Income protection...a must

after 25 years in the saddle as an owner driver,481800 of golden virginia,s finest cigs me heart said ive had enough.lucky for me i took an income protection plan out in 1986 thank god otherwise my family would be now living with me old man.i would have lost the lot .in a industry that can make your blood boil you need health insurance,and protect all your bank loans

Wise words mudflap, I’m sorry to hear about your woes. :cry: How is your health now? Have the docs given you a time scale to get back in the saddle?
Good luck to you and your family and welcome to Tnet. :wink:

Your spot on with that mudflap.
No-one ever thinks its going to happen to them, i know i didn`t!
I hope you recover ok.

thanks for the welcome ladytrucker
as for me took me 9 months to get over the attack usual 3 months passed the treadmill 12min test and back to work lasted 6 weeks back in hospital 2 operations and out .time to sell the horse ! swapped me dashboard for desk
ok now

I’ve gotta agree, too - and will add that it’s best to do it whilst you’re fit! I can’t get income protection, mortgage protection or life insurance any more, because I left it too late. And I’m only 32.

i had 2 loans protected this ment every month my doctor had to fill 2 forms in to say i was unfit to we go off to the docs forms in hand doctor fills forms ticks 4 boxes and signs his name average speed 7 secs,2 forms 14 secs cost £32 !!!
