Anyone suffer from this?

How do cope with it when behind the wheel?

Mrs ROG does but she don’t drive - if you want to know more about the condition then PM me

Hi DunutUK,

I have suffered with IBS for over 10 years and mine is very severe.
Mine is predominatly trickered by food inolerances but it can be triggered by stress aswell, normally when I’ve spent a few hours going no where on the M25.
If i drink tap water from other parts of the country other than where i live that will trigger it so i either drink bottled water or take plenty from home for the week as i’m a tramper.

Do you know what your triggers are as that does help control it?
If its food based then it would be worth getting your doctor to send you for allergy testing and then to a dietician to make sure the diet is balanced enough.
If its stressed based then it’s a case of trying to relax as much as possible and I know in this job its not always easy.
I’ve tried every prescription drug for IBS that there is and nothing works for me, the one thing that does work is gripe water that you give babies as its not as haarsh on the stomach & bowel as some of the prescription drugs. aloe vera juice is very good aswell as it calms.

As for coping in the truck, I know where every toilet is on the routes that i drive, I try not to get too stressed with other road users & my planners.

I think its a case of finding what works for you, once you’ve got a treatment that works then the being in the truck is made easier.


If you want any other info PM me

Hmm, just Googled IBS and diaharia (spelling) a lot of the time - check, ■■■■■■■ a lot - check :open_mouth:

■■■■■, I was left with a severe case due to complications of another more serious problem. The pain during a full on “moment” nearly caused me to wreck the truck on several occasions. Like MD, I was given over a period of several years, every prescription known to the docs. Also had dietitian advice, allergy tests, camera down and UP :open_mouth: to no avail :cry: It pretty much ruled and ruined my day to day life. :cry: :cry:

After a severe attack whilst in the states a friend gave me some naturapathic stuff and, I kid you not, I was pain free within 10 minutes and eating 20 minutes later :open_mouth: :open_mouth: I continued to use it when I had pain or flare ups and they became less and less. I no longer have a restricted diet (back on the kebabs and curries :laughing: ) and am virtually symptom free. Severely stressful events, my primary problem and sometimes just random moments can cause reoccurence so I keep plenty of the stuff handy and it works every time :wink: I also take a natural enzyme which reduces scar tissue and protein build ups which has helped too. :wink:

Find yourself a naturapathic practitioner and seek there advice. Believe you and me, I aint no hippy type and I had dismissed this approach for many years to my error :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

Let me know if you want the names of the stuff and the “regime” I followed.

n.b. I’m in the naughty boys corner so I can’t PM :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: