IP Address issues & Slow boards

I realise there has been plenty of problems on here over the last few days with the server move and all…

Sadly im still having problems

First of all, I haven’t been able to get on the boards full stop for the last few days, Kept getting a “forbidden” notice… I was at my mums today and used her computer, i noticed i could get on just fine… tried again when i got home… same script… “Forbidden”… Hmmmmmm… SO i reset my routers to change my IP address, and now im back on! WAHEY! :laughing:

anyhow, the boards seem VERY slow (I have a fibreoptic connection so i know its NOT my end!) and I have been getting blank pages after posting.

I understand what is involved in a server move (done it myself with a forum i used to run) and i understand there can be teething trouble! but the IP problem does seem VERY bizarre!



Rikki has changed host to some cheapo tinpot company that promise the earth but don’t know ■■■■ all. That’s why the database is ■■■■■■ and they haven’t got a clue how to fix it and the same for the DNS causing people to be locked out along with the dial-up speeds here.

Rob K:
Rikki has changed host to some cheapo tinpot company that promise the earth but don’t know [zb] all. That’s why the database is [zb] and they haven’t got a clue how to fix it and the same for the DNS causing people to be locked out along with the dial-up speeds here.

Change the record Rob, you couldn’t in this case be more wrong, :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Despite our resident technical expert above opinion :unamused: the IP issue is the easiest to explain, a PC , server and domain name servers cache the IP address of websites to speed up access to sites (rather than hunting down the URL’s IP address everytime) , Servers and network routers all have a setting called TTL (Time to Live) which is the frequency the server etc will check that the current IP address for a URL is still accurate. By resetting your own IP you would have reset your PC’s DNS cache.

The slow page loads is a bit more complicated and looks like the MySQL database needs tweaking

The PHP issue with the blank pages appearing is even more difficult to track down as it is not consistent and difficult to reproduce however the tech team are looking into it.

Three PC’s here all on the same ISP, with 2 PC’s I get the “forbidden” message but on the other I can connect to the site just fine, albeit very slow. The 2 PC’s that fail to connect are using the DNS server configured in my router which was OPENDNS, the one that can connect uses the ZEN Internet DNS server!
Changed my router to use the ZEN servers and still get the forbidden message on 2 PC’s.
Solution was to open a CMD window and enter “ipconfig /flushdns” on both PC’s that cannot connect, and now they can.
Obviously it’s taking a while for some DNS servers to catch up with change, but clearing the DNS cache is also needed it would appear.

Despite our resident technical expert above opinion :unamused: the IP issue is the easiest to explain, a PC , server and domain name servers cache the IP address of websites to speed up access to sites (rather than hunting down the URL’s IP address everytime) , Servers and network routers all have a setting called TTL (Time to Live) which is the frequency the server etc will check that the current IP address for a URL is still accurate. By resetting your own IP you would have reset your PC’s DNS cache.

Yea, i figured it was something like that!

The slow page loads is a bit more complicated and looks like the MySQL database needs tweaking

that explains the repeated and random “mysql database” messages i keep getting!

We had a similar problem, BUT we had converted the database from PHPBB to VBullitin (VBullitin in my opinion is WAY superior to PHPBB… everytime i have used PHPBB it has struggled with large databases!) i seem to remember we ran the database remotely for a while to go easy on the resources on the main server! this seemed to work, then as the new server settled down we transferred sections of it back onto the main server!

Also HEAVY pruning cured ALOT of the database trouble we had with PHPBB, in “general” forum sections like chat areas ETC we deleted any inactive thread after 3 months inactivity. this kept the database down to a more manageable size, AND kept the forum looking clean and tidy!

IMO Rikki, all of the sub forums on here EXCEPT the owner drivers, ALL of the tool box and ask the experts sections and the transport pics COULD (and by rights should) be pruned! if its been inactive for 3 months… BIN it! for the sake of the database!

The PHP issue with the blank pages appearing is even more difficult to track down as it is not consistent and difficult to reproduce however the tech team are looking into it.

PERSONALLY I would try a fresh new install of PHPBB as opposed a version copied over from another server.

Back up the database, stylesheet and permissions then delete and re-install (for pete’s sake do some pruning as above first to make it easyer). the ONLY draw back with this is users passwords WILL be unrecoverable so tell people to make sure their e-mail address on the system is correct as if it isnt the account will be unrecoverable (except by an admin) all people will then need to do is “recover password” before they login :slight_smile:

I appreciate the difficulties mate, I really do! so i hope my advice will not be seen as trying to teach you how to ■■■■ eggs! LOL

Three PC’s here all on the same ISP, with 2 PC’s I get the “forbidden” message but on the other I can connect to the site just fine, albeit very slow. The 2 PC’s that fail to connect are using the DNS server configured in my router which was OPENDNS, the one that can connect uses the ZEN Internet DNS server!
Changed my router to use the ZEN servers and still get the forbidden message on 2 PC’s.
Solution was to open a CMD window and enter “ipconfig /flushdns” on both PC’s that cannot connect, and now they can.
Obviously it’s taking a while for some DNS servers to catch up with change, but clearing the DNS cache is also needed it would appear.

funny that as im on "open DNS aswell! but at a router level as opposed to on the PC…

Cheers fellas!


Cheers Bungle, taken your words on board, the size of the database isn’t really an issue , (and really helps with SEO) and losing members input to reduce costs and hassle isn’t what we wanted to do. This move has more than enough capability to cope with the current size of the database and traffic, once we tweak the server, and there will be some trial and error with that so the issues may hang around for a few days.

The more annoying error may take a while longer, a fresh install isn’t realistically an option given the custom mods we have (both visible to users and some not obvious) installed. To be totally honest php isn’t my strong point to say the least - so we will probably bring in a php programmer to root through and see what parameters are not closing sessions correctly, but that’s not going to happen on a Sunday night ! my budget isn’t never ending :slight_smile:

We knew when we took the decision at very short notice to move the forum , that we would encounter issues, but we felt saving the members content was more important than some short term bugs and niggles that we are confident we can sort out given time.

So yes it is a pain and we apologise, but we took the best decision felt was right given the circumstances we found ourselves in.

Cheers Bungle, taken your words on board, the size of the database isn’t really an issue , (and really helps with SEO) and losing members input to reduce costs and hassle isn’t what we wanted to do. This move has more than enough capability to cope with the current size of the database and traffic, once we tweak the server, and there will be some trial and error with that so the issues may hang around for a few days.

Thats fair enough, SEO wasn’t really high on our agenda! :laughing: :laughing: i can see the point there though mate! were limited mainly by budget, so keeping it as small and neat as possible was ideal for us! don’t forget all them search spiders can use a HUGE amount of bandwidth in a small amount of time!

The more annoying error may take a while longer, a fresh install isn’t realistically an option given the custom mods we have (both visible to users and some not obvious) installed. To be totally honest php isn’t my strong point to say the least - so we will probably bring in a php programmer to root through and see what parameters are not closing sessions correctly, but that’s not going to happen on a Sunday night ! my budget isn’t never ending :slight_smile:

I feel you pain! im hopeless with ANY sort of programming and had a lad as joint admin to do that side for me! i sorted the forum out and anything directly related to the control panel, he did any coding and server tweaks!

it MIGHT be worth asking on the forum if anyone is any good with PHP… you might be surprised, and save yersen a few bob!

We knew when we took the decision at very short notice to move the forum , that we would encounter issues, but we felt saving the members content was more important than some short term bugs and niggles that we are confident we can sort out given time.

So yes it is a pain and we apologise, but we took the best decision felt was right given the circumstances we found ourselves in.

and for that I think we collectively thank you mate!



Oh and im not 100% sure what you’ve done, but things seem to have sped up a little in the last 20 mins or so!


We dangled the Doo dah, then cross matched it with the thingy bob, took some fiddling with the mangel worzel and merged the round sided grommet on the offside of the down side sliding watchumacallit… at least I think that’s what the tech said- IT IS NOT FIXED and some problems will still occur, but it is being worked on

We dangled the Doo dah, then cross matched it with the thingy bob, took some fiddling with the mangel worzel and merged the round sided grommet on the offside of the down side sliding watchumacallit… at least I think that’s what the tech said- IT IS NOT FIXED and some problems will still occur, but it is being worked on

in that case this is who you need to call… :smiley:


Reckon she’d sort it out with her level of knowledge on thingumybobs… :smiley:


We dangled the Doo dah, then cross matched it with the thingy bob, took some fiddling with the mangel worzel and merged the round sided grommet on the offside of the down side sliding watchumacallit… at least I think that’s what the tech said- IT IS NOT FIXED and some problems will still occur, but it is being worked on

THE END OF THE WORLD IS NIGH :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

“And lo, lorry driver shall speak in tongues unto lorry driver and none shall comprehend the meaning of their words nor shall the cries of the peoples of the forum be heard until the Almighty Server be satisfied with their sacrifices.” (VOSA’s Letter to the Operators, Chapter 235, Verse 1066)

And the Almighty Server spake and said unto the forums “Thou shalt sacrifice £30 per turn of the handle and be condemned to eternal rest with pink chalk round thine wheels at the hellish RDC until thy TM shall abort the delivery” (The 6th book of Trucknet, Chapter 6, Verse 6.)

Much of this thread appears to be written in plain gobbledegook. However, I’m sure we all appreciate the efforts of those involved in the move.

I haven’t seen any improvement for several days. I get locked out, told I cannot post and cannot view this thread, that is apart from the white pages and the gobbeldygook

I just get the white page issue after posting - nothing else - but I have a shortcut to the main index page which I click after posting to get me back on track

I just get the white page issue after posting …

:bulb: That’ll be due to your Wi-Fi signal being deflected by your hi-viz. :laughing: :wink: :grimacing: :stuck_out_tongue:

(This only applies in Leicester.) :smiley: