Insulin Diabetic trying to get licence back

Hi guys n girls,
Blimey It’s been a longtime!! just wanted to ask If any drivers have successfully had their C+E licence reinstated after jumping through the many DVLA hoops? mine lapsed after starting insulin 4 years ago. I gave the career up I love as had no real choice at the time and I was really lucky :open_mouth: to get a job in a factory for a couple of years until being made redundant. I’m now a cleaner on minimum wage (dire I know but I’ll do anything rather than be unemployed) and got to thinking as my diabetes is so well controlled and have al my readings as required on my meter why not try? I can’t tell you how much I miss the work and the great people you meet. So rather than get my hopes up I thought I’d come and ask the people with the true knowledge. Any advice on dealing with the DVLA minefield would really be appreciated…

Thanks everyone. :smiley:

Oh yeah then there’s the CPC issue…Still baby steps first!!

I don’t no anything about insulin,
but I do no that your attitude toward work and all of this in general is commendable, I wish you the best of luck pal, :smiley:

You don’t say whether your diabetes is type 1 or type 2.
As you are on insulin I suspect you have type 1 as type 2 diabetes rarely needs insulin.
It used to be that there was no way you could hold an HGV entitlement with type 1 diabetes,but I believe there had been some move on this and each case would be treated on it’s merits,ie.if your blood/sugar is well under control there might be some leeway.
The first thing to do is get onto the DVLA website and search out medical requirements and specifically diabetes.This should give you the up to date info on this.
When you know the precise requirements,go to your doctor and ask him if you can make the requirement demanded by the DVLA,then you will know which way to proceed.

I can only offer you this link as somewhere to startL

All you need to renew your HGV entitlement is an acceptable D4,(Medical examination form).

Hi guys n girls,
Blimey It’s been a longtime!! just wanted to ask If any drivers have successfully had their C+E licence reinstated after jumping through the many DVLA hoops? mine lapsed after starting insulin 4 years ago. I gave the career up I love as had no real choice at the time and I was really lucky :open_mouth: to get a job in a factory for a couple of years until being made redundant. I’m now a cleaner on minimum wage (dire I know but I’ll do anything rather than be unemployed) and got to thinking as my diabetes is so well controlled and have al my readings as required on my meter why not try? I can’t tell you how much I miss the work and the great people you meet. So rather than get my hopes up I thought I’d come and ask the people with the true knowledge. Any advice on dealing with the DVLA minefield would really be appreciated…

Thanks everyone. :smiley:

Oh yeah then there’s the CPC issue…Still baby steps first!!

Hi I got my class c licence back, it took approx 8 months and 5 medicals to get it back :question: DVLA are not the fastest, they will write to your diabettes consultant who will want to see you, you will also need to do the normal medical needed for your licence, i have had a kidney transplant so had to see the renal consultant as well, so if you have any other medical issues they will check these out. The only advice i can give you is to be honest with DVLA and you should OK. If do apply and get it back you must check bloods before you drive and regulary though the day. if you are stopped by vosa or police they will want to see your moniter to comfirm you have done this. You only get a licence valid for a year (at least i did) and have recently re-applied for mine. Good luck and do not let anything i have said put you off, it will be worth it :laughing: :laughing:

Thanks for replying I’m type 2 insulin dependant.
Called DVLA today and have a declaration form being sent to me in the post (should be here by MAY lol).Then they will send forms for my specialist to sign and once they have been returned I will have to see a DVLA independent diabetologist (obviously my consultant is untrustworthy!! :open_mouth: ).

I’ll keep updating as it may help other drivers in my position.

Well update as promised.
It took nearly 6 weeks to receive the declaration that I am hypo aware from DVLA :imp: . I filled it in and sent it straight back now I await their response?.I think this will take some time!! :unamused: On the plus side I have got myself a little part time job at a local truck dealers delivering parts,although its not driving a truck it’s great getting near that goal and being around the stench of diesel again. lol. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Best of luck,keep at it!

Well not quite sure what to make of this,but just got off the phone from the DVLA medical team and apparently as I have NOT been advised by a doctor or specialist NOT to drive group 2 vehicles then there is a provision under the road traffic act that allows me to drive these until medical investigations have taken place. They will send me a letter (it can take up to 2 weeks to receive it!) confirming what I’ve been told.

So looks like I could be back on the road sooner rather than late!! Though finding an agency that will take me on with just a letter from the DVLA will probably be impossible to find as the DVLA have my licence while the investigate.

Anyway end of update and I’ll post what letter says when I receive it.


I got mine back, i’m a type 1 insulin control.
As long as you have min 2 blood sugar readings everyday for 3 months (and they do check every one of them!) and you are aware of you hypos, and know the rules regarding hypos, there will be no issues. I had to fill a form out ( Think it’s a D4) and send it to DVLA, then wait for them to reply. You’ll have to make an appointment with your diabetic consultant, and if they are happy, they will send the forms filled in back, you then have to wait for DVLA to respond. You then have to make an appointment with the DVLA specified consultant, and as long as they are happy, the last stage is waiting for your licence to drop through the letterbox.

As for DCPC, if you had aquired rights prior to losing your licence, then you still have aquired rights, but will need to do 35hrs training before Sept this year, if you have done hours within the last 5 years, they will still count. If you did not have aquired rights, you must complete DCPC training prior to doing any driving.

Good luck, hope you get it back!

Sorry didn’t see last post, but the above is the procedure I went through to get mine back.

Letter arrived today and I have to say I’m very impressed!! It’s clear concise and nobody could mistake what it’s for,there is even a DVLA contact number for a third party like employer or Police to confirm my eligibility to drive the vehicles I’ve passed my test for. It’s valid for a year so as far as I’m concerned no real rush to complete their medical enquiries. For a change I’m happy to say that the DVLA has actually put some thought in this letter. Off to a couple of agencies tomorrow to see if it will actually work. :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

smiffys trucking

what was involved in your examination with the DVLA consultant??
I’ve got mine in 2 weeks.


Wow, I joined this group for some advice and had almost all my concerns answered in one thread!

I am type 1 and have been for 6 years with no issues and recently sent my license off with my D4 to have my provisional Cat C put on to hopefully start me on the long road to being a trucker. Wasn’t overly optimistic about getting anywhere with the DVLA but after reading this I feel a bit more optimistic!

Thanks lads!

Porkypig, as long as u have 3 months of at least 2 blood readings a day (with as few 3.9Mmol and below as possible)on your meter you should be fine. I,m off to the hospital tomorrow to see a DVLA appointed consultant to check my meter is in order and my own consultant didnt lie!! :open_mouth:
I will update tomorrow as I’m sure this is the last thing i need to do before a decision is made…Then I’ll have to rob a bank to pay for a DCPC.
Its taken over 5 months to get this far.Good luck to all of you who are starting the process of getting your entitlement back.


I had an examination yesterday by DVLA consultant at a different hospital than I normally attend.He is a professor so must be good :unamused: . The examination included a listen to my chest,blood pressure check,look into both eyes,flick through glucose monitor print out which I was required to provide,a quick flick through of my glucose monitor and a general chat about what to do and what DVLA require me to do regarding low blood glucose.This all took 15 minutes and at the end he told me he is 100% satisfied I am no risk and he will post all the information and completed DVLA questionaire back to the medical department of DVLA but as it was their decision he can not guarantee I will receive my entitlement back.

So here I go again sitting and waiting for the oh so informed DVLA to make a decision.
If anybody is thinking or having to do the same as I have just done and has any questions just drop me a line and if I can help I’ll be happy to.


Cant help but feel a bit more confident that this might actually work! which after years of being told I cant do that because of my condition is a good feeling!

Well its almost 5 months to the day but it has finally dropped through the letterbox my driving licence with my hard earned HGV entitlement in place for the next 12 months :smiley: :open_mouth: :smiley:

So the system sort of works. Good luck to anyone with a medical issue when going through the DVLA song and dance to get their licence back.
I better think about getting a job now and hand my notice in with current employer :smiling_imp:

Thanks everyone.

5 months? I wont start panic studying just yet then…