Ignore this. thanks

I hope you had your digi card in the whole time you were ignoring this thread…

Or were you ignoring in a private capacity and not as part of your job Rog?

Just noticed this thread and as per instructions have avoided commenting on it so is that enough ignoring or should I have tried harder? :laughing: :laughing:

Yes and I’m ignoring it all the way from Oz.

Are the Ozzy rules different? We have the Ignoring Time Directive here, which puts lots of limits on ignoring time. Fortunately, we can also ignore the ITD :smiling_imp:

Yeah, we call 'em raffertys rules. Rule no 1… **** the rules. :slight_smile:

I think I’m in trouble… I’ve ignored this post since the start without a break!

Do I have to manually fill in a chart giving the reasons (couldn’t find a safe place to ignore it etc) or do I just ignore it & hope no-one notices?


Desperate, Staffs

lol try this :smiling_imp:

I think I’m in trouble… I’ve ignored this post since the start without a break!

Do I have to manually fill in a chart giving the reasons (couldn’t find a safe place to ignore it etc) or do I just ignore it & hope no-one notices?


Desperate, Staffs

I thought I made this clear in an earlier post, but I suppose you were so busy ignoring it that you ignored it.
Just bear in mind that VOSA, the police and representatives from the ministry all read these forums from time to time, and you have publicly admited to a serious infringement. Ignorance is no excuse :cry:


lol try this :smiling_imp:

I posted that on the second page of this thread - are you ignoring me too :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I thought I made this clear in an earlier post, but I suppose you were so busy ignoring it that you ignored it.
Just bear in mind that VOSA, the police and representatives from the ministry all read these forums from time to time, and you have publicly admited to a serious infringement. Ignorance is no excuse :cry:

Bugger! I’m hoping that they ignored it…

Yes and I’m ignoring it all the way from Oz.

Hi peterm, welcome to the site. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Just to let you know that some people from Oz have been ignoring this since page three. :laughing: :laughing:

Fair Dinkum mate - page 3’s got to be the hardest to ignore :laughing: :laughing:

thought they might be ignoring you so i posted it again so people can continue ignoring it.

I’m not going to be able to actively ignore this post for 2 days, I’m out on a run. If someone could take over my active ignoring duties, I’d be grateful?

I’m not going to be able to actively ignore this post for 2 days, I’m out on a run. If someone could take over my active ignoring duties, I’d be grateful?

Can you not get an agency ignorer to do it?

Just bear in mind that VOSA, the police and representatives from the ministry all read these forums from time to time, and you have publicly admited to a serious infringement. Ignorance is no excuse :cry:

I think geebee45 should come on here and tell us the definitive VOSA answer as to how to ignore properly - I would not like a fine because I was not ignoring legally :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

i’m sat in the garden ignoring it still :laughing:
can you all stop posting the red button, i have some serious sunbathing to do and i cant resist it, its not big and its not clever :laughing:

can you all stop posting the red button,

THIS RED BUTTON :question: :question:

If you want to ignore this thread have a look at this website instead


page after page of funny pics

ROG the second word is off :laughing: