Illegal Migrants

While I’m sure the police have got much more serious crimes to deal with and I have no idea who the ADL are, I have removed a couple of offensive posts from this thread, and will take further action if they are repeated .


I’ve reported these posts to the ADL and to the Police.

Sounds like you would welcome them all into the UK and reduce our quality of life to that of the places they have come from,great ! Bewick.

ALL these migrants are fleeing from a “Dreadful Place” where they will be “tortured” and all sorts of other “Dreadful” things. :unamused:
I did not think that FRANCE did such things?, cos that is where they are “FLEEING” from

Denis F:
and I have no idea who the ADL are, .

Dyslexic Action League

You’re welcome. :smiley:

Thing is suppose you invent a device, what do you expect a driver to do if he suspect he has illegals on board ?
Find some unhelpful French Policeman ?
Turf them out on your Jack, with nothing but a tyre iron.

What really needed is some half decent attempts by the French to enforce the law.
Mass deportation from France(they are illegal there as well Presumably).
Far better security on the trucks. A pound land lock on a curtain sider isn’t good enough!


If the French actually stopped blaming the UK for the problems when the immigrants are illegally in France in the first place it would help. They’ve illegally entered France and as such should be deported without question

I do wish the Tory-loving media would stop dropping the “Illegal” from “illegal migrants”.

We’re not worried about the ones here to work, pay into the system etc…
…Only the ones here to commit crimes, scrounge benefits, ruin loads, attack drivers, and get otherwise law-abiding British folk into all kinds of legal hot water.

Can’t we have a “reverse Amnesty” - NO ONE is welcome - unless they prove themselves to be a future asset to this country.
“Political Asylum” claims are, and will always be - a load of ■■■■■■■■.
Filter out those, and then filter out those needing to claim benefits - and 99.999% of those arriving suddenly “won’t qualify”…
Sounds rather like the Canadian, American, or Australian way of doing things eh?

America and Britain didn’t save six million Jews from the gas chambers - but they DID save the rich or thoughtful ones who either got out early, or could afford the bribes in the right places to get out of Hitler’s Germany in the nick of time… Never mind about those who COULDN’T pay their way out of the death camps. History is written by the liars first, and the victors a far second. Who is attacking these people claiming “political” asylum? - If it’s ISIS - then shouldn’t we be waging a boots-on-ground war against them right now? If it’s some random dictator - can’t we send in the commandos to assassinate them - and make it safe for these people to return to their own country?

Britain isn’t big enough for the extra millions projected by the end of this decade - most of them “illegal” status on arrival. :frowning:

With the rich finding ever better ways to get out of paying taxes, and the government actively reducing taxes for the better off - soon there won’t be enough taxes paid to pay out ANYTHING to ANYONE.

Trying to wriggle out of benefits in the manner described just this week? - That won’t work, because it hits the Brits first, and the lemmigrant-come-latelys last of all. They need only work for a bent employer who’ll say to HMRC that they pay them exactly the right amount to qualify for whatever the new maximum and new thresholds might be for optimum benefit claims… :imp:

Anyone can pay zero, SAY they pay bods 30 hours @ minimum wage - and BOSH instant maxed-out tax credits exceeding £200 per week per person! Nearly four times job seeker’s allowance! All for “pretending” to have a job with a “Pretend” firm paying “pretend” wages. The bods in question might put in a token number of hours and be on call to be at the firm’s yard - in case there’s a snap inspection of some kind…

This threads missing a few things?

The way things are with illegal immigrants trying to break into artics coming into the UK. I can’t see many operators carrying on doing continental work,or British drivers wanting to keep making these trips.

the maoster:

seth 70:
Are livestock lorrys safe from folk getting inside :question: ,are these people willing to get in with animals getting covered in cack and risk getting crushed,anybody know of any incidents of this :question:

I’m sure the animals would soon get used to the smell and the filth! :smiley: :smiley:

PMSL :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

People have mentioned 2000 volts through the trailers, shootings etc. Some mention gas chambers and police get called, posts get removed. Strange. All these things have been used to murder and torture people and create misery for humans and loved ones, yet the mere mention of gas has an automatic response. I often wonder of people aren’t actually offended but they feel they should be offended and create a scene. I’m not agreeing with the saying any of these things. They’re all unsavoury. Just musing on the contradiction.

I mentioned mentioned gas chambers - but not in an anti-semitic context. The point I try to make is that WHY does this country feel obliged to take on all asylum seekers with any old made-up excuse for being here, when they couldn’t take asylum seekers with a REAL need in the past?

I know people who arrived here to escape Amin’s Uganda, or Pol Pot’s Cambodia etc. Like the current set of “new arrivals” - the ones that “made it” were the ones that spent the most money - on conventional means of travel, as not much attempt was made to stop people leaving the countries in question - people merely had “nowhere official to go” when they HAD left.

Even then, someone like Idi Amin was a dictator of our own making - like a few around today.
Going back to “those I know” - they are all well-heeled people - the moment they arrived. Property owners, farmers, doctors, engineers - rather than random flotsam with no skills that could get them a job in a supermarket - let alone anything paying enough to render one “off benefits for all time”.

What happens to the illegal migrants when they are captured in the backs of wagons in Folkstone, Toddington, etc?
We know what happens to the hapless driver - they get fined £2000 per bod found! A Great money spinner for the authorities eh?
… There’s no way all such illegals thus rounded up get put straight back on a slow boat to somewhere safe on the same continent they originally came from…
They’ll be quietly set up with a squalid but high-priced flat on housing benefits and told that despite there being no JSA for them - they WILL get tax credits - as soon as they get a job…

Roll on 24 hours, and time to contact a “local pillar of the community”…

“Me pencil sharpener for 30 hours a week on minimum wage at Gomo’s Halal Hardware Stores”…

(“Me pay £30 a week to Mr Gomo who pretends to employ me. Me get £226 a week in tax credits. Me haff £196 aweek keep and Nice Mr Gomo only ask me to work about 4 hours per week, and pop down shop at short notice if any fella in suit turn up asking for me…”)

What is anyone to do to stop this, by now, endemic waste of taxpayer’s money?

If Blood were Money - we are bleeding out of all orifices right now.

Soap Box.jpg

as I had pointed out to me yesterday when discussing this subject, where are all the women and children they cant all be single blokes.

Referring to immigrants in livestock trailers, it would safe if the animals were tightly packed in, as if there were gaps, they have room to kick out or bite.
If cows have come from a fresh grassed field, they get diarrhoea that shoots out at high speed and high volumes.
Animal welfare protests stopped the veal trade, due to tight packed loads, but it was best that way due to less injuries from fallling over in transportation.

as I had pointed out to me yesterday when discussing this subject, where are all the women and children they cant all be single blokes.

Trans Meditereannean Illegals - won’t have ‘single women’ for the most part.
They will be already married women, and any daughters - connected in some way to another in-transit illegal somewhere.

Whereas with eastern Europeans - one tends to get full integration. There are single women among them, and indeed some of us Brit single guys get to date them.

Not so with those from the wrong side of the board. Their women are not to be made available to infidel blokes, and thus will be quickly hidden away in the ghettos behind the front-line of the family (on arrival) which is the patriachal society they bring with them as a african cultural rather than islamic religious thing. This would also explain why African non-muslims also tend to keep their women under wraps as well… :bulb:

This is a french problem there borders with Italy and Spain should be tightened up because thats where they come from on trucks as they are not walking up to calais them being desperate doesn’t wash with me desperate to get to england thats about all they all have mobile fones they need money to get credit and all seem to have decent clothes and trainers on althou they look unclean they have to or they wouldnt get sympathy from folk
Just came thru calais the police was hanging about the camp on the bend dont think it will be long before this camp gets destroyed

I do wish the Tory-loving media would stop dropping the “Illegal” from “illegal migrants”.

We’re not worried about the ones here to work, pay into the system etc…

Well some of us are worried about it, mass legal migration is a good way for the bosses in this country to keep the wages down and us in our place.

…Only the ones here to commit crimes, scrounge benefits, ruin loads, attack drivers, and get otherwise law-abiding British folk into all kinds of legal hot water.

Agreed I think a lot of the illegal migration to the UK isn’t lone desperate people but is run by highly organised criminals, who make promise of work in the UK, take the money and then once the migrants are here they are in the underworld working as virtual slaves or in criminal activity.

Can’t we have a “reverse Amnesty” - NO ONE is welcome - unless they prove themselves to be a future asset to this country.
“Political Asylum” claims are, and will always be - a load of ■■■■■■■■.
Filter out those, and then filter out those needing to claim benefits - and 99.999% of those arriving suddenly “won’t qualify”…
Sounds rather like the Canadian, American, or Australian way of doing things eh?

All the above Countries have a problem with illegal immigration, just look at the security at the US-Mexican border and they still have loads coming through.

If you want to work here legally from outside the EU, you have to get the Visa’s and jump through the hoops at immigration. I know this as companies I’ve worked for have employed people from New Zealand and Australia as Race car mechanics, and they’ve had to go though the correct procedures to get their working permits etc if they didn’t and were caught they risked deportation and the company risked getting a heavy fine, I think it’s up to £10,000, Even the racing drivers have had to get the visas to race here.

But if you come here illegally, then you work in the illegal economy, your boss doesn’t pay taxes or any NI, you can’t claim benefits as you’re not officially here, when the border agency come knocking you slip out the back or claim your paperwork is at home.

You get arrested for being in the Country illegally, threatened with deportation and released on the proviso that you report to a police station every week while they sort out your deportation. Of course there’s no chance of you doing that so you disappear and get another job in the illegal economy no doubt provided by a relative of the last person you worked for. And so the cycle continues.

Who is attacking these people claiming “political” asylum? - If it’s ISIS - then shouldn’t we be waging a boots-on-ground war against them right now?

No! it would probably create a bigger problem, but we need to support those who are such as the Iraqi army and the Kurds.

If it’s some random dictator - can’t we send in the commandos to assassinate them - and make it safe for these people to return to their own country?

isn’t that what caused many of the problem?
We helped get rid of various dictators and the countries far from becoming safer became more dangerous, as it created power vacuums with various factions trying to gain control and settling old scores.

Excellent reply Muckles… everyone seems to think illegals get benefits and homes… but they get nothing as they are illegal, not in the system.

When i was on euro work it was mainly people from former yugoslavia that was in my trailers, remember taking some from calais to belgium lol… next stop austria!

Then you did feel sorry for them due to problems there , no problems with them and yes they where families, young kids. But if i knew i had someone in trailer i would wait till i was with company or at the dock to get them out, once they even shook my hand as french police took them away lol

Excellent reply Muckles… everyone seems to think illegals get benefits and homes… but they get nothing … nglish.pdf


Excellent reply Muckles… everyone seems to think illegals get benefits and homes… but they get nothing … nglish.pdf

read the post muckles wrote…

But if you come here illegally, then you work in the illegal economy, your boss doesn’t pay taxes or any NI, you can’t claim benefits as you’re not officially here, when the border agency come knocking you slip out the back or claim your paperwork is at home.



Excellent reply Muckles… everyone seems to think illegals get benefits and homes… but they get nothing … nglish.pdf

read the post muckles wrote…

But if you come here illegally, then you work in the illegal economy, your boss doesn’t pay taxes or any NI, you can’t claim benefits as you’re not officially here, when the border agency come knocking you slip out the back or claim your paperwork is at home.

It doesn’t give any conditions there which say that an ‘asylum seeker’ has to enter the country by so called ‘legal’ means.

IE all they need to do is get in any way they can ‘then’ claim ‘asylum’ within the UKBA time limit.Which probably explains why they are happy to cross Europe and go to all the aggravation of getting across the Channel in the back of a truck rather than stay in Turkey or Morrocco etc.At least those who aren’t part of an ISIS sleeper operation. :unamused: