Interesting Email from VOSA


Own Account Driver:

The same email also confirms that VOSA will check DQC card for DCPC at every routine encounter plus checks of Operators to ensure DCPC records are being monitored by them. All drivers without the card will be reported to the TC. All operators not checking will be reported to the TC

That’s good news.

Anyone out there dragging their feet on getting it can just check if their employer is on green for OCRS and if they are not bother as there’s very little chance of being caught.

a company ‘driver’ can’t check to see the company OCRS score

to check the OCRS score, you need to know the login details of the aforementioned company

as such, i could not check online the OCRS score of Southern Star from Kent, although, i would hazard a guess that it would be irrelevant at this moment in time anyway, as that particular company would be on Grey, as that company has no history to check against

A few drive-bys past a checkpoint of a morning would probably be less hassle negotiating any sort of online offering from VOSA.

I’m not 100% but I think you go on red with no roadside pulls even with several years of MOT first-time passes.

Own Account Driver:
That’s good news.

Anyone out there dragging their feet on getting it can just check if their employer is on green for OCRS and if they are not bother as there’s very little chance of being caught.

Are you certain, have you ever tried to get an OCRS score?


you are correct, if you are on green, have a 100% MoT pass rate and don’t get pulled for a long time, you will automatically go to red until you get pulled for a roadside check, i was told this by a very knowledgable VOSA man (who no longer actually works for VOSA, but did at the time)

a company ‘driver’ can’t check to see the company OCRS score

Why dont they allow people to check this?


a company ‘driver’ can’t check to see the company OCRS score

Why dont they allow people to check this?

if you owned a company, would you want anyone from your company accessing your private details and have the possibility of giving the info to competitors?

the person who’s named on operators licence for a company has to register with VOSA to get some registration details that will be sent through the post, with these, you will get a login name and password

these details can also be used to access other bits of sensitive information through the HMRC

so, by all means, apply to VOSA for a registration pack for the OCRS for your bosses company, and see how far you get :wink:



a company ‘driver’ can’t check to see the company OCRS score

Why dont they allow people to check this?

if you owned a company, would you want anyone from your company accessing your private details and have the possibility of giving the info to competitors?

the person who’s named on operators licence for a company has to register with VOSA to get some registration details that will be sent through the post, with these, you will get a login name and password

these details can also be used to access other bits of sensitive information through the HMRC

so, by all means, apply to VOSA for a registration pack for the OCRS for your bosses company, and see how far you get :wink:

Yeah thats a good point really… Spose it shouldnt matter to a driver if their abiding by the rules.

because foreigh lorry some time not new,but keep in good condition.becouse Polish or or company dont wont problem with Germany VOSA OR fRANCH.Uk Vosa give not big penalty.but if drivers not keep weekly rest correctly,in Franch for not correct full wekly rest penalty 700 Euro,if taked less for 24 hours 1500 EUro .so british penalty simply small coins.and about general truck condition IN Germany,franch much more strong penalty.


Or it could be CF, (an he aint mentioned Philpot once !)

Not this time. :smiling_imp: :laughing:

What I’m saying is the possibility of VOSA being told by Cam and Clegg to stop loads of the German,French,Austrian etc international running fleet in the hope that they’ll be maintained to brilliant standards and driven by the best drivers. Compared to the average uk running tipper etc etc possibly driven by an east european driver which won’t be differentiated on the basis of ‘racism’ not being allowed.While waving all the east european wagons driven by east european drivers by. :smiling_imp: :bulb:

Drive past any major checkpoint such as Stafford and you will see it full of foreign trucks so they are hardly waving them thru. I drive an Irish registered lorry and we always comment when we see a UK registered lorry in a checkpoint that he must have upset someone to get pulled. Although last Thursday Holyhead waved all the Irish lorries that were heading for the boat straight out while holding two UK registered trucks they must have felt somewhat peeved!!!

Harry Monk:

shep532I’ve just logged in with the intention of posting the same information! Good job I checked first.:
The same email also confirms that VOSA will check DQC card for DCPC at every routine encounter plus checks of Operators to ensure DCPC records are being monitored by them. All drivers without the card will be reported to the TC.

Why? You don’t need a DQC and won’t for another two years.

I’m a new driver and I have to carry my DQC whenever driving professionally its now an offence not to do so unless you have grandfather rights

if you owned a company, would you want anyone from your company accessing your private details and have the possibility of giving the info to competitors?

Do you mean like you can do now with the companies house records?

I too as an ex O license holder and interested party receive the now electronic copy of “Moving On”. I noticed the figures SS quotes and was mildly surprised as the foreign v GB registered vehicles PG9 issued figures absolutely fly in the face of at least one recent thread here.

BTW there is no longer a GV9, been gone thick end of 10 years.

Shep I’d say 80% 1st time pass rate is quite acceptable though indeed it should be better.

Shuttlespanker, you really have done it now.
Orys will be along shortly giving us a three page essay on why these figures show that the Polish trucks and drivers are far superior to ours and that is because of blah blah blardy blah and those figures prove it. :unamused:
Sod it I’m orft t’ pub :wink:

Or it could be CF, (an he aint mentioned Philpot once !)

^^^^^^^^^^^ :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Orys in 3…2…1…


if you owned a company, would you want anyone from your company accessing your private details and have the possibility of giving the info to competitors?

Do you mean like you can do now with the companies house records?

Only if limited company, but assume you already know that.


Harry Monk:

shep532I’ve just logged in with the intention of posting the same information! Good job I checked first.:
The same email also confirms that VOSA will check DQC card for DCPC at every routine encounter plus checks of Operators to ensure DCPC records are being monitored by them. All drivers without the card will be reported to the TC.

Why? You don’t need a DQC and won’t for another two years.

I’m a new driver and I have to carry my DQC whenever driving professionally its now an offence not to do so unless you have grandfather rights

That’s true, the initial CPC, but not the periodic, yet



if you owned a company, would you want anyone from your company accessing your private details and have the possibility of giving the info to competitors?

Do you mean like you can do now with the companies house records?

Only if limited company, but assume you already know that.

There is a lot of searchable information and all you need is a couple of untraceable email addresses and Google :stuck_out_tongue:

I got issue 41 too and the statistics are not good reading for the press, and it is the press who read and report on these things. Wait for the Daily Mail or the Sun the next time a cyclist is killed :smiling_imp:

“Killer Juggernauts and they are British”

For one thing I love that the VOSA newsletter is called Moving On, one of Europes biggest cowboys nicknames and secondly hard though it is to believe maybe the foreigners are running more legally. You know that the fixed penalties VOSA hand out are pathetic small change compared to many European enforcement agencies. The Spanish will financially ■■■■ you for the smallest infringement for instance. Over my driving career being pulled more than most on here will ever get pulled in their entire lives I can count on one hand the amount of British trucks being pulled, maybe the Brits became complacent. And in my time (3 years) working on agency I drove more delapidated defective trucks for (big) UK operators than I ever have in my time working for the Dutch or the Irish (8 years).