I wonder when admin

are going to unban my normal name which decided to ban itself when I changed my email address. :confused: I didn’t even know I had this one, but happened to spot it in the memberlist and works okay with my password :open_mouth: .

are going to unban my normal name which decided to ban itself when I changed my email address. :confused: I didn’t even know I had this one, but happened to spot it in the memberlist and works okay with my password :open_mouth: .

so RobK is infact ROG :question: :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :grimacing:

Cruise Control:

are going to unban my normal name which decided to ban itself when I changed my email address. :confused: I didn’t even know I had this one, but happened to spot it in the memberlist and works okay with my password :open_mouth: .

so RobK is infact ROG :question: :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :grimacing:

I could take offence at that. :open_mouth:


Cruise Control:

are going to unban my normal name which decided to ban itself when I changed my email address. :confused: I didn’t even know I had this one, but happened to spot it in the memberlist and works okay with my password :open_mouth: .

so RobK is infact ROG :question: :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :grimacing:

I could take offence at that. :open_mouth:

no offence intended :neutral_face: , was purley TIC - apologies :smiley:

Rob that should be sorted now