Internal straps in curtainsiders

Baked Beans will not shift :

I suggest that you do complain - many firms would like to see the back of you, you
winjin git, like DHL and Lynx when you were a winjin parcel boy.

Yet another of your constructive posts revealing that you really know very little about lorries and their loads. Trying to belittle me with your assumptions just proves that you do not have a valid point to make because you now need to try and insult me. Still, you fail to answer valid questions from previous posts both from me and others and that is because you know nothing about haulage and anything you assume you know you have read in a book.
Posting pictures of loads strewn across carriageways proves jack ■■■■ because every load will break free under a certain amount of stress and only a ■■■■■■■ would argue otherwise.

How long before you start mentioning “safety” in order to give yourself half an argument because so far you are failing.

Just for your information, many firms are glad to see me because they know the job will get done without getting lost, having a bump, ■■■■■■■■ a bridge or shedding my load everywhere. Can you say the same?

…every load will break free under a certain amount of stress.

…many firms are glad to see me because they know the job will get done
without getting lost, having a bump or shedding my load.

You’re so under-rated. You should be management.

I don’t think Dieseldoforme actually knows any answers. He merely quotes text from documents that he reads. He has failed to answer any direct question totally and personally I don’t think he has a clue what a lorry actually looks like and if asked to secure a load he would put on a condom.

Please advise how to secure the load below with 26 internal straps. Complain about the load and you will simply not work there again.

Again, use all the internal straps but they will not stop the load from going forwards when you hit the brakes hard and as the load moves forward it comes away from the straps. The straps are merely there to make it look pretty and make Vosa believe that the driver has secured his load.

The load of palletised biscuits shown is a packaging issue. This is not acceptable for shipment by airfreight right through to packhorse and camel. The fact that the company producing these goods has got away with it in the past, and up till now, merely indicates ignorance and penny pinching.

This is where the jelly bellies of the RHA and FTA should be involved and quite frankly they should be stirred into action by very pointed writing in CM. The large haulage companies like FW and Stobart have it within their power to refuse to accept goods unless fit for travel.

If the outer packaging does not fit the pallet and is incapable of withstanding a spread downward force, then it should stay in the warehouse until it can.

I am probably wrong, but I can’t remember loads looking like this being carried on flat trailers, so why should they be acceptable in a curtainsider? They were in cardboard boxes that either fitted , or longer ago; in tin boxes.

If the manufacturer insists on this pack size on this size pallet, then they need to be forced to shrinkwrap dunnage and edge protection to the stack and quite possibly limit the height of the stack to protect the bottom layer.

Baked Beans will not shift :

beans dont shift if strapped.
the reason this load of beans didnt make it, is because of 2 reasons.

  1. this accident happened and the circumstances of the accident is unbeknown to everyone apart from the people involved.
  2. the load would of survived the journey and accident if just 1 thing extra had happened to the load before loading and the key words are SHRINK WRAP.
    so get off your high horse and think about things before opening your gob.


24 pallets of Coke, ‘Restrained’ using the internal straps. That’s the best I can do, can’t use ratchet straps because they will crush the pallets (hav’nt got any corner boards)
Lots of ‘So Called Professional Drivers’ take the Pee out of me because I strap or ratchet strap 99% of my loads !


Good work.

Let them take the pizz - you’ll have the last laugh.

PS - Couldn’t you top out with empty pallets ?

I could top the load off with empty pallets, but I don’t think they will let me have them because I will sell them as soon as I’ve tipped :laughing: (PS, don’t tell the Tax Man !)

Retract that ! I’ve never sold a single pallet in my life !

(sub conscious thinking) "Shut up Viking, stop digging that hole !

some rdcs,ive visited, would laugh at you if you turned up with pallets stacked on top of the load.

off the truck…on the racking is what they want…zero interaction inbetween.

you quite often here people say “would the load move if the vehicle was involved in an accident…if so,it isn’t properly secured”.
I say ■■■■■■■■…there are so many variables when discussing load security,that sweeping generalisations,cant be made. the grain lorry that went over on the 43 yesterday,lost its load…was it insecure :question: don`t think so.

Gravity straps can take more than 400Kg :smiley:

Why have they loaded those canned drinks on Euros? Standard pallets would be more suitable and much more secure, or you could load them 3 across like they were intended

Please advise how to secure the load below with 26 internal straps. Complain about the load and you will simply not work there again.

Surely your not telling us! that if you were to bring it to the attention of a operator that you were not happy taking a unsafe load out, then you would not get any work from that employer again?


Please advise how to secure the load below with 26 internal straps. Complain about the load and you will simply not work there again.

Surely your not telling us! that if you were to bring it to the attention of a operator that you were not happy taking a unsafe load out, then you would not get any work from that employer again?

Have a look at the picture I posted. Now, picture yourself walking into the traffic office of that company and refusing to take that load because you deem it to be unsafe. I guarantee the response will not be " oh we are ever so sorry driver, please allow us to correct this".

its quite simple. if its not deemed to be safe to transport then don’t take it.
I had a load from someplace near tilbury a couple of years back which was 18 packs of ply that had been from an insurance recovery centre and they had to take all the company branding and numbers and eveything off so all they did was take the outer casing off the packs and then put shrink wrap round with no banding. hence to say I refused to cart it and my company respected my decision and I pulled out empty.

Surely your not telling us! that if you were to bring it to the attention of a operator that you were not happy taking a unsafe load out, then you would not get any work from that employer again?

Depends which driver they want to see the back of.

. . . I refused to cart it and my company respected my decision and I pulled out empty.

Well Done.

Safety before greed.


. . . I refused to cart it and my company respected my decision and I pulled out empty.

Well Done.

Safety before greed.

Nothing to do with greed ffs the job might have been a loss … you talk some Bull



. . . I refused to cart it and my company respected my decision and I pulled out empty.

Well Done.

Safety before greed.

Nothing to do with greed ffs the job might have been a loss … you talk some Bull

Most jobs will be done at a loss with these silly rules, they are silly because some loads can be secured with other methods and straps are not the B all and end all cure. 3 hours strapping and unstrapping a load that should have been shrinkwrapped or secured in a crate, carton or box van

Nothing to do with greed ffs the job might have been a loss … you talk some Bull

So there is no need to secure a load if it is a loss ?

…and you say that I talk some bull.


The planners don’t factor time in already for strapping the loads

Tell the planners that you need time to restrain the load, your driving it they’re not!
I can see a few back door deliverys having to change their procedures, as all straps will have to be undone before the forks can start offloading.
Same applies for loading eg if a forks are going through the back doors then I doubt drivers will be able to have curtains opened to allow drivers to strap as its being loaded.

And there begins your problem, many places will not enter a trailer if the curtains are not fastened, they blame that on health and safety too. life’s a barrel of ----- when you look at it

Wheel Nut:


The planners don’t factor time in already for strapping the loads

Tell the planners that you need time to restrain the load, your driving it they’re not!
I can see a few back door deliverys having to change their procedures, as all straps will have to be undone before the forks can start offloading.
Same applies for loading eg if a forks are going through the back doors then I doubt drivers will be able to have curtains opened to allow drivers to strap as its being loaded.

And there begins your problem, many places will not enter a trailer if the curtains are not fastened, they blame that on health and safety too. life’s a barrel of ----- when you look at it

The problem is all these rules and regs are made by men in suits+c/board who have never done the job.
regards dave.