Injury at work...opinions please

Yesterday I was on shift for a major player, got to the delivery dropped the pallets off and put two pallets on the deck in error so we had to put them on the tail lift and back into the trailer. I have not lost a pallet off a taillift for about 2 years or so, yesterday I LOST TWO. After picking up the pallets I had to put this Heavy pallet back on I was feeling pain in my left hand, it took three of us to put the pallet on to the wagon. Then I had to quit for the day as I was in pain, the pallet consisted of bottles of pop 3ltrs and cans of beer it was stacked three deep and very heavy, are there any rules on how heavy a pallet should be or how to stack a pallet, such as not to put soft items like oooh I don’t know yorkshire puddings in boxes at the bottom of a pallet so the pallet keels and collapses as you put it on the tail lift. The fact is the warehouse staff have homes in other countries and say stuff like I get paid per pallet who cares?? The question is what do I do now I am off to the drop inn centre now to get it checked out.

When I got back you are automatically drink and drug tested (I did fail on the THC’s :open_mouth: ) this will be reported to agy but if I choose to have a reefer in my spare time then I think this is my choice, apart from this I don’t know where I stand and thought to post on here for some help :exclamation: :exclamation: :question: :exclamation:

Cheers Chaps and Chapesses


Let me try and understand this…you know that you could do work for a company where you will be subject to Drugs and Alcohol screening and yet you still feel its wise to take drugs?

I guess as you are not an employee of that company, the worst that can happen is that they tell your agency never to send you back there. If you were an employee it could possibly result in dismissal. I suppose ultimately your agency could kick you off their books.

I come from an industry where i was subject random D & A’s and any positive result meant dismissal. No if’s, no but’s straight out the door. And our alcohol level was 20mg/100ml blood which is lower than the drink drive limits.

THC’s can be detected for a long while after you taken them, if i remember correctly something like 3 weeks. So it doesn’t necessarily mean you were under the influence whilst working.

As for the injury, i would suspect the company will use your failure at the screening to try and say that you were working whilst unfit therefore they are not liable for your injuries.

if iirc from manual handlin course it is " recommended " that a weight of 25kg per person to be lifted

not sure what the weight is for more than 2

Thanks chaps, I was not unfit to work and feel this is unjust I mean if I was to go away to say Amsterdam then return what the hell can they do?? Some people are advised by there doctor to use this as a painkiller and I think this is sometimes a good thing I on the other hand have used the herb as a relaxant as I am sure many other drivers have I am on the quit smoking tablets and feel I can finally quit this habit hopefully for good, last time I quit for over a year and a half but this time well who knows but I am told it takes the average person 14 times to quit smoking hopefully this is bull.

i thought it stayed in your system for 6 weeks and in your hair strands untill you cut it off! probably wrong though.

if i was you mate i probably wouldn’t rock the boat with an injury claim considering the drug test fail.

i thought it stayed in your system for 6 weeks and in your hair strands untill you cut it off! probably wrong though.

if i was you mate i probably wouldn’t rock the boat with an injury claim considering the drug test fail.

Stays in system for 4 weeks or so and hair for about 6 months I think… On the other hand Solly said no probs as even he tokes a bit! He said they cannot restrict what you do in your spare time and this would be an infringement as we know of your human rights.