What would be suitable to wear for a interview and driving assessment
Usual driving clothes, neat, clean and tidy.
As above, including safety boots, and get a hi-vis vest that can be removed inside offices. Follow the lead of what others are wearing in car parks etc. Some companies want all staff to wear hi-vis and some don’t.
Gloves too. Basically, go equipped as if it was a regular driving day, including all your cards, your NI number for them to do a licence check, not forgetting a pen to fill in paperwork.
Joggers, trainers and a cab rat high vis will do you for some companies, don’t take any gloves either so as to get the steering wheel full of ■■■■.
But yeah for decent ones just neat and tidy, boots, clean ish hi viz vest and just a thin pair of gloves you can bunch in your pocket
Edit. As has already been said above
White shirt, black jeans/trousers, clean black work boots/shoes, smart dark overcoat, covers all the bases.