Iam here

Why do some members keep telling us where they are :question:

Driving a rigid or artic?

I am here: maps.google.com/maps?ll=52.537334,-1.282713

Cut from another post

How did it get in here i posted it in the pdf.

Because they can I suppose, but why does it really matter :confused:

At the end of the day if someone wants to tell us where they are it’s up-to them as long as they don’t expect us all to visit them :laughing:

I am here

How did it get in here i posted it in the pdf.

The Gremlins have been at work mate :wink:

Not sure why it was moved to the “New And Wannabe” forum though :confused: :laughing:

It’s a setting in the Tapatalk app

Why do some members keep telling us where they are :question:

Driving a rigid or artic?

I am here: maps.google.com/maps?ll=52.537334,-1.282713

Cut from another post

How did it get in here i posted it in the pdf.

There is a very simple explanation, you posted it in the Newbies forum. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: You may have thought you were in the PDF but according to the logs it wasn’t moved and was posted straight into the Newbies.

May I suggest you might want to consider moderating your alcohol intake, it’s a long Holiday Season. :wink:


They are probably posting with Tapatalk which, ISTR, has an option to paste such information into your signature.

I have disabled such things on my devices… :wink:

Thank you everyone for the answers .Cofficholic no alchol has passed my lips yet :frowning: :open_mouth: :imp: :angry: just tea.

Thank you everyone for the answers .Cofficholic no alchol has passed my lips yet :frowning: :open_mouth: :imp: :angry: just tea.

That explains it. :wink:

Good old Google maps, go to “get directions”, set your start point as “America” and your finish point as “Japan” and check out instruction 44.

Harry Monk:
Good old Google maps, go to “get directions”, set your start point as “America” and your finish point as “Japan” and check out instruction 44.


You probably know the old one when if you put the starting point as New York and the end point as London you was instructed to swim across the Atlantic :open_mouth:

That one became a bit notorious so they changed it and now like most over water routes it says the route could not be calculated.

Harry Monk:
Good old Google maps, go to “get directions”, set your start point as “America” and your finish point as “Japan” and check out instruction 44.

Well known Google Easer Egg. To see their current one go to Google and type Let it snow into the search box, or in the Google search box in your browser menu if you have it, and hit enter. Another one is type tilt into the search box.

Also on Google maps go to the get directions tab, enter start point a The Shire and destination as mordor and then click walking directions and see the warning. :wink: