks.They work for a lot of blue chip companies, plus you do not see many parked up by Vostapo.
I always found the Hungarian drivers and equipment good with well maintained trucks,if we needed help on the mid east runs the Hungarocamion drivers always stopped,they also had very good breakdown wreckers.

I’ve always held them in high regard myself when it comes to equipment and quality of drivers. However in recent years as they’ve expanded they do seem to have taken on lots of totally inexperienced drivers straight off the dole queue, somebody posted a link to that effect a few months back.
I know that last winter when I did some driving back in the UK, I arrived to do a trailer swap at Iggesund in Workington to find a double manned Warberer shunting to back in to one of those bays inside the shed with the raised warehouse flooring around both sides. Anyway, 20 minutes later as I’m in the back of my empty drop trailer rolling all the straps up and taking my boards out, one of these Waberer drivers asks me in broken German to help them get on the bay. I thought they just wanted me to watch them in, but was geastured in to the drivers seat of their LHD (obviously) FH12 with I-shift, something I’d never driven before myself but managed to get it in with two shunts. Granted the bay is very tight but you can come at it in a straight line by pulling ahead, its just that there is about an inch on either side as you back in and it appears to have a slight curve to it. Either way, its nothing that you wouldn’t expect two drivers to be able to do between themselves in the 20 minutes I was there! I have a lot of respect for the Hungarocamion of old and all who worked for them, but a lot of them guys have moved on now and their replacements aren’t of the same calibre.

Aren’t Warberer’s what became of Willi Betz? Or did they just fill the shoes? Never see a Betz truck in the UK any more, see [zb] loads of Warberer’s 4x2s though!

I see alot of willi betz trucks, mainly at freight forwarding companies.

The last time i was in ALL 4 TRUCKS in Marck near Calais. i counted 240 Waberer trucks.They work for a lot of blue chip companies, plus you do not see many parked up by Vostapo.
I always found the Hungarian drivers and equipment good with well maintained trucks,if we needed help on the mid east runs the Hungarocamion drivers always stopped,they also had very good breakdown wreckers.

Yes Waberer’s are biggest European transport at moment and you may have seen them a lots in UK recent so have a look on this link - >>>> … -business/

Waberers have parking account in All 4 Trucks Truckstop in Calais and Ashford Truckstop too

look this pictures sent from my friend who tooks it

Every years on Xmas holiday season till New Year… Most of Waberers trucks park up due season holidays so Waberer’s dont want thier trucks drive back to thier depot in Hungary so Waberers decide to contact with some European truckstop and pay the parking special xmas season price so in Calais FR, Valenciennes FR, Lyon FR and Ansbach DE, Aurach DE and more Truckstops. All trucks parking up and all drivers go back to home for xmas holiday by Waberer’s coach bus