Incredible !!!

The stuff of dreams!!!

If you have a class 1 LGV licence and are really fed up with just driving from A to B and would really like to get involved and feel you are part of a team then this could be the job for you!

Motorvation specializes in the movement of equipment for conferences and product launches throughout Europe and we are seeking a LGV class 1 driver who has a flexible and fun approach to join our team. You must be at least 25 years old and have at least 3 years experience in driving class 1 vehicles. Continental experience preferable.

Must be prepared to be away from home for up to 3 weeks at a time. … urope.html

300 per week plus night out, madness.

300 wow, ill go work at stobbies ill get more a week and get home every night lol

300 per week plus night out, madness.

You’d have to be of “no fixed address” to be able to afford a “wage” that doesn’t feed a family of 4, let alone pay the mortgage & bills! :angry:

A job for “Terry” like as in the series “Minder” perhaps? :wink:

The stuff of dreams!!!

If you have a class 1 LGV licence and are really fed up with just driving from A to B and would really like to get involved and feel you are part of a team then this could be the job for you!

Motorvation specializes in the movement of equipment for conferences and product launches throughout Europe and we are seeking a LGV class 1 driver who has a flexible and fun approach to join our team. You must be at least 25 years old and have at least 3 years experience in driving class 1 vehicles. Continental experience preferable.

Must be prepared to be away from home for up to 3 weeks at a time. … urope.html

WOW - for £300 a week I would even come out of retirement for that, I could live like a lord and really live the high life, I will put an order in for a Riva boat today BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP, sh*t that bloody alarm woke me out of a wonderful dream :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Fellas will be paying some firms for the privilege of working soon. :unamused:

Agency in “cloud cuckoo land” springs to mind! Maybe somebody should tell them…

My pension is more than that even though it’s reduced for taking it early :open_mouth:

My son gets almost double that for class 1 and he is home every night…

What they don’t specify is the night out allowance etc. Away for three weeks with a good NOA might add a good bit to the miserable basic wage. £300 salary plus 7 x [say] £25 NOA + [say] £20 meal allowance = £615 and half of it tax free.

A good way for as guy with no ties to see Europe at someone else’s expense.

What they don’t specify is the night out allowance etc. Away for three weeks with a good NOA might add a good bit to the miserable basic wage. £300 salary plus 7 x [say] £25 NOA + [say] £20 meal allowance = £615 and half of it tax free.

A good way for as guy with no ties to see Europe at someone else’s expense.

It would be a better sell if it were HUGE NIGHT ALLOWANCE small basic
as an eyecatcher to start with eh? :grimacing:

That could be the Job for that Orchestra south of london which was at Vacancy a three or four Weeks ago.
If you love Brahms,Bach,ect,ect,…
Maybe you can play the Drums for a bit extra Cash :slight_smile:

As someone else said may be more with bonuses etc

The stuff of dreams!!!

If you have a class 1 LGV licence and are really fed up with just driving from A to B and would really like to get involved and feel you are part of a team then this could be the job for you!

Motorvation specializes in the movement of equipment for conferences and product launches throughout Europe and we are seeking a LGV class 1 driver who has a flexible and fun approach to join our team.

Probably translates into rigger and general labourer etc etc duties as required.With an LGV licence for doing the boring nasty fed up driving from A to B part of the job. :unamused: :laughing:

As someone else said may be more with bonuses etc

Quite possibly but bonus does not pay the mortgage when things are quiet, a bonus should be exactly that and not part of the main wage, realistically, three weeks away at a time should net you at least £650 - £700 per week plus meal allowances etc.

These people are relying on getting a young guy to come and drive their shiny exhibition truck and have fun with the lads, plus you would be expected to pull your weight loading and unloading after a full day’s driving, not a real job for a bloke with a family and a mortgage.

That could be the Job for that Orchestra south of london which was at Vacancy a three or four Weeks ago.
If you love Brahms,Bach,ect,ect,…
Maybe you can play the Drums for a bit extra Cash :slight_smile:

Anyone else getting an image of Animal from the Muppets when they read this post? :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:



That could be the Job for that Orchestra south of london which was at Vacancy a three or four Weeks ago.
If you love Brahms,Bach,ect,ect,…
Maybe you can play the Drums for a bit extra Cash :slight_smile:

Anyone else getting an image of Animal from the Muppets when they read this post? :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:


Would be interesting to see how Animal from the Muppets would have got on with the driving part of the job though.Who’s going to think of the children and the cyclists when he’s in charge of a 40 tonner. :open_mouth: :smiling_imp: :laughing:


That could be the Job for that Orchestra south of london which was at Vacancy a three or four Weeks ago.
If you love Brahms,Bach,ect,ect,…
Maybe you can play the Drums for a bit extra Cash :slight_smile:

Anyone else getting an image of Animal from the Muppets when they read this post? :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Thankyou. … 5fy?pos=17

Add to shortlist
Company:Philharmonia Orchestra
Job ref:CRY/79385
Job Type:Permanent
Must have a full HGV class one licence, and a digi card, European driving experience would be preferred but not essential. Duties are assisting with the driving and loading and unloading of vehicle, carrying daily checks and cleaning of vehicles and to…

How to apply: show info

Wow. Words fail me.

First there`s talk of the “wage” being reasonable when added to the expenses, then the expenses are classed as a “bonus”.

Wake up drivers. The N.O.A is for subsistence, food ect, and partly for the inconvenience of being away from home and not actually having a life. Sleeping in laybys ect. They don`t call it tramping for nothing.

The wage is…the wage.

No wonder we`re in this mess. No wonder these firms can offer such poor money.

This is why blokes insist that £600 a week for 70 hrs and 4 nights out is good money.

Wow. Words fail me.

First there`s talk of the “wage” being reasonable when added to the expenses, then the expenses are classed as a “bonus”.

Wake up drivers. The N.O.A is for subsistence, food ect, and partly for the inconvenience of being away from home and not actually having a life. Sleeping in laybys ect. They don`t call it tramping for nothing.

The wage is…the wage.

No wonder we`re in this mess. No wonder these firms can offer such poor money.

This is why blokes insist that £600 a week for 70 hrs and 4 nights out is good money.

It’s not the wage that matters as much as the type of work that you’ve got do for it.

If the advert said duties to just involve driving duties involved in the movement of equipment throughout Europe and nothing else except maybe ‘some’ involvement in the securing and positioning the load when it’s on the truck.


Local multi drop with an 18 tonner ‘40 hours per week’ with ‘overtime as required’ for the same basic money.

:question: :question: :bulb:

No contest.

Basically even the very low payees on tour/exhibition work pay at least double that as a basic wage before nights out etc so your unlikely to get somebody experienced who will do it for that.

Basically even the very low payees on tour/exhibition work pay at least double that as a basic wage before nights out etc so your unlikely to get somebody experienced who will do it for that.

It’s not surprising that either the job has to pay over the odds or advertise in the job centre because most drivers with any sense (and/or aren’t desperate for a job) know the score about what that type of work usually involves.The adverts always try to put a positive slant on what is a mugs job by either making a big thing of the driving side or as in this case trying to put a negative one on it by trying to make the driving side seem boring and talking up the so called ‘positive aspects’ of the ‘other’ work that’s sure to be involved to at least as much an amount as driving anything anywhere. etc etc

Having turned down one or two similar ‘opportunities’ in my time it’s great to see the false surprise that the interviewers usually come out with when you say that you’re interested in the job if it just involves transporting the equipment around but they can shove all the ‘other’ zb that they’re trying to offload onto the job for a drivers wages which is effectively the totally different job of staging rigger. :smiling_imp: :laughing: