Immigrants discovered in tanker at Dover



Juddian,if ‘Farage and his mob’ are successful snippety snip snip snip …

Reap what you vote for folks.

The problem with Farage is that he has no experience in government ,it’s a bit like allowing someone out in an oversize load when they have only driven a Punto .He says what people want to hear and people are soaking up his propaganda like a sponge,i’ve read his manifesto and wonder how he will pay for it all .Yes, i want us out of the EU ,yes ,i want less immigration and yes i want a pay rise but i am under no illusion that no matter who is in power we are only going to get a little nibble untill the voting is done

No thats fair enough and i don’t suppose Farage has all the answers either.

So experience in government is the overriding requirement?, well in that case we might as well not bother voting at all and let the current career political class draw straw as to which of them gets the Limo the personal protection officer and the keys to numbers 10 and 11.

Have experienced politicians actually run the ship Brittania smartly over the last 20 or 30 years or have we simply put an idiot and his chosen chums at the helm of the Titanic every time, rearranging the deck chairs each time but increasing speed whilst making no course changes.

Its all gone ■■■■ up if anyone hasn’t actually been watching, we’re currently adding to the national debt by an additional 10% every year and continue to do so despite the ‘‘cuts’’…what bloody cuts■■?

We’re importing an additional 500,000 people a year which shows no signs of slowing (incredibly people wonder why there’s a housing crisis, Jesus wept) and isn’t likely to as we have little if any control of our borders, though massaging some figures will give some reduced headline figures which fawning media luvvies part and parcel of the problem will accept without a moments hesitation.

NO Farage doesn’t have experience of government, but what he and his mob do have is experience of actually doing a days bloody work in the real world, not ponced about in the Westminster bubble like most of the current crew since they passed through their public schools Oxbridge and the Bullingdon club.

Our experienced government hands have led us into illegal wars and hopeless foreign interventions that are sod all to do with us, Syria next, and had us like a bloody poodle echoing every word that comes out of the bloody White House, our current priorities are wind farms and sending as much foreign aid as we can borrow, currently £8.1 billion this year which is to increase to £11.4 billion in 2014…WHY?

Our experienced hands have led us right into the toilet, far as i’m concerned we have reached rock bottom, we have no industry to speak of save assembling some cars for foreign owned comanies, we still have some engineering but those massive manufacturing sites that we drove past 30 or 40 years ago are now either housing estates office blocks or bloody warehouses staffed almost entirely by east europeans and stocked almost entirely with Chinese and other foreign made tat.

We might as well let a successful patriotic businessman have a go at running the show, he’d have to be bloody bad to make it any worse than it already is.

If you listen to Farage he makes no promises about pay rises or fairy dust in the future, he promises you genuine cuts and hard work whilst we rebuild our destroyed country, he promises us withdrawl from the EU and the resecuring of our borders, he gives us the opportunity to decide our own destiny again and to trade worldwide which we are currently not allowed to do, he doesn’t like the others promise ever more immigrants and ever more free money borrowed for our children and their children to pay back.

Its an individual choice, more of the same or try another path.

Think hard everyone about what you want want for your country and your and your childrens futures, make YOUR choice after you’ve found out the truth and considered the alternatives.