Is it drive time or shift time?


now work out what you can legaly do next week in driving and work and you have your answer

Well, since I’ve done 15 hours of driving this week I can do my full 56 next week if I so wish however I’ve done 34 hours of “other work” this week. I’m limited to 60 hours max for working time but I need to average 48 over a 17 week period. So I reckon I can do about 40 max hours next week. Please tell me if I got this wrong.

swhy are you working out your 48 over 17 weeks ?
most places do it over 26



now work out what you can legaly do next week in driving and work and you have your answer

Well, since I’ve done 15 hours of driving this week I can do my full 56 next week if I so wish however I’ve done 34 hours of “other work” this week. I’m limited to 60 hours max for working time but I need to average 48 over a 17 week period. So I reckon I can do about 40 max hours next week. Please tell me if I got this wrong.

swhy are you working out your 48 over 17 weeks ?
most places do it over 26

I read it in the WTD.


now work out what you can legaly do next week in driving and work and you have your answer

Well, since I’ve done 15 hours of driving this week I can do my full 56 next week if I so wish however I’ve done 34 hours of “other work” this week. I’m limited to 60 hours max for working time but I need to average 48 over a 17 week period. So I reckon I can do about 40 max hours next week. Please tell me if I got this wrong.

There’s nothing to stop you doing 60+ hours working time next week, the average of 48 hours per week is over a reference period of 17 or 26 weeks.

If your reference period is 17 weeks and your on about your second week you’ve got another 15 weeks to get the average down to 48 hours.


Shift times are 13 hours 3x per week, 15 hours 3x per week

Between weekly rest periods, not per week.

Just like the man in the orthopaedic shoes, I stand corrected.

Read it again there are 2 ways 18 +17+17 = 52 weeks
or the better way is 2 x 26 =52weeks
almost everywhere will use 2 x 26 .
easy calculations are
add drive and actual work together when you get to 1248hrs within the 1st 26 weeks you stop working … 48x26=1248



now work out what you can legaly do next week in driving and work and you have your answer

Well, since I’ve done 15 hours of driving this week I can do my full 56 next week if I so wish however I’ve done 34 hours of “other work” this week. I’m limited to 60 hours max for working time but I need to average 48 over a 17 week period. So I reckon I can do about 40 max hours next week. Please tell me if I got this wrong.

There’s nothing to stop you doing 60+ hours working time next week, the average of 48 hours per week is over a reference period of 17 or 26 weeks.

If your reference period is 17 weeks and your on about your second week you’ve got another 15 weeks to get the average down to 48 hours.

So I’m blowing this way out of proportion then? So next week I can work a full 5 days then take a 45 hour rest break? I’ve done a 24 hour one this weekend. I worked on Saturday, going to work again at 02:30 on Monday morning. Pretty sure thats how it works.

Read it again there are 2 ways 18 +17+17 = 52 weeks
or the better way is 2 x 26 =52weeks
almost everywhere will use 2 x 26 .
easy calculations are
add drive and actual work together when you get to 1248hrs within the 1st 26 weeks you stop working … 48x26=1248

That makes it a lot easier to understand! Thanks Nick.

A driver is not expected to work out the 48 average

The drivers responsibility is to give the info to the employer

The employer works out the average on their computers

Whether the employer bothers with that info or not is up to them

Should the authorities ever bother with the RTD then its the employer who will get it in the neck not the driver




now work out what you can legaly do next week in driving and work and you have your answer

Well, since I’ve done 15 hours of driving this week I can do my full 56 next week if I so wish however I’ve done 34 hours of “other work” this week. I’m limited to 60 hours max for working time but I need to average 48 over a 17 week period. So I reckon I can do about 40 max hours next week. Please tell me if I got this wrong.

There’s nothing to stop you doing 60+ hours working time next week, the average of 48 hours per week is over a reference period of 17 or 26 weeks.

If your reference period is 17 weeks and your on about your second week you’ve got another 15 weeks to get the average down to 48 hours.

So I’m blowing this way out of proportion then? So next week I can work a full 5 days then take a 45 hour rest break? I’ve done a 24 hour one this weekend. I worked on Saturday, going to work again at 02:30 on Monday morning. Pretty sure thats how it works.

If you’ve had a reduced weekly rest period this week you should have a regular 45 hour weekly rest period next week to keep it simple until you’re fully conversant with the regulations, but thee’s nothing to stop you working 5/6 shifts as long as you can get a 45 hour weekly rest period in.

I been doing this job 30+years and still learning bits and pieces …

I have always found by keeping everything simple you cant go wrong.
I never cared when people said “oh you can do xy and z” if I reduced my weekly rest I always paid back the next weekend…
If your working to live your doing it wrong.
If you can do extra without getting in a muddle go for it but maxing out just for the sake of maxing out and you’ll come unstuck somewhere…





now work out what you can legaly do next week in driving and work and you have your answer

Well, since I’ve done 15 hours of driving this week I can do my full 56 next week if I so wish however I’ve done 34 hours of “other work” this week. I’m limited to 60 hours max for working time but I need to average 48 over a 17 week period. So I reckon I can do about 40 max hours next week. Please tell me if I got this wrong.

There’s nothing to stop you doing 60+ hours working time next week, the average of 48 hours per week is over a reference period of 17 or 26 weeks.

If your reference period is 17 weeks and your on about your second week you’ve got another 15 weeks to get the average down to 48 hours.

So I’m blowing this way out of proportion then? So next week I can work a full 5 days then take a 45 hour rest break? I’ve done a 24 hour one this weekend. I worked on Saturday, going to work again at 02:30 on Monday morning. Pretty sure thats how it works.

If you’ve had a reduced weekly rest period this week you should have a regular 45 hour weekly rest period next week to keep it simple until you’re fully conversant with the regulations, but thee’s nothing to stop you working 5/6 shifts as long as you can get a 45 hour weekly rest period in.

Listen to Tach . he wont steer you wrong :sunglasses: has the odd brain ■■■■ (only one this year :grimacing: )
Coffeeholic and Rog are also top drawer in the regs too.


now work out what you can legaly do next week in driving and work and you have your answer

Well, since I’ve done 15 hours of driving this week I can do my full 56 next week if I so wish however I’ve done 34 hours of “other work” this week. I’m limited to 60 hours max for working time but I need to average 48 over a 17 week period. So I reckon I can do about 40 max hours next week. Please tell me if I got this wrong.

you have got it wrong, my wtd average is running at 48.08 hours at present and that is between 09/06/2014 and 18/08/2014 now I do max duty time most days and max driving times most days, and I tramp all week.
One thing dvsa can’t do is check your wtd hours on a roadside check, and NO ONE has been prosecuted for wtd on its own, there have been some but that was only with a full investigation by the dvsa and there where tacho violations as well when brought before the traffic commissioner. As long as you have the correct weekly rests and your 90 hour fortnightly drives are not exceeded, I would not worry about it to much. It is down to you employer to keep an eye on the wtd NOT the driver.

down load truckertimer for the android shop, it will keep you straight on everything if you are really worried about it :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I just stuck to my contracted 36 hours a week. Can’t go wrong that way



now work out what you can legaly do next week in driving and work and you have your answer

Well, since I’ve done 15 hours of driving this week I can do my full 56 next week if I so wish however I’ve done 34 hours of “other work” this week. I’m limited to 60 hours max for working time but I need to average 48 over a 17 week period. So I reckon I can do about 40 max hours next week. Please tell me if I got this wrong.

you have got it wrong, my wtd average is running at 48.08 hours at present and that is between 09/06/2014 and 18/08/2014 now I do max duty time most days and max driving times most days, and I tramp all week.
One thing dvsa can’t do is check your wtd hours on a roadside check, and NO ONE has been prosecuted for wtd on its own, there have been some but that was only with a full investigation by the dvsa and there where tacho violations as well when brought before the traffic commissioner. As long as you have the correct weekly rests and your 90 hour fortnightly drives are not exceeded, I would not worry about it to much. It is down to you employer to keep an eye on the wtd NOT the driver.

down load truckertimer for the android shop, it will keep you straight on everything if you are really worried about it :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

and at some point over the weeks your wtd will come down. if he’s self employed he is responsible for his hours … and he was using the 17 17 18 week pattern not the 2 x 26 Just because you or no one has YET been prosecuted dose not make it right and its not a week by week thing its over all




now work out what you can legaly do next week in driving and work and you have your answer

Well, since I’ve done 15 hours of driving this week I can do my full 56 next week if I so wish however I’ve done 34 hours of “other work” this week. I’m limited to 60 hours max for working time but I need to average 48 over a 17 week period. So I reckon I can do about 40 max hours next week. Please tell me if I got this wrong.

you have got it wrong, my wtd average is running at 48.08 hours at present and that is between 09/06/2014 and 18/08/2014 now I do max duty time most days and max driving times most days, and I tramp all week.
One thing dvsa can’t do is check your wtd hours on a roadside check, and NO ONE has been prosecuted for wtd on its own, there have been some but that was only with a full investigation by the dvsa and there where tacho violations as well when brought before the traffic commissioner. As long as you have the correct weekly rests and your 90 hour fortnightly drives are not exceeded, I would not worry about it to much. It is down to you employer to keep an eye on the wtd NOT the driver.

down load truckertimer for the android shop, it will keep you straight on everything if you are really worried about it :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

and at some point over the weeks your wtd will come down. if he’s self employed he is responsible for his hours … and he was using the 17 17 18 week pattern not the 2 x 26 Just because you or no one has YET been prosecuted dose not make it right and its not a week by week thing its over all

if you look through the graduated fines from dvsa, there is NO fines for exceeding the wtd, now there must be a reason for this!!! let me think oh I know its because it can’t be checked at the roadside!!!

The 6 hour rule can be checked at roadside but they do not seem to bother checking that either





now work out what you can legaly do next week in driving and work and you have your answer

Well, since I’ve done 15 hours of driving this week I can do my full 56 next week if I so wish however I’ve done 34 hours of “other work” this week. I’m limited to 60 hours max for working time but I need to average 48 over a 17 week period. So I reckon I can do about 40 max hours next week. Please tell me if I got this wrong.

you have got it wrong, my wtd average is running at 48.08 hours at present and that is between 09/06/2014 and 18/08/2014 now I do max duty time most days and max driving times most days, and I tramp all week.
One thing dvsa can’t do is check your wtd hours on a roadside check, and NO ONE has been prosecuted for wtd on its own, there have been some but that was only with a full investigation by the dvsa and there where tacho violations as well when brought before the traffic commissioner. As long as you have the correct weekly rests and your 90 hour fortnightly drives are not exceeded, I would not worry about it to much. It is down to you employer to keep an eye on the wtd NOT the driver.

down load truckertimer for the android shop, it will keep you straight on everything if you are really worried about it :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

and at some point over the weeks your wtd will come down. if he’s self employed he is responsible for his hours … and he was using the 17 17 18 week pattern not the 2 x 26 Just because you or no one has YET been prosecuted dose not make it right and its not a week by week thing its over all

if you look through the graduated fines from dvsa, there is NO fines for exceeding the wtd, now there must be a reason for this!!! let me think oh I know its because it can’t be checked at the roadside!!!

You’ll be surprised what they can and cant do at the roadside :wink:






now work out what you can legaly do next week in driving and work and you have your answer

Well, since I’ve done 15 hours of driving this week I can do my full 56 next week if I so wish however I’ve done 34 hours of “other work” this week. I’m limited to 60 hours max for working time but I need to average 48 over a 17 week period. So I reckon I can do about 40 max hours next week. Please tell me if I got this wrong.

you have got it wrong, my wtd average is running at 48.08 hours at present and that is between 09/06/2014 and 18/08/2014 now I do max duty time most days and max driving times most days, and I tramp all week.
One thing dvsa can’t do is check your wtd hours on a roadside check, and NO ONE has been prosecuted for wtd on its own, there have been some but that was only with a full investigation by the dvsa and there where tacho violations as well when brought before the traffic commissioner. As long as you have the correct weekly rests and your 90 hour fortnightly drives are not exceeded, I would not worry about it to much. It is down to you employer to keep an eye on the wtd NOT the driver.

down load truckertimer for the android shop, it will keep you straight on everything if you are really worried about it :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

and at some point over the weeks your wtd will come down. if he’s self employed he is responsible for his hours … and he was using the 17 17 18 week pattern not the 2 x 26 Just because you or no one has YET been prosecuted dose not make it right and its not a week by week thing its over all

if you look through the graduated fines from dvsa, there is NO fines for exceeding the wtd, now there must be a reason for this!!! let me think oh I know its because it can’t be checked at the roadside!!!

You’ll be surprised what they can and cant do at the roadside :wink:

well it would surprise me as they need complete data for at least 17 weeks if not 26 weeks, but they would have to know what the company was using to work the figures out, that is why there are NO on the spot fines for wtd :wink:







now work out what you can legaly do next week in driving and work and you have your answer

Well, since I’ve done 15 hours of driving this week I can do my full 56 next week if I so wish however I’ve done 34 hours of “other work” this week. I’m limited to 60 hours max for working time but I need to average 48 over a 17 week period. So I reckon I can do about 40 max hours next week. Please tell me if I got this wrong.

you have got it wrong, my wtd average is running at 48.08 hours at present and that is between 09/06/2014 and 18/08/2014 now I do max duty time most days and max driving times most days, and I tramp all week.
One thing dvsa can’t do is check your wtd hours on a roadside check, and NO ONE has been prosecuted for wtd on its own, there have been some but that was only with a full investigation by the dvsa and there where tacho violations as well when brought before the traffic commissioner. As long as you have the correct weekly rests and your 90 hour fortnightly drives are not exceeded, I would not worry about it to much. It is down to you employer to keep an eye on the wtd NOT the driver.

down load truckertimer for the android shop, it will keep you straight on everything if you are really worried about it :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

and at some point over the weeks your wtd will come down. if he’s self employed he is responsible for his hours … and he was using the 17 17 18 week pattern not the 2 x 26 Just because you or no one has YET been prosecuted dose not make it right and its not a week by week thing its over all

if you look through the graduated fines from dvsa, there is NO fines for exceeding the wtd, now there must be a reason for this!!! let me think oh I know its because it can’t be checked at the roadside!!!

You’ll be surprised what they can and cant do at the roadside :wink:

well it would surprise me as they need complete data for at least 17 weeks if not 26 weeks, but they would have to know what the company was using to work the figures out, that is why there are NO on the spot fines for wtd :wink:

have a look at how far back your tacho records go…

Oh and wildfire the whole point of the OP was he wanted info to keep hiself the right side of things and all you have shown is a disregard for the implementation of the WTD by saying it cant be checked … Crack on fella …
Radar19 keep it simple as said and you wont go far wrong and anyone that says no-one will do anything about the wtd your best bet is stay clear …