Is it just me?

Yesterday, when I tried to log on to TNUK, I couldn’t get on, it came up Internet explorer couldn’t connect you blah blah…anyone else have a similar?

Aye me too mate,this is the first time ive been able to log on here since wednesday.
regards dave.

Yep, got the same error message all day yesterday, unable to find web page etc etc.

Were the mods doing routine maintenance, or off on a jolly down the beach ? :laughing:

pierrot 14:
Yep, got the same error message all day yesterday, unable to find web page etc etc.

Were the mods doing routine maintenance, or off on a jolly down the beach ? :laughing:

Hi pierrot 14,

No mate, we weren’t on a jolly, but there was a problem which has now been fixed. :wink:

It’s just here:

I’ve locked this topic to keep all the comments and feedback together on the other one. :smiley: