Investigation for not wearing a seat belt

No wonder this country is going to the dogs and many companies are quite happy to employ ‘foreign’ workers despite there being a glut of unemployed ‘natives’. It wasn’t me guv, and if it was the union will try to dig me out of trouble.

Truth is its the way companies are run, it aint me guv attitude i don’t blame people for having that attitude or having to get the union involved no wonder when a possible sighting of not wearing a seat belt involved an offical investigation.

Management, couldn’t manage a pee up in a brewery.

Good management, good relations would be having a word. Look mate you were seen not wearing a seat belt you know its illegal and know the company frowns upon it, don’t do it again or it will be taken further etc… then you would get truth, you would get respect.

But no good management is having procedures in place, arrange an offical interview/investigation, your on here talking about disiciplianary warnings, action being taken and all the rest over a seat belt, and you wonder why people want to get the union involved.

My view on seat belts, i wear them most of the time, out on the open road. Chances in an accident i think i’ll go with wearing a seat belt.

But in all honesty in cities especially the seat belt usually comes off for safety reasons. In towns and cities need eyes in the back of your head, coming outta junctions, roundabouts espec with the blind spots large mirrors can create, i tend to be moving about to get a better view, the wearing of a seat belt hinders me from doing this. In a collision in city traffic at 10-30mph i doubt very much a seat belt is going to make a huge difference.

Again with a decent employer could sit talk about these things, with robots in a lot of big places again would be grounds for an offical warning.

anything happening with this

anything happening with this

His meeting is today at 3pm

Goodluck Davey, hope it works out ok for you

I would make sure they put all their allegations in writing ,
I had a jobsworth manager who use to pull
me in the office for pointless things,
this soon stopped when i asked him to put his
allegation and evidence in writing,so i could seek advice before i went into his meeting.


Willy Gofar:
Simple answer is wear it, it is there for your protection despite what the vocal minority say about " I know someone who would be dead if he was wearing a seatbelt ", utter claptrap.

And even though you have a friend who’s life was saved through wearing one somehow i have reservations about hitting something so hard that could possibly throw me through a windscreen and being saved by a belt.

To be honest Mike, I have a bit of an aversion to going through the windscreen and landing on my head twenty yards up the road :stuck_out_tongue:

The non wearing of a seatbelt by the driver is, in most cases, only likely to physically affect the person not wearing it should an incident occur and, more likely than not, have a knock-on mentally devastating effect on loved ones & friends.

If the driver is not bothered about any of the above then fine :exclamation:

The not wearing of the belt is very unlikely to affect other road users which is why there is only a little fine for not doing so as an encouragement to reduce, not only on the effects already mentioned, but the effects on the emergency crews etc who have to sort out the mess.

Drink driving, driving when tired & using a mobile phone whilst driving are examples of where it is likely to affect other road users so therefore the penalties are greater.

Hi Rog in your post

The not wearing of the belt is very unlikely to affect other road users which is why there is only a little fine for not doing so as an encouragement to reduce, not only on the effects already mentioned, but the effects on the emergency crews etc who have to sort out the mess.

i heard stories that some drivers that don’t wear there seat belt and have crashed there have been throne out of the windscreen in to the other car and injuring them

and if a driver is stopped for not wearing there seat belt by the cops then that cop is one less on the road looking for the idiots and drink drivers that do affect other road uses

if you have a belt in your truck and you don’t wear it then your the fool

meeting has been ajourned to later in the week . will update later

Hi Rog in your post

The not wearing of the belt is very unlikely to affect other road users which is why there is only a little fine for not doing so as an encouragement to reduce, not only on the effects already mentioned, but the effects on the emergency crews etc who have to sort out the mess.

i heard stories that some drivers that don’t wear there seat belt and have crashed there have been throne out of the windscreen in to the other car and injuring them

That’s why I put unlikely :wink: :slight_smile:

On a personal basis I am a firm believer in wearing my seat belt. On occasion I have forgotten to put it on but if you asked me about that a week later I’d have no memory of that which makes it a bit tricky to defend yourself against something like that. It’s either very harsh of his company to pursue the matter in this fashion which would necessitate the company getting their response correct to avoid possible litigation (dismissal would on the face of it be over the top) or, we might not be getting the whole story. In my experience the latter is all too common. If there’s more to this then the OP needs to front up otherwise he might not be getting the advice he really needs. As a former union rep and official I always made it crystal clear when representing an employee at a disciplinary that the most important thing I needed from them was the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth! There’s nothing worse than going up against management when a bloke has held info back from you which they gleefully present you with.

I think wearing a seat belt whilst controling a large vehicle is dangerous, how can you control a truck whilst being strapped to the chair?

Why was it adjourned■■?

So an even longer delay for the poor driver, fingers crossed for ya mate, record everything and request full details in writing, including the name(s) of those that accuse you.

Smoking is permitted in a vehicle if you are the only user.

meeting postponed causing undue stress to driver
have week off starting the day of next meeting :frowning:

I think wearing a seat belt whilst controling a large vehicle is dangerous, how can you control a truck whilst being strapped to the chair?

Yeh right :exclamation: :exclamation:
Me thinks you are trying to wind us all up :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

Davey Boy:
yes like the wording about checks will try that line… cant wait too see them argue that i should not pkug it in lol

That’s wot they do on the MOT

‘…if the driver doesn’t want to wear a seatbelt or forgets,what business is it of yours??..if he gets stopped by the police or has an accident then surely it is on his watch…not yours??..’

If only it were that simple.

Why should my National Insurance contribution pay to fix a blokes face/ribs, etc because he wanted to exercise his rights of flouting the law? Is it more important to fix a selfish bloke’s chops than spend it on cancer treatment or organ transplants for law abiding folk, etc, etc?

Primary health-care legislation such as ‘wear a seat-belt, Muppet’ is there for a reason …whilst equally being there to ensure that the hard earned NI contribution of a law abiding bloke (ie, me) isn’t frittered away by jack****, egocentric, antisocial hooligans.

Happy Keith:

‘…if the driver doesn’t want to wear a seatbelt or forgets,what business is it of yours??..if he gets stopped by the police or has an accident then surely it is on his watch…not yours??..’

If only it were that simple.

Why should my National Insurance contribution pay to fix a blokes face/ribs, etc because he wanted to exercise his rights of flouting the law? Is it more important to fix a selfish bloke’s chops than spend it on cancer treatment or organ transplants for law abiding folk, etc, etc?

Primary health-care legislation such as ‘wear a seat-belt, Muppet’ is there for a reason …whilst equally being there to ensure that the hard earned NI contribution of a law abiding bloke (ie, me) isn’t frittered away by jack****, egocentric, antisocial hooligans.

Sure aint that simple. I could be wrong but i don’t think there is one truck made (UK Cabovers) with any impact saftey equiptment or build. Tere is no crumple zone on a truck, the driver is the crumple zone. Tell a lie, i think some of the Volvo’s have an airbag! I always wondered why bus passengers don’t have to wear seatbelts if its so dangerous to travel without them.

Happy Keith:

‘…if the driver doesn’t want to wear a seatbelt or forgets,what business is it of yours??..if he gets stopped by the police or has an accident then surely it is on his watch…not yours??..’

If only it were that simple.

Why should my National Insurance contribution pay to fix a blokes face/ribs, etc because he wanted to exercise his rights of flouting the law? Is it more important to fix a selfish bloke’s chops than spend it on cancer treatment or organ transplants for law abiding folk, etc, etc?

Primary health-care legislation such as ‘wear a seat-belt, Muppet’ is there for a reason …whilst equally being there to ensure that the hard earned NI contribution of a law abiding bloke (ie, me) isn’t frittered away by jack****, egocentric, antisocial hooligans.

i pay NI too and so would the bloke who happens not to be wearing a seatbelt,so maybe its HIS NI contributions that pay for HIS care…not YOURS!!! could use the NI or “I pay tax” arguement against anything :unamused: …usually that comes out as a last resort cause you cant think of anything else constructive to say.
bit like the BBC licence fee…I dont watch football or celebrity this,that and the other…doesn’t mean that im gonna bleat on about the way MY licence fee is paid and i want a refund cause i happen not to like or watch something.
im not condoning the non wearing of a seat belt at all…a lot of the time i dont wear mine in the truck,sometimes i forget,sometimes its just uncomfortable and restrictive when on a long drive…if i get caught by the police then its my fault,i have to pay the consequences,i wear it at all times in the car even when im a passenger in the back and i always make sure that if I have people in the back of the car then they have theirs on too…does that make me irresponsible■■?
i just dont feel that it should be a disciplinary matter within a company…I drives the truck to the best and most effiecient way I can…I try and drive safely and I am ultimately responsible for keeping to the drivers rules and regs,my company also has a responsibility for that to but ULTIMATELY its MY responsibilty…sure i speed now and then,but never in STATED limits…i just dont feel that me or whoever not wearing a seatbelt is anyone elses business but the DRIVER driving the truck. :wink:

‘…i pay NI too and so would the bloke who happens not to be wearing a seatbelt,so maybe its HIS NI contributions that pay for HIS care…not YOURS!!! could use the NI or “I pay tax” arguement against anything…’

Yeah …but it isn’t my first argument. My first argument is to learn whether you have whinged to your MP or Chief Constable regarding the disputed benefit of seatbelt wearing.

‘…usually that comes out as a last resort cause you cant think of anything else constructive to say…’

Thus, such an assumption is wrong.

i just dont feel that me or whoever not wearing a seatbelt is anyone elses business but the DRIVER driving the truck

‘…Feelings…’ are above the capacity for an individual to wholly embrace a democratically, technically, health system researched & enabled argument, mate: Why not consult your MP and petition for society to benefit from your *research/*law-breaking/*antisocial hunch? (*delete as applicable.)

However, if your feelings are as (in)accurate as ‘assumptions’ exposed above, you’ll be on a loser.