International CPC questions tips?

I’ve left it a bit too late. I’m sitting module 6 next Friday, and wanted to get an idea of where I should best focus my limited time. I’ve got past papers, and was a bit surprised to see that costings (which I can do) don’t necessarily feature for an easy 5 marks.

I was expecting a decent costings question, as well as a driver’s hours one. I’m happy with either of those, as well as an O licensing one. Is there any other area I should be focusing on. I’m reasoneably happy with CMR, less so with NCTS and bilateral stuff.

There’s always a question about incoterms.

I’ve spent the last 10 years importing containers from Indonesia and China. If I can’t get my DATs and DAPs sorted out now, there’s no hope for me!

If you dont know the answer and it says switzerland as answer tick switzerland

It’s not a multiple choice. I got away with ticking 15, 30 or 9 all through the National, but I think I need to up my game for this one.

What’s the road charging system called in Belgium/ Austria/Germany etc and how does it work?

What’s the system called for taking trucks through Austria/Switzerland on the backs of trains and how does it work?

Explain the ATA carnet system.

If you were based in the UK and did a movement from Norway to Spain for a German customer, explain what you would need to do with regard to VAT.

etc etc etc.

Good luck for the test!

Not one question on Incoterms! Must be the first time ever. Might have just scraped it, but I hear I’ve got a bit longer if I need it.

Yeah, I took it this afternoon as well, thought I may as well upgrade even if I never use it. Don’t think i’d give johnny foreigner a chance to pick my pocket unless it’s an uber contract.

Got the home study pack and only started reading it on Monday evening, managed to get through it by last night, bit of a yawn fest if you ask me, loads of BS you’ll never need but they have to pad it out I suppose. Might have scraped through but we’ll see come January. Luckily you can re take it if you failed all next year.