is it legal

to have 4 people in a cab ?
and 2 sat on the bunk ■■

its not (in the eyes of vosa)

but thats not gonna stop people tbh

The eagle eyed of those amongst us who watched Police Camera Action last night would have noticed everyones favourite Scottish Policeman, driving a silver Scania, with the Blue Peter boy in the passenger seat with a cameraman and sound recordist sat on the rear bunk.Make of it what you will.

The eagle eyed of those amongst us who watched Police Camera Action last night would have noticed everyones favourite Scottish Policeman, driving a silver Scania, with the Blue Peter boy in the passenger seat with a cameraman and sound recordist sat on the rear bunk.Make of it what you will.

lol thats what i was on about

grey area our mob do it all the time and it has been questioned with the boss were not forced to do it cant find any legaslation that actually says it is illegal just dosent seem right. not moaning tho when being paid to get my head down someone else is driving