Insurance for 18 year old?

Hi Folks,

I’ve been a long time lurker on this forum which over the years has given me a whole host of help!

Our daughter’s 18 year old boyfriend has just passed his Class 1 at the first attempt (with only 1 minor), and he’s desperate to come and work for us but we’re struggling to find anyone who is prepared to insure him. Our broker has had no joy- all his Insurers will only entertain over 21’s. I tried a little search on here and Towergate popped up, so are in the process of trying to get them to see if they can do anything, but if anyone has any suggestions as to who to try then we’re all ears.

We’re a small family run company running 6 wagons on general haulage. The lad has been arable farming all his life so has had his tractor licence for 2 years driving Fasttracks, tractors , Combines etc so is well used to big expensive machines and, whilst I know the insurance companies don’t know him from Adam, his driving skills are right up there and he’s got a proper sensible head on his shoulders.

It’s great being able to allow younger lads to take their HGV test, the industry needs fresh blood to replace us coffin dodgers, but it’s proving hard to get him a start! He (and we) don’t want him to go down the Agency or Stobart young route to getting his foot on the ladder.

Thanks in advance for any pointers, it would be much appreciated!!!


Hi All,

Just an update on this it took our broker a good week of going back and forth with the insurers. It seems there are only 2 principle Insurers currently, who will entertain under 21 year olds. We’ve taken one of the older units off the fleet policy and managed to get him covered, but, and it’s a big but, if he has a bump that’s deemed to be a fault accident they will only pay the 3rd party losses (the trailer and GIT insurance is valid), so it’s a risk for us to lose a unit should something major happen but…i’ve been out with him eveyday this week and I can’t fault his driving. Reversing is a doddle for him which is half the battle and his road-craft is very good.

Just need to work on his navigation and journey planning next week and I think we’ll have a very good lad to work with.

nice one mate, i respect your confidence in him also you 've covered your arse by by taking time out to make sure he’s up to it…

but as a aside KIDZ who’d avem… :laughing: :laughing:

I wonder if there is any advanced driver training courses or tests he could take that your insurer would take into account and obtain full cover for him

He is lucky to have you in his corner on this [emoji1317]

My nephew had to go work on the busses for two years until he reached 21 because of the same issue [emoji1317]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thanks M.A.N and imp,

Not sure there is any advanced courses we looked into that. Its the insurers not knowing how to rate the risk. Think it’s just a case of keeping his nose clean for 12 months, which’ll get him the years ‘experience’ they ask for so we can get him on full cover. I don’t know if the insurer is looking at us to set a precedent - I wonder how many 18 y.o who have got their CE licence are actually on the road?

I’m out with him everyday for at least the next couple of weeks, as every days a school day and there’s a lot your head round when its new. Just got back in the office and said don’t think we need to keep wet-nursing him, but don’t want to let the training reins off too early. That said yesterday we had tasty (tight as f…) downhill double blind side on gravel to a new Anerobic digestion building site that would have had me sweating (I’m definately no reversing god). Made it look easy, the git!!

Sounds a good un , make sure your daughter don’t dump him , or you could be looking for a new driver

Happy Trucker1:
Sounds a good un , make sure your daughter don’t dump him , or you could be looking for a new driver

I’ll be looking for a new daughter if that happens :smiley:

Hi, I know this conversation is old but I’m wondering if you can help? Who did you manage to get insurance with?
I’m 18 and facing the same problem… I’ve gone and bought a truck but can’t get the thing insured! Knew it would be hard but didn’t think it’d be almost impossible.
Cheers Jack