ive gone from 14, 8 to 13 10 , just by cutting out biscuits, well not completely, just dip 2 in the morning , used to dip about 10 or more
, for breakfast , then 5/6 everytime i had a tea or coffee[ couldnt drink a tea without dipping bickies].done nothing else but that , makes you wonder how many calories there is in a custard cream or chocolate digestive. still along way to the 11 6 of old though
ive gone from 14, 8 to 13 10 , just by cutting out biscuits, well not completely, just dip 2 in the morning , used to dip about 10 or more![]()
, for breakfast , then 5/6 everytime i had a tea or coffee[ couldnt drink a tea without dipping bickies].done nothing else but that , makes you wonder how many calories there is in a custard cream or chocolate digestive. still along way to the 11 6 of old though
I haven’t a clue about calories but do know that I am a fat git. I have been for 50 years. However on one of my hospital visits I got a good relationship with the doctor and we just chatted for ages.
He said the same, cut out the biscuits, cut out crisps. forget the fancy diet food, forget the gym membership, take the stairs instead of the lift, don’t drink pop, just drink water or beer. beer is better than tango or coke.
This week I took a massive bag of fruit and raw carrots and saved money too
makes you wonder how many calories there is in a custard cream or chocolate digestive.
One helluva lot. It too me by surprise in a moment of boredom to actually look at the side of a pack of choccy digestives and the pack I had (medium size one, perhaps 18-20 biscuits in it) had around 1000 calories which is as much as TWO Big Macs.
My weight went from 13st.5 to 14st.6 mainly from being sat at home and not much to do. Every time I moved it was to the biscuits or felt like that. I decided it had to stop after a visit to the hospital in January when my weight came in at 14st.6, I’ve managed to cut down dramatically on the biscuits maybe only have 2 every other day, when I feel the urge now I look for fruit, apples and bananas come mainly to hand.
I’ve started walking 2 miles a day, just after the time when I would have had a sandwich, I’ve stopped eating bread, which I think has been the most difficult thing to do, sustituting Ryvitas, not the same feels like eating squirrel food! Evening meal is from Slimmers World SWMBO has been on her healthy eating plan for ages.
I hope to be back cycling when British summer time gets set again, which should get the weight off as well.
I’ve lost 6lbs now, slow but sure and feeling better.
Leave the biscuits on the shop shelf, the only way!
a crawfords custard cream is 57 calories per biscuit, a mcvities chocolate digestive is 86
i know i’ve got too much time on my hands
iv gone from 85kg down to 77kg by stopping drinking coke and having snack foods. I eat 3 meals a day and that is it. Feel alot better now my belly has gone and also feel alot more awake and comfortable sitting down… if i do need to snack i just eat fruit. I think it was the coke which was making me heavy so not touched it in 2 months…