It isn’t good sleep only a few hours/night. We need deeper sleep because we need what is called REM-sleep and dream sleep. It is REM-sleep as made us awaken and fresh in the morning. Day and nigh work as is ongoing over decades can alter our sleeping. But remember, when we grew older we can easily fell in sleep when watching TV. We are all different and many can fell asleep when they are 60 year and more other never fell asleep. It is natural.
I will state, watching TV (as I call for Dumbjar) and is the worst no medicinal sleeping pillar you can find. I myself am watching a News programme of 30 minutes length. It is enough for me not because I use to fell asleep rather because they show so badly programme. Good programme shows on night when one will sleep. Instead I read a good book or check Internet. I have noticed when checking Internet it is an intellectual work as never will have one to fell asleep. Instead the brains get to work. For me it is more enrichment because I not hear.
I’ve always been the sort of person who needs very little sleep. My normal night-time routine is to go to bed around midnight and wake up around 5am, and I’ve been like that since my late teens and function normally on my regular 5 hours a night.
However, over the last few months I’ve had increasing difficulty sleeping, regardless of how tired I am. I now lay awake until 3-4am before falling asleep, usually for no more than an hour or two at most. I have had periods like this in the past, but they have never lasted more than a few days. But this has been going on since December.
Basically I am now surviving on 10-20 hours sleep in a week! It doesn’t seem to be affecting me much providing I keep busy, but as soon as I get some down-time I start to feel exhausted. I have tried sleeping during the day where possible, but I have never been able to get much sleep during daylight hours and despite being totally knackered I still cannot sleep for more than 10-15mins.
Is this true Insomnia? Any advice on how to remedy it (or at least mitigate it a little) without popping pills from a doctor?
I’ve always been the sort of person who needs very little sleep. My normal night-time routine is
to go to bed around midnight and wake up around 5am, and I’ve been like that since my late teens and function normally on my regular 5 hours a night.
However, over the last few months I’ve had increasing difficulty sleeping, regardless of how tired I am. I now lay awake until 3-4am before falling asleep, usually for no more than an hour or two at most. I have had periods like this in the past, but they have never lasted more than a few days. But this has been going on since December.
Basically I am now surviving on 10-20 hours sleep in a week! It doesn’t seem to be affecting me much providing I keep busy, but as soon as I get some down-time I start to feel exhausted. I have tried sleeping during the day where possible, but I have never been able to get much sleep during daylight hours and despite being totally knackered I still cannot sleep for more than 10-15mins.
Is this true Insomnia? Any advice on how to remedy it (or at least mitigate it a little) without popping pills from a doctor?
My god you sound just like me. I’ve had tests done and seen a specialist and there’s nothing more they can do as there is nothing wrong with me apart from being an insomniac. It’s incredable how little sleep I have but I never have a problem staying awake. I take a sleeping tablet once a week just to help out .you probably will be better not having a nap in the day and saving it for the night time.
I’m only pt on an agency but my other job involves working wierd hours and crossing time zones and lots of potential for jetlag. If it’s not affecting your performance (not that kind) I wouldn’t worry. I used to use stuff like nytol but you need to be so careful even the next day whilst driving. In fact I wouldn’t take any the night before work, save them for the start of rest days. Keep off crap like caffeine drinks too. Coffee and tea etc. have far less than them and won’t mask true tiredness. I switched to caffeine free tea. I can’t taste the difference and I drink gallons of the stuff. Made a huge difference to me.
I’ve always been the sort of person who needs very little sleep. My normal night-time routine is to go to bed around midnight and wake up around 5am, and I’ve been like that since my late teens and function normally on my regular 5 hours a night.
However, over the last few months I’ve had increasing difficulty sleeping, regardless of how tired I am. I now lay awake until 3-4am before falling asleep, usually for no more than an hour or two at most. I have had periods like this in the past, but they have never lasted more than a few days. But this has been going on since December.
Basically I am now surviving on 10-20 hours sleep in a week! It doesn’t seem to be affecting me much providing I keep busy, but as soon as I get some down-time I start to feel exhausted. I have tried sleeping during the day where possible, but I have never been able to get much sleep during daylight hours and despite being totally knackered I still cannot sleep for more than 10-15mins.
Is this true Insomnia? Any advice on how to remedy it (or at least mitigate it a little) without popping pills from a doctor?
I’ve had a similar problem for as far back as I can remember, only surving on four hours sleep maximum a night I never take pills/remedies for it. In fact the body goes into sleep mode but the brain is still wide awake I did try a few times( in years gone by ), drinking whiskey (when I wasn’t driving the following day or two), but this seemed to work in a very odd way , If I have A whiskey to induce sleep - well basically if it doesn’t send me straight to sleep with immediate effect then the result is no sleep only 1 hour snooze I get + end up so tired the following day , however if I do fall asleep straight away I will do a full nights sleep in about two hours & I’m wide awake & lively ’ fit as a flea’ . I have never found a remedy for the problem even though I have in the passed gone to great lenghts trying out other peoples suggestions , so - I have to draw the conclustion that for me this must be normal , Let me know if you find a remedy for a good nights sleep pleasssse
It seems like with me, laying there awake at night with my eyes shut is as good as sleeping because I’m rarely tired the next day, staying awake has never been a problem its staying asleep which is my problem.
Try melatonin capsules they get you into a deeper mode of sleep and therefore leave you more refreshed through the day.I was advised not to bother with them by my gp but decided to ignore her and got some online.
As with all new substances newly introduced into the body it takes some time to adapt to my case it was the trots but I pushed on regardless and am evangelical in my appreciation of them but it pays to do a little research on them but the general gist is they have wider positive health benefits concerning the pineal gland in the brain which regulates the sleep mechanism.
One thing to bear in mind is NEVER take them during daylight as it can seriously confuse the body clock and can leave you somewhat frazzled and tetchy so treat them with respect and just one capsule easily does the trick.
AS a belt and braces approach try using another wonderful product called Rhodiola Rosea,it’s known as an adaptogen and as with the melatonin does’nt work instantly but with stealth it makes it’s presence felt after a few weeks with increasing energy available.
GP’s are just legalised pushers for big pharmaceutical corporations,useful for basics I suppose but having once been prescribed Tramadol for a skin condition once and becoming a full blown addict on them,I exercise great suspicion in my dealings with them these days.I mean if everyone started curing themselves with natural products where would the ■■■■■■■■ get their free hotel breaks and stationary from? cynical you betcha.
have some fun with the mrs,it works for me[she grumbles about ■■■ addict],dont they all,after weve had our bit of fun ,i feel that relaxed i sleep like a baby,she doesnt as she still fuming ive not given her a kiss and a cuddle before im zzzzzzzzzzz
Try melatonin capsules they get you into a deeper mode of sleep and therefore leave you more refreshed through the day.I was advised not to bother with them by my gp but decided to ignore her and got some online.
As with all new substances newly introduced into the body it takes some time to adapt to my case it was the trots but I pushed on regardless and am evangelical in my appreciation of them but it pays to do a little research on them but the general gist is they have wider positive health benefits concerning the pineal gland in the brain which regulates the sleep mechanism.
One thing to bear in mind is NEVER take them during daylight as it can seriously confuse the body clock and can leave you somewhat frazzled and tetchy so treat them with respect and just one capsule easily does the trick.
AS a belt and braces approach try using another wonderful product called Rhodiola Rosea,it’s known as an adaptogen and as with the melatonin does’nt work instantly but with stealth it makes it’s presence felt after a few weeks with increasing energy available.
GP’s are just legalised pushers for big pharmaceutical corporations,useful for basics I suppose but having once been prescribed Tramadol for a skin condition once and becoming a full blown addict on them,I exercise great suspicion in my dealings with them these days.I mean if everyone started curing themselves with natural products where would the [zb] get their free hotel breaks and stationary from? cynical you betcha.
Thanks for that advice will look into it but not too keen on buying medication over the net .
Even though I still have problems sleeping , I wouldn’t like to be taking pills to sort the problem, I sometimes have odd reactions to taking tablets don’t know why but they dont always agree with me So I have resorted to doing some project planning in the middle of the night in the hope that I get tired & drop off to sleep
Hi I wonder did anything change in your daily pattern to cause the insomnia, hours changing say?
Do you watch t.v or sit on a laptop before sleep as both keep the brain active? There’s nothing wrong with something like Nytol from a health shop, supermarket as long as you’ve finished driving for the day. I’ve found that by taking a tablet earlier means I don’t suffer the grogginess in the morning & tablets usually need to be taken at least an hour before sleep. Good advise about the caffeine makes such a difference. If all else fails it would have to be a trip to the dr as lack of sleep is putting yourself & others in danger if you were to nod off at the wheel. Hope it sorts itself out. Best wishes
Hi I wonder did anything change in your daily pattern to cause the insomnia, hours changing say?
Do you watch t.v or sit on a laptop before sleep as both keep the brain active? There’s nothing wrong with something like Nytol from a health shop, supermarket as long as you’ve finished driving for the day. I’ve found that by taking a tablet earlier means I don’t suffer the grogginess in the morning & tablets usually need to be taken at least an hour before sleep. Good advise about the caffeine makes such a difference. If all else fails it would have to be a trip to the dr as lack of sleep is putting yourself & others in danger if you were to nod off at the wheel. Hope it sorts itself out. Best wishes
Hiyyaaa Beebee & welcome. One thing that does keep my brain active is boredom , I do a days work & just don’t switch off , I just got to have something to do . Dont like t.v , theres rarely anything I want to see on it apart from the news, & I dont watch that only listen to it while doing something eles Caffeine & me just don’t get on , did try nytol - couple of hours sleep one night, no results after that I have too much enery to burn so it dosen’t afect my driveing & on the odd occasion if i’m tired I don’t drive I’m glad that you seemed to have got a remedy to your sleeping, thats good