Is it me ?

…or does anyone else find it’s incredably rude when this kind of thing happens.

Your sitting in your cab either on a break waiting to tip or whatever else, and someone outside walks up wanting to talk to you.
Rather than knocking on the door, and waiting for a response, they just open the door and start waffling to you.
I find it so iritating, even when its my gaffer and it his truck! to the point that now I make sure I lock the door so they have to knock and wait.

It’s more annoying when you are obviously on the phone .

It happens to me all the time, and more so when I am on the cab phone, they can see you talking inside the cab but still open the door, goods in staff and fork lift drivers open the door to say I am empty or want to move me somewhere else to tip me…
And drivers askin asking random questions such as " I have only got one pallet to tip, can I jump the queues of 17 artics as I am only in a rigid and need to finish early to let the dog out ."

No it’s not you it is rude.

I just hate people in general tbh.

Try locking the door?

Try locking the door?

Try reading the last sentence of my OP :unamused:

How about people coming over to give you paperwork when you’re busy strapping their load down to their truck? Like “what made you think I had a hand spare when I’m trying to keep the hook from falling off while closing up the drop side?”.

I’m very approachable so don’t mind. I do find my visitor objects when I try and drag em in the cab though.

Absolute pet hate of mine and when someone does it they won’t get the time of day from me.

10 year back the warehouse staff at an heathrow handling agent opened the door to call the driver to the bay.
driver slept leaning against door,fell out and was death

What he was the grim reaper…

I had me door opened once and got caught with me pants down, full snorkel gear and luncheon meat job. It was me bathroom door, bloody kids told if the taps runnin I’m doin stuff.

I just hate people in general tbh.

YES!!! :sunglasses: :smiling_imp: :sunglasses: :smiling_imp: :sunglasses:

Surely this is a wind up. Do people really get wound up over such trivia…I can understand if the curtains were drawn and someone was on break but ffs is everyone really that precious.

yes it is you, you need to be more sociable ,miserable c*nt :open_mouth:

yes it is you, you need to be more sociable ,miserable c*nt :open_mouth:

It’s nothing to do with not being sociable. It’s about showing a bit of courtesy and also as another poster pointed out, if you’re leaning against the door you will most likely do yourself a serious injury falling from that height.

Putting the boot on the other foot for a moment - what do you do when you arrive at your drop and want to speak to the security or goods in bods? Do you stand outside, knock and wait, or do you open the door and start talking to them? What about the forkie in the yard? Do you stand next to his fork truck, tap politely on the canopy and wait for him to invite you to speak to him?

Essentially, if you are at work and part of your work involves interacting with other workers then you really can’t expect to get all precious about them wanting to speak to you without being invited in for a chat.

If you open the door while someone is using the Bluetooth hands free in our scanias it cuts off the call. Done that a few times by accident. Now I wait for them to open the door.

Surely this is a wind up. Do people really get wound up over such trivia…I can understand if the curtains were drawn and someone was on break but ffs is everyone really that precious.
