Infringements help please

Hello, This morning my opps supervisor tried to get me to sign an infringement for SPEEDING ?, i said no,as i told her she con not give me an infringement for this & now it looks like i will be in for a disciplinary for this can anyone confirm if she can do this?, i told her the only people who can do this is the police. thanks for any help/advice on this matter

What was the overspeed speed ?

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Are you sure it was not an infringement for an overspeed?

The infringement was probably for an over-speed on the tachograph, however the company can give infringements for pretty much anything tachograph/driver regulations related as long as it’s an accepted practice at the company.

The police don’t give infringements they give fixed penalties or they report you for possible prosecution.

An infringement notice is nothing more than a written statement that you’ve failed to comply with the regulations and now understand where you went wrong, it’s basically a way for the company to be able to show the DVSA that they’re aware that you made a mistake and they’ve pointed it out to you, in other words it’s an arse covering exercise.

If you’ve committed an offence you should sign the infringement notice and learn from it then move on, it’s really not that big a deal and certainly not worth getting into a disciplinary for.

edit: By the way, if you really was caught speeding I don’t see any reason why the company couldn’t give you an infringement for it, it would be a bit unusual and I’ve never heard of it happening before but that doesn’t mean they couldn’t do it.

The infringement was for an over-speed on the tachograph, 104km/h

The infringement was for an over-speed on the tachograph, 104km/h

How long did the over-speed go on for ?

Assuming the over-speed lasted more than one minute, which it almost certainly did, you need to eat some humble pie and accept the infringement.

As a slight aside: you cannot be prosecuted by the Police for speeding from the Tachograph on its own.