
I got smacked on the side of head with an excavator bucket. It put me in hospital for a couple of weeks with severe concussion. It also split open the inside of my mouth. Amazingly I never lost any teeth. :smiley:
Apart from that, its been mainly bumps bruises and abbrations. Not bad for over 30 years. :laughing:

Was driving around backroads in Suffolk last year. Road was pitch black. Truck headlights pretty week so was alternating between Hi and Lo when an unmarked (chevrons indicating bend flattened by previous collisions) bend appeared during one of the light dips. When I tried to steer away I caught an icy patch which sent me straight into a field hitting my face on the steering wheel and hurting my ribs. Few days afterwards bruising made me look like I’d been given a battering in the boxing ring.

Freight Dog:
If lorry drivers think they’re tough I’ll tell you a story about an old boss of mine in flying. We had a senior lady training Captain. A very tough, portly Yorkshire woman in her 50s who carried a mans wallet and had a formidable reputation and temper to boot but underneath a great woman and outstanding pilot. She’s been on television several times, particularly a program where Ewan McGregor is learning to have a go at flying a dambusters raid and tried his hand in a DC3. Anyway. What is relevant is her left little finger was missing from the hand down.

We all wondered how she’d lost it. Was she born like that or was it some misfortune? After much gentle persuasion an opportunity arose when we were sitting around on standby and she was in a good mood and she told us. She was doing some base training up in Scotland on the Douglas DC3 for the coastguard contract we had. She’d completed this bloke’s check and was finished. Now, she had an urgent dental appointment to fix a filling. So instead of waiting for the aircraft to taxi back to the pan, she said to the chap to park outside the gate, she’d hop off the rear and he could taxi it back. The DC3 has a big metal barn like door on the rear left. She opened it and jumped down onto the ground.

She said she felt a “pull” , looked up and saw what she thought was some strands of her jacket streatching up to the door. At this point she explained how ■■■■■■ off she was as it was a new bit of uniform. She started to walk away from the idling aircraft and felt a “tug” and sever pain from her arm :laughing: . She looked down and realised the chord extended from the door of the DC3 to what was now the stump where her little finger was supposed to be. Her finger was still stuck to the door, some ten feet away. The chord was actually her tendon :laughing: . What had caused this was a signet ring given to her as a present by a former pilot had caught on a ragged metal edge of the door and when she jumped, she literally pulled her finger off. Ripped it off.

At this point she fell to the ground in slight shock. Unfortunately, as instructed the skipper of the idling DC3, presuming she was away started to turn and taxi away. Lying on the foor she realised the tail wheel was about to run over her. Still being stuck to the aircraft via her tendon, she jumped up. The finger fell off the door and she ran round to face the cockpit giving it the “chop” signal. He shut down and she fainted :laughing: . The couldn’t reattach it so that’s what was left, a missing finger.

I used to work with a guy who had his wedding finger missing - jumped of a high headboard at liverpool docks, wedding ring caught on a screw sticking up and left the finger behind - went into the traffic office as cool as a cucumber (most likely in shock) asked them to call an ambulance - sarky reply “Why ?” showed the clerk the stump, blood splurting out monty python style - who promptly fainted :smiley:

was in the days before stitching them back on so was missing from then on

Pah ''tis nothing but a scratch"

Pah ''tis nothing but a scratch"

Thats got to be one of the best sketches ever :grimacing:

Btw- some pretty cringy injuries coming out here, especially smashed bones and fingers ripped off… :open_mouth:

Pah ''tis nothing but a scratch"

OMG The Black Knight…epic!

Shattered clavicle because someone (no names mentioned) in a blue and red DAF decided to rear-end my truck just as I was getting out of the cabin, his response was (Sorry mate I dropped my phone) :open_mouth:

I once suffered a catastrophic hurt feelings incident when a car driver gave me the coffee bean sign after I completed a more lengthy than planned overtake.

the maoster:
I once suffered a catastrophic hurt feelings incident when a car driver gave me the coffee bean sign after I completed a more lengthy than planned overtake.

:open_mouth: They can leave you with long lasting health issues…well mostly up until the service station. :stuck_out_tongue:

I have this keeping my leg together.

I have this keeping my leg together.

I’ve got one of them too, had it ever since a motorbike spat me off!

My worst one though was when I had my chest crushed with a bundle of steel, was pretty sure it was game over when it happened. Had a ride in the air ambulance and a stay in the ITU. I broke some ribs and stuff but they were most worried about my torn liver. All very dramatic at the time but I got over it.

A lot of people slate the NHS but they’ve done a great job of fixing me twice now and I am forever grateful. Apart from the catheter, I’m not grateful for that, they can keep that!

Crushed and smashed a lot of bones in my hand installing a portacabin with a HIAB.

Joint fracture on right foot same time ruptured my Achilles ( ripped in 2 places ) about 18 mph ago when fell of back of lorry

Cut my thumb on left hand well ripped open from top - bottom could see all the way through it

Various about of bruises

Fell out of cab sprained wrist

Pulled muscle in leg

Nearly cut left arm off with Stihl saw,walked half mile off west coast main line,waited twelve hours for op to cut away muscle n stitch up,never needed pain killers corterised itself on way through blade made mess though,lol was later asked which saw was using?Errrr one covered in blood,!


resulted in this

happened here

This page things have elevated somewhat :laughing: . Wondering what page 3 will hold :astonished:

Fractured back prolapsed disc crumbling disc fractured skull twice fractured wrist a few other broken bones

Torn Achillies tendon in my left ankle and had to sit with it for another 7 days and then drive back to Newcastle from Freidrickshaven in Southern Germany, luckily the truck was fully automatic otherwise I couldn’t have done it. Got home then three months in plaster not bad as I was doing the job as a favour …

Ouch can sympathise with that as done mine last year in 2 places as well as fractured my ankle week in hospital then 4 mth non weight bearing still suffer now with it foot permanently swollen to sone degree depends on the day

Freight Dog:
This page things have elevated somewhat :laughing: . Wondering what page 3 will hold :astonished:

Me throwing up! :open_mouth:

Thanks to cab door