Incab Microwave

im thinking of buying one of these for my cab

CDC Microwave

and have a couple of questions about them

are they any good?
will it run off the 24v ciggie lighter?
if not is it easy to wire in to a 24v feed (if needed)?

I’m thinking of getting one cos as you all know after a 15 hour day and 10 hour drive within that day, sometimes you just cant be arsed getting the stove out and knocking up a sunday roast, but a couple of button presses and a ding later and your meal of curry or lasagne is ready, so yeah its pure lazyness to be honest!


No way you’ll run that off your ciggie lighter. Best bet is either hardwiring it straight to your fuse box or getting an inverter (12v/24v) and hard wiring that to the fuse box and buying a cheapo plug in microwave from Tescos or the likes… Good 1000w inverter is about £70/£80 and if your not into your fancy dancy microwaves then Tescos is selling basic 700w ones for £25/£30. So youve saved £80■■

If your not happy with that you could always buy a full size microwave from some one like currys for £30 then get an inverter, might be cheaper than the CDC one too.

There’s plenty of room in middle top locker of a Daf for a full size one too.

advantage of this system is u can run other mains power stuff in the cab too!