Interview Process and dress code

Hi Everyone,

I am a new driver and currently looking to register with some agencies and apply for full time Class 2 positions when advertised.

I was wondering what the appropriate dress code is for attending agencies and interviews (suit/smart casual/etc)?

Excuse my naivity, but this is all new to me.

Also, what is the interview process normally like? Is it quite formal and what kinds of questions do they ask?

Thanks in advance guys/gals! :slight_smile:

My other half who is a retail manager, and has done many interviews, says one of the most important things, is eye contact throughout. Never fidget or look at the floor.

Research the company you are going to be interviewed by if you are going for a full time job, as they may ask what you know about them.

I would say that if you are going for a driving job, then smart casual is the way. No jeans, trainers or t-shirts. Clean shirt, trousers and smart shoes. Take a hi viz as well just in case you are taken around on a tour of the place.

Be polite, and a firm handshake at the beginning and end, and thank them for their time as you leave.

As for agencies, a clean and tidy appearance as they tend to be less fussy and usually just want bums on seats.


New, clean black work trousers, a shirt and clean boots will be enough. You need to look presentable, but also need to look like somebody doing the job would look like. You don’t need to wear a suit, this will just confuse most interviewers.

Agencies will give you a written (multi choice) test,regarding driving hours/regulations etc;so bone up on these.
You will also be asked questions like “Which motorways would you use to get from A to B ?”
Pretty simple stuff really…just remember that the M25 is the road to nowhere,and the M1 and M6 will get you somewhere eventually :wink:

Yes, smart trousers and an shirt, don’t go overboard with a suit though. When I interview I want to see someone that looks clean and tidy, pleasant and is basically polite.

We are a small firm and we do the chat interview - I’d take someone that I thought fitted in with us in short and was going to get on with othr people and not upset the customers.

Good luck.

Think to yourself, ‘could I get into a nightclub with this gear on’, if the answers yes your in the right kit. I’m talking average night club not the bespoke ones I’ve come across.

Smart casual is the way to go, jeans may not be a deal breaker but make the effort wearing other trousers.

Smart T shirt maybe OK but I’d prefer a decent shirt anyday.

First impressions matter a lot so polite respectful is my mantra.

As stated expect a test on regs, etc.

Take some work kit, hi viz, safety shoes just in case always looks good to be prepared.

Ooops just noticed its agency work in which case turning up ■■■■■■■ half naked and looking for a fight will make little difference :wink:

Don’t forget your Aldi carrier bag. And your agency driver limp along with a hi viz caked in grease!! And of course your lie detector machine because agencies tell lots of lies!! :smiley:

Neat and tidy…but dont forget they might ask you to to a driving assessment…in some grubby old spare motor.

Neat and tidy…but dont forget they might ask you to to a driving assessment…in some grubby old spare motor.

Not at an agency interview but that’s what you’ll end up driving :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Gotta ring Tuesday to arrange interview and assessment.
So on the day it’ll be clean workwear boots hi viz gloves pen licences etc.

Agencies will give you a written (multi choice) test,regarding driving hours/regulations etc;so bone up on these.
You will also be asked questions like “Which motorways would you use to get from A to B ?”
Pretty simple stuff really…just remember that the M25 is the road to nowhere,and the M1 and M6 will get you somewhere eventually :wink:

This is what scares me. I’ve worked for the same company for well over 20 years. If I were ever de-institutionalized, I’d be ■■■■■■!

Gotta ring Tuesday to arrange interview and assessment.
So on the day it’ll be clean workwear boots hi viz gloves pen licences etc.

I’d always go, shirt, tie, pants, shoe’s (Clean polished boots) and holding a coat. A suit is overkill. Bring the extras for the assessment. It’s up to you what you wear, just be smart.


Gotta ring Tuesday to arrange interview and assessment.
So on the day it’ll be clean workwear boots hi viz gloves pen licences etc.

I’d always go, shirt, tie, pants, shoe’s (Clean polished boots) and holding a coat. A suit is overkill. Bring the extras for the assessment. It’s up to you what you wear, just be smart.

Don’t really get the ‘holding a coat’ bit, am I missing something :neutral_face:
I wouldn’t wear a tie, they are for getting married and funerals I reckon, and a bit pretentious in any other situation.

Clean smart open neck shirt, kecks or decent quality jeans, casual shoes not trainers for me.
Got every job I’ve applied for dressed like this apart from going into one place with a truck, when I had clean work wear on.
I didn’t even get a drive assessment there, the fact that it was a left ■■■■■■ with a kooi on the back seemed to impress him for some reason, and he offered me a job after a short interview…


Agencies will give you a written (multi choice) test,regarding driving hours/regulations etc;so bone up on these.
You will also be asked questions like “Which motorways would you use to get from A to B ?”
Pretty simple stuff really…just remember that the M25 is the road to nowhere,and the M1 and M6 will get you somewhere eventually :wink:

This is what scares me. I’ve worked for the same company for well over 20 years. If I were ever de-institutionalized, I’d be [zb]!

+1 , I do think there’s a lot to be said for moving around on a regular basis , not every 5 mins but every few years , you can become too comfortable in your own surroundings

Checked super dry shirt. Collar up of course.
Boot cut jeans. Preferably slightly too tight for comfort.
Super Hampton boots. With segs.

Optional extras.
Cowboy hat.
Can of red bull.
Packet of pro plus.

Ideally if you give yourself a spray of chrome interior polish it will impress the interviewer.

The above get up is the only way to go if you are wanting a V8 with all the bells and whistles.

Ps it helps if you have a bit of country blasting out of your car as you pull up at the office.

Checked super dry shirt. Collar up of course.
Boot cut jeans. Preferably slightly too tight for comfort.
Super Hampton boots. With segs.

Optional extras.
Cowboy hat.
Can of red bull.
Packet of pro plus.

Ideally if you give yourself a spray of chrome interior polish it will impress the interviewer.

The above get up is the only way to go if you are wanting a V8 with all the bells and whistles.

Ps it helps if you have a bit of country blasting out of your car as you pull up at the office.

That’s compulsory if you are going to an interview with a northern irish fridge haulier