Index page not ok

Am using IE10 and windows7

The index page looks odd like its being shown as HTML
Same with NEW POSTS

When looking at a topic its normal

What is going on?

PS - same using goolge chrome

problems also using firefox

That’s not HTML, either the link to the CSS file is screwed or the CSS file itself is screwed.

It’s working in Firefox but the smileys aren’t working by the looks of it :frowning:

Looks like I spoke too soon about it working in Firefox :frowning:

Not just me then :shock: I will stop trying to fix my PC now :lol:

Tried 2 PC’s and 3 different browsers, all the same. Some forums look OK and some not…

Same problem here on the forums. The CSS stylesheet has gone walkies!

Don’t know what any of that technical gobbledygook above means, but to me it looks “not right” when I click on index page. Once I’m in it’s fine, just first time problems.

Yep, ‘view new posts since last visit’ formatting is all to ■■■■. Admin please fix.

I don’t think it is an internal problem, exactly the same thing has been happening to Wikipedia today.

Seems to be fixed now :smiley:

Still can’t get on except via this proxy server…

Some of the threads are still screwed up, like this one

Harry Monk:
I don’t think it is an internal problem, exactly the same thing has been happening to Wikipedia today.

The smileys are not working when you add them to a post and there’s no email notification, so I would think it is a TN problem :wink:

Some of the threads are still screwed up, like this one

Harry Monk:
I don’t think it is an internal problem, exactly the same thing has been happening to Wikipedia today.

The smileys are not working when you add them to a post and there’s no email notification, so I would think it is a TN problem :wink:

Can’t upload photos on some threads, either.

Retired Old ■■■■:

Some of the threads are still screwed up, like this one

Harry Monk:
I don’t think it is an internal problem, exactly the same thing has been happening to Wikipedia today.

The smileys are not working when you add them to a post and there’s no email notification, so I would think it is a TN problem :wink:

Can’t upload photos on some threads, either.

+1 it just restarts it self

The issue has been reported to the tech guys, who might have an idea of whats going on because I sure dont :frowning:

The issue has been reported to the tech guys, who might have an idea of whats going on because I sure dont :frowning:

mushrooms then :wink: :wink:

Some of the threads are still screwed up, like this one

Yeah that’s what I’m seeing on the majority of threads too. Still all messed up as I write, although this thread is formatted okay :? .

old timers bit is still fubared

All points have been noted, so there’s no point in keeping this topic open.

To save Rikki and the Tech Guys from having to trawl through several threads, this one is locked.

The place for all comments/observations is here:

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