I'm breaking the law by working 6 days

It’s actually possible to work ‘every calendar day’’ every week with a full weekly rest if the weekly rest starts at say 2am on saturday and finishes at 9pm on sunday

Since when has 43 hours been a full weekly rest?

You’re as bad at this with this identity as you are with your other one. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:



You will be by about page 17 :stuck_out_tongue:

Wheel Nut:


You will be by about page 17 :stuck_out_tongue:

Really no need for it to go to 17 pages, but that’s not to say it won’t, as this is crystal clear and the guy Luke is talking about must be a Grade A Throbber.

Daily Rest. Within each period of 24 hours after the end of
the previous daily rest period or weekly rest period a driver
shall have taken a new daily rest period.

Weekly Rest. A weekly rest period shall start no later than at
the end of six 24-hour periods from the end of the previous
weekly rest period.

Weekly rest without a within shows that part of it can be without, not all within, 168 hours from the end of last weekly rest period. Simples.

It’s very easy to remember with a little ditty.

You’ve got your daily rest within,
Your weekly rest without,
Within, without and shake it all about
You do the hokey cokey and you turn around*
That’s what it’s all about

*At Dover after a trailer swap. :wink:

Apparently while chatting to some one who should know better

What was this someone in the bar of the truck stop or someone that drives a bin lorry by any chance

Weekly Rest. A weekly rest period shall start no later than at
the end of six 24-hour periods from the end of the previous
weekly rest period.

Weekly rest without a within shows that part of it can be without, not all within, 168 hours from the end of last weekly rest period. Simples.

When do you start counting 24 hour periods? I thought it was every time you resume duty after a daily or weekly rest period? But you seem to be inferring that we just count them after weekly rest periods and the 24 hour periods we start after our daily rest periods don’t count towards this amounting total? Is that really what you’re saying?
I’m suprised at you perpetuating the VOSA myth. Like you say weekly rest doesn’t have a within, although VOSA’s fictional 144 hour limit almost makes it within. But then i’d ignore a handbook that tells you that you can have a back to back rest and count 24 hours rest towards a week you havn’t worked yet.
I understand the requirement of “weekly” as something that should happen every week. So if i take my rest at the beginnnig of the week as per VOSA booklet and i work 144 hours then i’ve fullfilled my requirement and the rest period is attatched to that week , i can then go on to work more shifts on the bounce ?


Weekly Rest. A weekly rest period shall start no later than at
the end of six 24-hour periods from the end of the previous
weekly rest period.

Weekly rest without a within shows that part of it can be without, not all within, 168 hours from the end of last weekly rest period. Simples.

When do you start counting 24 hour periods? I thought it was every time you resume duty after a daily or weekly rest period? But you seem to be inferring that we just count them after weekly rest periods and the 24 hour periods we start after our daily rest periods don’t count towards this amounting total? Is that really what you’re saying?
I’m suprised at you perpetuating the VOSA myth.

Yep, I’m only going by what VOSA allow and not what I really think.

Like you say weekly rest doesn’t have a within, although VOSA’s fictional 144 hour limit almost makes it within. But then i’d ignore a handbook that tells you that you can have a back to back rest and count 24 hours rest towards a week you havn’t worked yet.

I wouldn’t as I have used that particular little gem twice in the last few weeks. Most recently just last weekend when if it wasn’t for the back to back rest thing I would have needed a full weekly rest but instead could take a reduced from Friday to Sunday so I could do a Dublin run that meant two days, 27 hours on my time sheet at double time. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: They allow it, I’m going to use it and as I am not going to the mainland at the moment, so won’t have to deal with the French or Belgians, I don’t care. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:



Weekly Rest. A weekly rest period shall start no later than at
the end of six 24-hour periods from the end of the previous
weekly rest period.

Weekly rest without a within shows that part of it can be without, not all within, 168 hours from the end of last weekly rest period. Simples.

When do you start counting 24 hour periods? I thought it was every time you resume duty after a daily or weekly rest period? But you seem to be inferring that we just count them after weekly rest periods and the 24 hour periods we start after our daily rest periods don’t count towards this amounting total? Is that really what you’re saying?
I’m suprised at you perpetuating the VOSA myth.

Yep, I’m only going by what VOSA allow and not what I really think.

Like you say weekly rest doesn’t have a within, although VOSA’s fictional 144 hour limit almost makes it within. But then i’d ignore a handbook that tells you that you can have a back to back rest and count 24 hours rest towards a week you havn’t worked yet.

I wouldn’t as I have used that particular little gem twice in the last few weeks. Most recently just last weekend when if it wasn’t for the back to back rest thing I would have needed a full weekly rest but instead could take a reduced from Friday to Sunday so I could do a Dublin run that meant two days, 27 hours on my time sheet at double time. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: They allow it, I’m going to use it and as I am not going to the mainland at the moment, so won’t have to deal with the French or Belgians, I don’t care. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

You know what the really mad thing is? There will people who have been done for breaching some of these regs, and there will be other guys who have stood their ground and argued and got the all clear !!

You know what the really mad thing is? There will people who have been done for breaching some of these regs, and there will be other guys who have stood their ground and argued and got the all clear !!

No doubt. But as long as VOSA allow it I’m going to take advantage of it when it suits me to do so.

Regardless of what we think about the whole 6x24 hour periods thing it doesn’t alter the fact that the guy Luke was talking to had it totally wrong in saying he couldn’t take a 45 after working for six days. He was saying you can’t work from say Monday to Saturday and then take a 45, which is just nonsense.

Mr Holic you’ve another PM. Cheers

So, 10 on 4 off is not OK then? I used to do that in a previous life :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Mr Holic you’ve another PM. Cheers

Answered. Email me the email and I’ll look at it, address in PM reply.

Hi everyone can I ask I told my boss you can’t work drivers 6 days a week then 45 off he says he can he forcing drivers to tramp 6 day 45 off my understanding what ever day you started and time you must finish on that day and before that time on your last card but we don’t start time end times are all different. Is this legal some people say yes others say no even two different Dvsa officials both said different things so which is it thanks

card goes in 6am monday morning assuming no days off in the middle of the week you will need to be back in the yard by 6am sunday to have a reduced weekly rest of 24 hours i belive. obviously the next week they will have to have the appropriate amount of time off to compensate (66hrs ie card out by friday 10am).

maybe zac or one of the others will be along to provide some links

Forget “days”, calculations need to be done on “hours”.

Obviously the maths don’t allow you to do 6 x 24 hour work periods with a 45 hour weekly rest (unless the shifts are shorter than expected), inside a fixed week, but no problem doing 6 days with a reduced weekly rest.

Also if it was a 6 x 24 hour work periods with a 45, but going across fixed weeks, then it might all pan out, but I CBA to do the calculations just for fun right now, having had a long day of drivers hours related things already

TBH I’m struggling to fully understand what Baz1971 is describing

Him and he’s coworkers have no balls to tell boss to do one

Question is…
Why would you actually WANT to.

Answer is.
Get another job where you can have a life.

You’re welcome.

Nothing wrong with working 6 days and then 45 hours off every single 8 day period.* Sounds better than working every other Saturday.

*is it every 11 weeks you might run into a week with insufficient rest?

Lot of builders merchants work 6 days

Mon to Friday and every Saturday morning.
Finishing around 11 having your 45 hrs off then back in again Monday morning.