Illegal Migrants




Excellent reply Muckles… everyone seems to think illegals get benefits and homes… but they get nothing … nglish.pdf

read the post muckles wrote…

But if you come here illegally, then you work in the illegal economy, your boss doesn’t pay taxes or any NI, you can’t claim benefits as you’re not officially here, when the border agency come knocking you slip out the back or claim your paperwork is at home.

It doesn’t give any conditions there which say that an ‘asylum seeker’ has to enter the country by so called ‘legal’ means.

IE all they need to do is get in any way they can ‘then’ claim ‘asylum’ within the UKBA time limit.Which probably explains why they are happy to cross Europe and go to all the aggravation of getting across the Channel in the back of a truck rather than stay in Turkey or Morrocco etc.At least those who aren’t part of an ISIS sleeper operation. :unamused:

And once they claim asylum they are in the “system” therefore waiting for an application to be processed, they are finger printed and interviewed, and according to your link they can’t claim normal benefits or in most cases work legally.

And the 32,000 people who applied for asylum in the UK last year was less than applied for asylum in France (62,700) or Italy (64,000), and far less and Sweden (81,000) and nowhere near the over 200,000 who applied for asylum in Germany.

When i was on euro work it was mainly people from former yugoslavia that was in my trailers, remember taking some from calais to belgium lol… next stop austria!

Then you did feel sorry for them due to problems there , no problems with them and yes they where families, young kids. But if i knew i had someone in trailer i would wait till i was with company or at the dock to get them out, once they even shook my hand as french police took them away lol

I think one of the saddest things I ever saw was a young family being pulled out of the pallet locker of a fridge truck in Dover docks about 15 to 20 years ago. They looked really scared, the child couldn’t have been more than 5 or 6 and I doubt what I assume were the mother and father weren’t much more than 20 years old.
But I travel through Calais regularly and I don’t see scared looking families roaming around, but packs of young men the whole thing has changed, it seems to be organised and I have lost sympathy for these people.


Carryfast: … nglish.pdf

It doesn’t give any conditions there which say that an ‘asylum seeker’ has to enter the country by so called ‘legal’ means.

IE all they need to do is get in any way they can ‘then’ claim ‘asylum’ within the UKBA time limit.Which probably explains why they are happy to cross Europe and go to all the aggravation of getting across the Channel in the back of a truck rather than stay in Turkey or Morrocco etc.At least those who aren’t part of an ISIS sleeper operation. :unamused:

And once they claim asylum they are in the “system” therefore waiting for an application to be processed, they are finger printed and interviewed, and according to your link they can’t claim normal benefits or in most cases work legally.

And the 32,000 people who applied for asylum in the UK last year was less than applied for asylum in France (62,700) or Italy (64,000), and far less and Sweden (81,000) and nowhere near the over 200,000 who applied for asylum in Germany.
But according to the statement 'illegals supposedly can’t claim any form of housing or other ‘benefits’ when they clearly can.IE legal or illegal is a red herring.While it seems clear enough that the countries they are going for prove that it is economic migration.At least where/when it isn’t ISIS type sleepers.As for who takes how many who gives a zb when the issue is at what point do we say enough in a small already over populated Island with an economy which can’t even provide for its own.Hopefully if/when Le Pen kicks out the Socialist zb’s in France that might just be the turning point when people say enough of the bleeding heart pro immigration bs. :unamused: