Interesting tales

hey guys

has anyone got any interesting tales to tell whilst being parked up for the night,:smiley:

There’s sites that specialise in that sort of thing :wink: so I’ve been told :blush: :grimacing:

In 10 years of doing nights out, the most exciting thing that’s ever happened is Erm… Well nothing :unamused:

i once got woken up by heavy rain :open_mouth:

Once woke up to find the diesel fairies had emptied the contents of my tank.

Once on a nightout parked up in Skelmesdale the ground literaly moved for me .There was a slight earthquake in the northwest and it felt that someone was jumping up and down on the trailer

I parked up a few times on what used to be the waste ground beside the Earl de Grey opposite the marina in Hell, err I mean Hull. Got knocked up a couple of times at night by ladies trying to ‘do some business’ but I never got to know what they were selling :confused: :slight_smile:

I parked up a few times on what used to be the waste ground beside the Earl de Grey opposite the marina in Hell, err I mean Hull. Got knocked up a couple of times at night by ladies trying to ‘do some business’ but I never got to know what they were selling :confused: :slight_smile:

A few times? Once if you dont know the area. But a few times suggests you were there on purpose… :laughing:

Parked up one night somewhere in the Midlands when I heard banging on the cab door, was just a load of ■■■■■■■■■ though…
Did wake up in the morning and did a quick walk round and found that another truck had pulled up right close to the trailers, obviously heard the fridge running when he drove past to park, whoever you are thank you, I was worried about being parked there loaded :sunglasses:

Winter, early 1970’s, a 20ton multidrop around London cash and carrys on behalf of Pedigree Petfoods from Melton Mowbray. Last drop of the day was Batty’s Cash and Carry, Limehouse (seedy doesn’t even begin to describe the area!).
‘Sorry drive, I’m just finishing now. I start at seven, but if you get here just before six, you’ll be at the front of the queue and I’ll come in early and tip you’
So off I goes and parks up at the Graving Dock Tavern (remember that?) for the night.
Back in Limehouse just after half-five and there’s a big pantechnicon parked just along from Batty’s entrance, on the wrong side of the road. I backed up to it and was just getting my paperwork out when I’m surrounded by half the Met police force, complete with dogs and several police cars. I get hauled out of the cab bodily, thrown into the back of a police car, handcuffed and subjected to the third degree! It wasn’t until the cash and carry bloke arrived and confirmed my story did they finally relent and let me go - without a word of apology!
It appeared that the van was loaded with high-end furniture and had been stolen in central London the day before. They had sat all night waiting for someone to come along to unload it, and when I arrived they jumped in without waiting to see what happened.
Oh, and it was MY fault their stake-out had been ruined!


Parked up one night somewhere in the Midlands when I heard banging on the cab door, was just a load of ■■■■■■■■■ though…
Did wake up in the morning and did a quick walk round and found that another truck had pulled up right close to the trailers, obviously heard the fridge running when he drove past to park, whoever you are thank you, I was worried about being parked there loaded :sunglasses:

that was very nice of that guy, would like to think someone will do that for me one day, I certainly would :smiley:

Winter, early 1970’s, a 20ton multidrop around London cash and carrys on behalf of Pedigree Petfoods from Melton Mowbray. Last drop of the day was Batty’s Cash and Carry, Limehouse (seedy doesn’t even begin to describe the area!).
‘Sorry drive, I’m just finishing now. I start at seven, but if you get here just before six, you’ll be at the front of the queue and I’ll come in early and tip you’
So off I goes and parks up at the Graving Dock Tavern (remember that?) for the night.
Back in Limehouse just after half-five and there’s a big pantechnicon parked just along from Batty’s entrance, on the wrong side of the road. I backed up to it and was just getting my paperwork out when I’m surrounded by half the Met police force, complete with dogs and several police cars. I get hauled out of the cab bodily, thrown into the back of a police car, handcuffed and subjected to the third degree! It wasn’t until the cash and carry bloke arrived and confirmed my story did they finally relent and let me go - without a word of apology!
It appeared that the van was loaded with high-end furniture and had been stolen in central London the day before. They had sat all night waiting for someone to come along to unload it, and when I arrived they jumped in without waiting to see what happened.
Oh, and it was MY fault their stake-out had been ruined!


so not much changed with the boys in blue then, customer relations still first priority :neutral_face:

I parked up a few times on what used to be the waste ground beside the Earl de Grey opposite the marina in Hell, err I mean Hull. Got knocked up a couple of times at night by ladies trying to ‘do some business’ but I never got to know what they were selling :confused: :slight_smile:

probably kitchenware